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  1. Bug Type (Server:): Clone wars server Severity level (Low - Medium - High):medium Evidence (if you can): N/A Description of the bug: Created new character,civilian not a new trooper, and went back to my trooper one to find i have no money. I had around 1,533,000 credits How can we recreate it: just make a new character
  2. 3/5/5, the reason i rate it this way is because the tunnels were extremely small with how many people we had in the event. I also felt like the event started to drag on towards the end and the droids health was a lot maybe lower it just a little. Other than that it was a nice event .
  3. 6/10 was nice to do something and that boarding was included. However, was a little confused on what to do about medbay as explosives could worsen the cave in.
  4. Name: Blades Staff Rank: Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:422491821 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 02/14/2021-9/20/2021 Reason: The military has seen fit to send me out to vaccinate people for covid 19 I have no clue where I will be going and if I will be there till sept. but it is a possibility. But hey i am doing an infection event in real life. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  5. 7/10 definitely different from average events. however the EJ's had insane health and would push easily and kill everyone and survive.
  6. 8/10 had a fun time clearing those buildings. I did some med rp on some people but other than that i didn't partake in other rp.
  7. 7/10 Thought it was a decent late night event. Almost crashed the server but was alright. Maybe too much health with too many npcs with no back story. Always room for improvement
  8. I got some field stuff i have to go to and missions to run, so i won't be able to get on as frequently during these dates.
  9. Blades

    Training to Terror

    8/10 thought it was a pretty good training and decent amount of rp components. maybe do a few more rp components but other than that did a good job
  10. 6/10 it was a super long event, even though it had a stress test in there. like holy lord all mighty. but yeah just a regular shoot em up
  11. Name: Blades Staff Rank: Admin SteamID: STEAM_0:1:422491821 Length of ROA (Please specify date if possible):12/22/2020-01/03/2020 Reason: Going to be home for Christmas leave so will not be hoping on as much to spend more time with family.
  12. 8/10 i thought it was a good event just think there was too many vehicles and explosions for how many people there was. i also was hearing that people where dying after being no where near anyone and see a rocket just propelled at them. maybe if its indirect mortar fire, land it next to them or something to that effect.
  13. Blades

    Senate Commandos

    6/10 i wasn't there for most of the event however it seemed ok maybe aquicker response for people to do that IR stuff.
  14. Blades

    The Vital Sector

    8/10 definitely a different event, i liked it just think the map has parts that you can get stuck in. i got stuck in a rock and caused me to die.Good job including different people
  15. I had a generally good time. Definitely did my job. 7/10 Had a tech console and medical rp for me. Some of those droids had a lot of health!
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