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Bananaberry last won the day on January 25 2021

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About Bananaberry


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  1. +1 My name is Bananaberry and I approve this message :smile: P.S. If this passed I will return to the server :smile:
  2. It’s finally time. It’s been a long and crazy ride. I came over from icefuse when the server started and boy have I seen and done some things, from player to director, PVT to RCMD, and more. I feel like I’ve done so much in my time here I can’t even begin to write it all down. The people I’ve met and the friends made have made a major impact in my life and I doubt I’ll forget it anytime soon. I’d @ everyone I could but I can’t remember everyone (I’ll @ some people below ;) ) and if I did this post would be 2 pages long I bet. My reason for leaving has a few things. The main one is I feel like I’ve forgotten how to really play video games anymore. When I got my Xbox in 2012 I made some friends and we played several different games not just the same one all day everyday. And to make new friends all it took was to go into game chat and just talk to people and get lucky someone wasn’t calling you a retard. I really want to go back to that, I want a group I can call “the boys” like what I had 9 years ago. I just want things to be simple again. I still remember clutching a game in MW2 and a guy saying he’d suck my dick. I worked on going back to this for a while taking days off gmod and the server entirely. I think it’s worked/is working but I think this is the next step. I also just want to not care anymore. Things happen and I feel like I care too much about it. I want to play video games to get away from work and life, and getting on the server doesn’t feel the same as it did a year or two ago. Where will I go now? I don’t really know. I’m sure I’ll be in Zim’s discord a lot, not sure if I’ll go anywhere else though. Maybe make my own discord and invite some of y’all so we can keep in touch (or you can add me BenBananas#7678), I really don’t know. Will I ever come back? I don’t know. I’ll probably hang out in the teamspeak for a while but then leave that too after some time. ============================================================================================================= Farewells and not so farewells @Joah Thank you for making such a great and memorable place, I don’t know where I’d be if this server didn’t exist. @Jackson One of the oldest people I know from just playing the game. You’ve come a long way on the server. We’ll have to do a real mega campaign at some point though. ALSO the Halo campaigns on legendary. @Woeny Another old boy from the 501st. It was fun playing with you in 501st when I was blueberry to SOBDE as bananaberry. @traditional Good source of memes and the good swedish friend. Keep sending memes. @Zim I remember when you joined originally. Don’t know much after but when I came back you were a founder. You’ve helped me so much in my time knowing you, you’re a great friend and I’ll see you in the discord. @Dragon I couldn't have asked for a better director partner. I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to be intel director for as long as I was. Didney world was real fun, we’ll def have to do it again. See you in the discord. Have fun running the server @Jad You introduced me to some good music gg. We gotta still play warhammer at some point. @Square Cube. I feel like I didn’t know you as much as the other founders but thanks for allowing me to help with the server even if it was small stuff. @Forseen Australia man, have fun running the server. Let me know if there’s images that need made. Don’t destroy my channel, you never know when i’ll stop by. @Ratio Incredible woman hater. Hope your dream of jedi being removed comes true one day @Bro Arby’s hat and Texas shaped waffles are all you need in life @Eclipse Your buddy must go now, do not be sad, tell Lewis he’s cringe. And please learn how to not hate people just because they’re fat @Omalic One day you won’t be able to hear me driving anymore :( @ShockpointI'll send you any of my dupes you want just message me There’s so many others, if you aren’t on the list just know you’ve made an impact somehow or another, small or large. ============================================================================================================= I got plenty of pictures during my time and I’ll share some of my favorites ============================================================================================================= See you later Synergy
  3. 9/10 Very nice event. I got lost like 3 times
  4. Suggestion denied Server is not currently looking to commission new models //moved to denied
  5. Suggestion denied Server is not currently looking to commission new models //moved to denied
  6. Suggestion denied Denied due to negative community feedback //locked //moved to denied
  7. Suggestion denied Suggestions that aren't something that can be implemented by simply uploading something from the workshop must at least have 10 +1's in order to be considered. //locked //moved to denied
  8. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  9. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  10. Moved to pending //locked //moved to pending
  11. Suggestion denied Denied due to negative community feedback //locked //moved to denied
  12. Suggestion denied Denied due to negative community feedback //locked //moved to denied
  13. -1 Removing jobs from a battalion never really fixes anything. If it was just the heavy I'd say eh whatever, but removing the ENGs and the trooper jobs I can't say I see where you're coming from with this one. If you get rid of the trooper job what would people who just joined as a PVT with no trainings join as? People have already said it but if you don't like the lack of people using a job you gotta work on the leadership side of things.
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