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VIP - Mystic
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Posts posted by Mystic

  1. 2 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

    To be fair this states 80% of things that will be included in the Update. The other 20% are things like map & models & surprises

    what does this state? its all UI tweaks for BH menus. Literally all it is.  Like 30 people actively play BH. Nobody knows what half this shit is

    Resolved Issue where hunter contracts and clan...

    Fixed Bug where Guild Management had to be in a....

    Small bug fixes

    Several Bug fixes with the clan system

    Fixed a mispelling

    buyarmor typo fix

    Ah yes. 2 typo fixes. The other shit is 2 ambiguous bug fixes and 2 statements that are cut off, which clicking the hyperlink brings up an error webpage.

    Scrolling up its literally just statements like

    Debug and tested server side functions. 
    Finished client
    -side UI for the ledger. 
    Fixed locality issues with mcs
    Removed all of the old depreciated clans code
    Polish, Removed all debug code
    Fixed and Added functionality for hunter contra
    Client-side code for restrictions to prevent AC
    Patched bug displaying multiple of the same cla...

    You get the point. These commits are not keeping the community in the loop, its letting people know that there is work being done, and that bug fixes are happening as well as small tweaks and server sided functions being adjusted that don't affect us at all. My point is this channel could disappear and we'd be all the none wiser simply  because its not informative to your average player. Which is the point of this post. That github channel makes sense to a handful of people. Your average person isn't understanding 90% of the things in there aside from "Bug fix, fixed typo"

    Not dissing devs or anything, simply defending the point of this point as i know very well Xaze and the Dev team are working their assess off day and night to make these updates worthwhile and enjoyable.  The post is about transparency to your average player, not that few of us who can understand whats going on via a github commits webhook, and those of us who talk to them fairly often.

    • Informative 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

    *coughs* spacer.png

    To be fair this says nothing. Its UI tweaks and shit we can barely understand. Clicking on it leads nowhere and half the time the statements of what was changed are cut off.

    All this really says is "yeah we're workin on stuffs"

    • Agree 2
    • Dumb 1
  3. If you're curious about bans generally approaching a Director+ solves this. 


    How Jad explained it is that if that person is interested in coming back they can reach out to director+ for permissions to post appeals. Community bans are known by all VA+ and anyone who really just asks. Its not really knowledge everyone NEEDS. 


    Jayarr was beamed for threatening the sovereignty of assets synergy deems their own. 

    We all know about Dragon. 

    Sixtas was just general repeated toxicity after multiple warnings iirc. 


    I got this from just asking. 


    As for the development clarity. I agree. For the most part inferring is easy, as just asking around will lead to knowing Bananakin is making our new map. You can find those streams easily. As for updates you can see the implementation phase on the forums. 


    I do though, miss the poll we had for SO and Null It really showed the community had a say in that kind of change. The Dev QnAs were so fun and really kept the hype which we lacked this time around. Glad this isn't another step up or step down post, and glad you mentioned it as I've heard similar complaints from others. 

    • Informative 1
  4. 52 minutes ago, Hanz said:

    You made Zeros LT -1

    I’m gonna make a real comment now. You are fine as a guild leader but I have 0 confidence in your abilities to be in-charge of senate. There is no real reason for this promotion to also have that responsibility. Also I don’t see you as fit to be HC involved in HC decisions.

    You're mad that Edgar can actually get the position you lost to Satan.


    Your dedication to Guild has been unmatched, Your response to Guac was formatted well. If you can bring the RP to the table the faction could be at an all time high since our swap.

    • Winner 1
    • Dumb 1
  5. 1 hour ago, KaiserNeiner said:

    @Super_ @SquishyFishyy @Mystic is anyone actively looking to become Adi Gallia rn? Or is this for future use? 

    I had expressed interest in the position since Silviian's term. There is 2 others who mentioned their interest. Ill mention one, and that's Squishy. The 2nd one is a Knight who would want the position if they moved up

    But im retired! leave me alone!

    On 11/21/2023 at 1:19 AM, Marvel said:

    Replace these shitty Master jobs that nobody wants with Knight/Padawan jobs so they have more stuff to go for. Too many Master jobs not enough Knight/Padawan jobs especially considering the Knight/Padawan to Master ratio is larger than Bacta's forehead.

    how about we merge them all into one fucking whitelist. 

    Padawan/Knight/Master and give them every power. Put restrictions on what they can use and slap all the models onto the jobs

    • Disagree 1
  6. I struggle to take you seriously sometimes. I didn't know you joined 41st until a little bit ago.

    However I was around for all your high command positions and I know that when you put your mind to it you're more than capable of doing it. I pray you do 41st well man. 





    • Friendly 1
  7. +1.

    I dont want to do the same quests everyday.

    Sometimes quests dont refresh correclty.

    Sometimes i have 0 quests at all. 

    I don't want to AFK. I want to press 1 button and see if i can "copy message" into OOC and make fun of myself for winning nothing, even after there are new prizes. 

    I mean. Don't make the payouts insane. Just like how you get 30k now, make it 75k instead. 

    • Agree 2
    • Winner 1
  8. -1. 

    CG is a difficult battalion to run. I'd like to see you have more time around the battalion itself and reach out to battalions to see how they view CG. I'm glad your battalion is supportive. CG has ran into several issue with false arrests, arrests that  shouldn't have happened and not knowing rules. It's frankly annoying. I'd like to see this mentioned and see more than just your internal battalion plans.

  9. 22 minutes ago, Xiao said:




    Deacon - Council interview - Pending
    Blazin - Council interview - Pending


    Knight Watch

    REDACTED (2) - Put up by Soccer

    REDACTED (1) - Put up by Soccer

    REDACTED (0) - Put up by Blazin


    Council Member - 4 Seats

     Named Master Promotions



    Saesee Tiin - Open

    Quinlan Vos - Squishy

    Jocasta NU - Open

    Changes Made to The Order

    Changed maximum trial hosts for Knight/Youngling/Tournaments to 3
    Added the ability to have tournaments/classes or learning endeavors to count towards Knight/Youngling trial
    Added 2 new non-jobbed lore Masters - Pong Krell (Freelance), Jurrok (Temple Guard)
    Added 1 new non-jobbed lore Knight -  Bode Akuna (RSB)
    Temple Guard have the option to guard Council Member+/HC/VIP's
    Overhaul of Sage trials
    Re-addition of mentor system (experimental system; still has kinks to be worked out)

    Upcoming changes

    Knight trials?
    Merit rewards
    Addition of Discord ID to branch rosters


    woohoo! more knight characters they're not gonna use!

    Big W with the roster update though. Was always a pain in the ass to find Discords.

  10. 2 hours ago, Boof said:

    During my entire SOBDE BCMD term I averaged 70+ hours every two weeks.

    The reason my SPEC reg run ended the way it did was my life got entirely too busy and I had too many positions on the server so I burnt myself out, with no time and no drive I couldn’t complete my duties.


    My drive for BCMD comes from this, I feel that I am responsible for this battalion and it is my duty to make it the best it can possibly be. I let people down and it’s my job to make the battalion the best it has ever been. With the plans I have stated above, the drive I have to fix the battalion and led it, and the experience I have in turning around a battalion I know I can complete my goals.


    The way this will not turn out like my reg term is I’m limiting myself to only one character that being my clone and I have made sure I have 3 full months that I can donate to the battalion to not only complete my plans I have but to get a successor lined up so nothing like this occurs again.

    Alpha of the Order is a W

    Thank you for the response. Hopefully you received it well. 

    +1 man. As long as you've learned and are taking precautions to avoid a repeat im hopeful that both applicants will lead the battalion forward. 

    • Friendly 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Sixta said:


    Would quite literally be the worst person to get Rancor BCMD due to their time as Spec Reg. 


    I have issues with this as well

    Iceman, It's no secret that the end of your BCMD term and the entirety of your SPEC term was lacking in activity, and some people even blame you for the lack of Officers and High Command in RANCOR as you didn't promote anyone. 

    I know you have the experience, and as i saw with SOBDE you have the qualities as SOBDE was flourishing, 
    What makes this time different? 

    Just curious to know your drive before i +1

  12. Hard +1. 

    I love both applicants but i've been watiing for your BCMD application since you were a wee SGM/WO. 
    Your dedication to RANCOR in these times has been unmatched and you have been here since hte last Blitz. 

    You deserve the position and the experience that comes along with it. 

    • Friendly 1
  13. 6 hours ago, Spieler said:

    I'm super late, but it's genuinely amazing. It's got a beautiful atmosphere and world-building. Definitely give it a try, the first two episodes hooked me instantly.

    I'll give it a go. I do quite like those goofy esque shows with hints of romance or slice of life/comedy while still being in fantasy worlds. So i'm sure ill enjoy it.

    Rewatching Toradora as it is right now. Forgot how good of a show it was.

    Also just finished Fate/Grand Order Demonic Babylonia Front. 9/10 show. MC is a rizzler

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