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SmallJeff's Second Staff Reapp


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Title of Thread:  CWRP - (Name) Staff Re-Application: SmallJeff's Second Reapp

RP Name:Rancor ARC MED MSG/Rancor Jedi CoW K VI SmallJeff

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:118322948

VIP (Y/N): Yes



What was your previous staff rank?:Admin


Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT):No i'm mainly a starwars rp person


Why did you leave the staff, team?:I left because i did not have time for it and also it was kind of due to inactivity due to school/basketball


Why do you want to rejoin the staff, team?:I really liked being staff and I loved being a game helper for my short time I also think  I can host some good event now that I have more time on my hands.And I also found out that i dont have to be a tr and thats the main reason i left but now i can juts be a game helper I would Appricate if you would let me back into the staff team :)


Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?:Yes I understand fully I've gone over the new rules and stuff like that

Edited by SmallJeff
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+1 He is a helpful guy, whenever he have time he helps a lot.  He is will be great in the staff team. 

Current:   Shaak Ti

Past: 2Del, x10Boomer, x3Anakin , x2Eeth Koth, Lumi, Quinlan, Adi, x2Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, 501st CMD, 91st CMD, Kano, Hawk, 2xAppo

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