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Veteran Admin
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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Ignore this. Made on an accidental duplicate.
  2. +1 PLUS ONE FOR OUR BEST CHEF! Clam chowda
  3. 5/5/5 L event....whens the next one??
  4. +1 Would be really cool to see this
  5. 5/5/5 Good Friday night event!
  6. 5/5/5 This was a fun chill event!
  7. BOOM

    Bomby Issues

    5/5/5 Reborn W? i think so!
  8. 5/5/5 THEY'RE IN THE TREES!!!!
  9. 5/5/5 Good ole fun deployment
  10. 5/5/5 killed Deathwatch. Loved it :)
  11. +1 212th has a lot of active members and good lore/RP, so with that, I can see that having Foxtrot return would benefit their battalion!
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