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CWRP - Monnk's Staff application

[SR] Monnk [A]

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RP Name: 501st 1SG JTL Monnk
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:154515824

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 20

Timezone: GMT [UK]

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The reasons why I wish to join the staff team are as follows, overall I want to give back to the community that has given a lot to me in terms that when I joined the server both the players and the staffing team were incredibly nice to me making me feel like this is a really good place to be and that is ultimately what made me want to continue playing on the server and whilst I aim to always give my best in terms of a player I want to leave that long lasting impact as a staff member as well to reinforce the ideal that Synergy Roleplay is a place that players can come have fun and overall stay for as long as they want. Another reason is that I want to help those who need help in the situation that they are currently in, I have always been raised to help those who you can help and then give advice to those who you can not fully help and so far I believe I am great at giving advice I want to be able to help them no matter who they are be they a new player all the way to the most experienced player on the server.


Tell us about yourself (3 sentence minimum): Well I am 20 I have resided within the UK for the past 17 years and I currently work for a contracting company, through my life I have learned both the easy and hard way how to deal with different types of people as that has been my job and prior jobs in my life. I would call myself laid back but not so much that I am horizontal that paired with my ideals that rules are rules however discretion should be advised as everything isn't as black and white as some cases, I believe that I would be described overall as a kind, honest and hard working person who has the time in the world to talk people through any problem or situation that they may be in. I am a reasonable person who isn't ashamed to apologise, thank someone and overall know when something is not possible by myself alone and asking for help is something that I pride myself in being able to do without it affecting who I am or how I treat people, someone could treat me in the worst way possible and I would always treat them the same way that I would someone else some may call it stupid but I do it as everyone should be given another chance to change.

Do you have any previous staff experience: I do yes and I will lay it out in a simple format here:

Reality Roleplay [Military Roleplay]:

I was an Admin on this server for about 2 months before I resigned


Superior Servers [Star Wars Roleplay]:

I was a Moderator on this server for 2 months before I resigned


How much playtime do you have on the Synergy server (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for a new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close): 95:07:48


Are you currently staff on a Synergy server?: No

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+1 Monk is a hardworker within the 501st

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Forum Admin

+1 he is very professional in what he does

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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