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Posts posted by Jovanovic

  1. Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A recuscant class skirmish vessel entered low-space orbit over Anaxes base and released its menagerie of a fighter fleet with gunships to support. Anaxes base had to rapidly respond to protect its territory and push back the CIS once again. 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope



    • Winner 1
  2. Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Aurek had been seized by the CIS in order to stage an invasion. To stop the impending doom of Anaxes the Anaxes base had to retake it immediately, using armor against armor to pry the outpost from the hands of the CIS. 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope



    • Winner 1
  3. Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Geo was occupied by a battalion of CIS battledroids so Anaxes base was sent to retake the outpost and regain control over the sector. 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope



  4. Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The jedi temple was under attack, so the Jedi beseeched anaxes base for help. They responded, careful not to destroy any jedi artifacts. 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope



  5. Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The crew headed to umbara to capture the citadel and destroy a tactical droid vital to the sector's operations

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope



  6. Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): I decided to take a page out of the old me's book and run an event at endor super late night/early morning for some entertainment. Anaxes retook besh

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope



  7. 4 hours ago, Smeck said:

    You guys play SWRP shut up

    when you graduate from middleschool I'm sure you'll finally grow comfortable enough with yourself to stop compensating by trying to take it out on random people online by making fun of their hobbies :)

    • Informative 1
    • Pay Respect 2
    • Confused 1
  8. On 11/6/2021 at 10:29 PM, Piff said:

    It’s hard to say anyone here is going places considering a good majority of the server are fat virgins sitting on their ass all day dedicating hours and hours to get a useless rank, only time it’s reasonable is when drama is made, if not than they flex their cock to compensate for the lack of attention and control that they have IRL

    bro you have more forum posts than you do braincells, calm down

    • Agree 1
    • Funny 1
    • Winner 2
  9. Host: Jova

    Spawners: Baba, Turtle, Whataburger
    Builders: Mavelle

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The Kaminoans played their hand early, raising the Kaminoan rebellion while the Republic was still standing. 

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope


  10. you see actually tho this suggestion would kill the server. Do you understand how much of player interaction is just one dude who wants to do something running into a guy who's b-hopping around MHB. 

    As someone whose only active whitelist is my RCMD with a jetpack and so i cant bhop, i spend so much less time on the server not actually doing anything, and only tab in to get something going or when something is happening, and it's decreased time tabbed into gmod by like 80-90% You wanna know why RCMDs afk all the time? It's cause we can't bhop. Now all i need to do is resign from staff so i cant bhop by throwing myself in and out of noclip at mach 7. 

    my +1 stands by removing bhopping we could save cumulative centuries of lifespan from being wasted pressing 7 buttons. 

    • Dumb 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, Comics said:

    2 dudes bricked up on the forums like there no tomorrow

    1. what does bricked up mean, is this some british communist thing i dont understand?

    2. stop bein negative. mavelles a cool dude, and whataburger so graciously gave me the opportunity to appreciate everything he does. 

  12. mavelle just might be the nicest person ive ever met, who is not also an idiot. Dude mixed sunshine flowing through every word he says with a downright competent person, which usually doesnt happen. Reminds me of Caidoon before he resigned, but with a lighter vibe. 

    This dude is a great friend, will tell you shit blunt if he thinks you need it, takes advice and criticism both incredibly well, and he's downright appreciative of everyone working to make the server, or even any battalion or subunit or anything he's in better, maybe more than anyone I've ever met in my life. 

    Mavelle is one of those guys that you get upset at when you don't know him because everyone's gushing about how amazing he is every time he's brought up, and then you get to know him and agree within 2 conversations. 

    Despite the kerfuffles in the last couple days (where i am ashamed to admit i actually raised my voice at mavelle for the first time in my life) you're an awesome dude, and a great boss. Thanks for bein you mavelle, keep on rockin it. 

    Also he can't promote me any higher so I can't even be accused of breaking out the kneepads. Eat it Forseen. 

    • Funny 1
  13. 20 minutes ago, Mater said:

    5/10(Going off of the chart)  idk how smooth it was for 104th, but 212th was getting their teeth knocked in.
    The rooms had a bit of too many droids IMO. half of 212th didnt even know that the place was about to blow up because we were dying a lot trying trying to clear useless rooms...

    Also wish you guys realized that we couldnt climb the ladder cause of the holocrons, and not blow us up because we did get to the top of the ladder but kept falling, but it was only at the end so that wasnt so bad


    32 minutes ago, Axar said:

    6/10 it was nice to do something but man there was just too many droids for us to handle. I got legit frustrated trying to revive everyone because everytime we opened a door 35 droids rushed out and murdered us

    hey guys! Thanks for the feedback, genuinely appreciate it. Just so you know if you wanted to talk about anything to elaborate more, poke me whenever you see me on ts and I'll make sure to make time to talk it over

    • Friendly 1
  14. tbh for me personally the ones i really enjoy tend to be where the gm has really transformed the map. this happens a lot on geo and umbara (geo cause its huge, umbara cause its shit) and i cant even tell its the same map. 

    doesnt have to have super interesting rp, an engaging storyline, good EJs, or anything like that. That's what deployments do, and anything you could have in that vein on main would be wasted imo. For most events, all i care about is balanced, weighted, satisfying combat, and maybe some interesting things to do which we normally dont. Transforming the map is just bonus points cause it really breaks up the monotony of going to the same places many of us have been for double digit hours every week for the past year. 

    • Agree 1
  15. 4 hours ago, Katy said:

    Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team?: Get yo GMOs+ that's not Jova to start logging things. 

    we're working on it, and we have some members of the team who have really been stepping up recently and doing a great job while I try and step back a bit. We are in a transitionary period intel-wise, so we're trying things out for a week at a time to see what works, what doesn't, and what steps we need to take. Besides, I'd absolutely love to have another intel-heavy GMO, so if you're interested, make sure we know :) 



    Regimental deployments should honestly be only for factions. It's killed a lot of potential creative deployments that could happen that are just for one or two battalions because a lot of focus is being spent on reg deployments. 

    Mavelle touched on this, and I agree with what he's said 100%. Reg deployments are so that no matter what battalion you're in, no matter what's going on, you have 100% guaranteed a deployment every week you can attend. Faction deployments, while welcomed, dont fit into that as much. And as mavelle said, it's a lot of strain. The GM team has stepped up a lot recently and especially last week, but even a good week will usually see us with single digit deployments still. Mandating people run ones for factions takes a lot from any other deployment. That being said, factions are deployed much, much more often than they have been, at least as long as I've been around. I think we've run more faction deployments in the past month and a half than the previous year combined, doubly so for groups like senate/naval.  

    Given that voluntary faction deployments are still allowed, encouraged, and greatly appreciated. You want something to change and you're steppin up to do it yourself, so good shit, and thanks for the feedback. 

    Was gonna not vote cause I was gonna keep an eye on accepting it come time, but I'll let someone else do that. +1, if you think you can handle the workload I've worked with you enough in the past and now to know you can. Can't wait to have ya as a part of the team. 

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