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Everything posted by Bazoo

  1. Bazoo


    +1 honestly just make everyone shinies. Jk obviously, I -1 this because I feel like if it does happened like most of the server will just quit.
  2. He could still do that in a batt or as a CT PVT as well, like does he need an officer rank to do that ? not really. Doesnt mean they will not promote more in the future.. and like a said, makes no sens to promote someone in a battalion that doesnt exist. AND like I said again, 101st and CT have been a thing multiples time ! their goal was to take new CT PVT and lead them to a battalion that they would enjoy from what they like on the server, and train them to help them with tryouts, like I said, this thing failed multiples time it got removed like twice, why should we make it a thing again if we will remove it in 2 months, make 0 sens. You are also wrong about having only 1 or 2 CT with ranks, A LOT of them actually went up to PFC and even more in CT for literally no reason being promoted by High command in debrief. Ive been in this community for about 2 years, and its literally doing the same thing, adding back CT battalion to help people to find a bat, and remove it about 2 weeks later because their CO goes inactive and get bored of doing that.
  3. CT/101st has been a battalion, it was dead, no one wanted to be BCMD in it, honestly they can stay CT PVT if they wants no one cares, but they shouldnt be promoted because it isnt a battalion ! Im sorry but what you said makes no sense at all, no one force them to join a bat, but getting a rank in a battalion that DOESNT EXIST makes 0 sense honestly
  4. are you talking about teamspeak ? if yes.. -1 honestly just make channel rules and boom there u go
  5. -1 Overdrill you never had any intention to RP at all honestly every time you come on you minge, I remember back when I was staff, I banned you about 2 times. Might be wrong. but Honestly i dont see why you should be unban or even get a shorter ban
  6. Our point is, CT isnt a battalion and no one wants a CT battalion, how many time we bring back CT/101st for it to go inactive or dead and have to remove it again, what is the point of having a rank in a battalion that doesnt exist ? Also to deal with minges there is already something on the server that their purpose is to do that, and it might shock you but its called a staff team, they might not be really present, but they still exist
  7. +1 give this man a promotion already
  8. Makes very little sens, No one is forced to join a battalion they can stay CT PVT, its already a choice. Makes no sens to get rank into a battalion that doesnt exist.
  9. +1 Sure it doesnt affect much on the server, Sock is a great man, but it doesnt make sens to promote CT, so just let them be PVT or join a battalion thats useless. If the server really wants to promote CT just creat the CT battalion, other than that that makes no sens for CT to have ranks.
  10. Name:Bazoo Suggestion: Add the Comms link swep to jedi, and for jedi master+ the other swep that BCMD get Implementation:Add the Comms link swep to jedi Lore: Jedi has comms, would just make sens. Most model even have the comms like like the jedi knight/master/padawan Model has a comms link on their arms Workshop content if applicable: already on the server (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change:Add Job: All jedi jobs Model:All jedi jobs Weapons: all they have right now Other: all they have + comms link swep
  11. Can you explain, like why Meow wouldnt be a great Squad lead, I dont feel like sayin no one is ready is a reason to -1 if thats it
  12. DOnt mind this mean to delete due to the quote being changed while I was posting it
  13. Fair enough. You are the first one coming to me with an actual reason and decent explanation, but I will keep my +1 for now. It's been an amount of time since that Doom resignation, he could have change and everyone has the right to get a 2nd chance. If he still sucks or what ever reason there is commander report for a reason. But from what I saw he looks fine to be a lead squad to me.
  14. Well tell me why the reason bringed up mean that he isnt worth to be Gregor. The reason that Pyle said had nothing to do with RP or his attitude in game or just the game in general
  15. I wish those -1 had reason with it, could actually mean something and know why you dont want meow as Gregor, but anyway. I will +1 at the moment until someone came to me with a decent reason to -1 you, that isnt drama and an actual reason that has anything to do in RP. I saw people calling you immature and such earlier, but honestly, sure when I first saw you as RC I had you arrested for a little thing that happened but I was told you have been talked to and since then I didnt see anything wrong with you that would show me you arent worth of being RC lead squad. I saw a lot of people that I play a lot on Gmod with -1 this app, lets hope that because I dont agree with your -1 you dont start talking shit on me or such, at the end of the day it is just an opinion and a game as well. We are here to have fun so fuck all of the drama there is way too much in this comminity.
  16. Bazoo


    @Pyle Actually I posted it and while loading in the server
  17. Bazoo


    Thanks everyone for the support !
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