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Everything posted by Kortnul

  1. +1 Like everyone else said, just make sure to touch up on the rules, but other than that you're golden.
  2. So this is the guy who keeps reviving me when I'm dead? Oh +1 btw.
  3. +1, I completely understand why you'd want to become staff again with the new map, do good work.
  4. Sadly I never got the time to know you more personally, but I wish I had. Rest easy now brother o7
  5. Name: Kortnul Who helped (If applicable): Deku Summary of encounter: An unknown pilot landed on base carrying "Supplies" and then promptly left, inside the crates were explosives, a sith lord and apprentice than arrived on base seeing the bomb plan didn't work, then while they distracted the base Count Dooku sent in droids.
  6. -1 Seeing the replies you show no commitment in wanting to be part of staff other than you got bored and left. Not to mention as well that you have to be 14 to become part of staff unless you were waived. Also, it seems that you might have lied since in your first application you state you were 13, and now you're 12, seems fishy to me.
  7. Hope it works out well my man.
  8. Solid 8/10 Event. Liked the RP and enemies, only gripe was the zombies had a tiny bit extra health, but that's really all.
  9. I'll miss you Conrad, 100%
  10. I was alone for the last 10 minutes of the event with a light, 9 hp left, talking to myself to keep myself from insanity as unknown monsters stalked me throughout the night, clinging onto the last strings of my life alone and scared, but in the end I survived, and now Sinker has fucking PTSD, thanks Jake. 10/10, so much fun and horror, I loved it.
  11. So first off I'm voiding this report, I was extremely heated in the moment as I was writing this, I don't want Carvis removed from the community, I barely know him personally. However, I do want to know community feedback to see what other people think about this situation. I snapped fast because being called a snitch really really sets me off.
  12. @Clutch So you think I should delete it?
  13. RP Name: Wolfpack HVYO 1stLT Kortnul Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92075356 Suspected Player's Name: Carvis Suspected Player's Steam ID (If applicable): STEAM_0:0:46578116 Rule Suspected Player Broke: Read below Synergy Roleplay: Clone Wars Server Rules [2020] Section A; Rule 3: Do NOT FailRP - Do not Do anything your clone, jedi, or other would not do. Evidence: He pulled out a cycler rifle, which is obviously not something R2-D2 would or even can do. Section A; Rule 2: This is a “Roleplay” server. It is listed as such to enhance fun while playing on Synergy, play as your character would play. Evidence: He did not play as R2-D2 would play and because of his own immaturity decided to insult me for doing my job as staff. Rules for R2D2 - 501st Rules R2D2 will not use ANY weapons (Only R2D2 can use fists and E-Binos, but ONLY IN PROPER SITUATIONS. - this is a Server Rule.) Evidence: Carvis pulled out a Cycler Rifle and pointed it at people threateningly with intent to use on them, he also fired upon someone on Defcon 5. R2D2 must be taken seriously, you are representing all of the 501st and your actions reflect on the whole battalion. Evidence: He broke debrief rules by going onto the stand without permission and played R2-D2 sounds, and once more he shot someone on Defcon 5, while also using a weapon other than fists and/or E-Binos without permission. Explain to us what happened: During debrief in the latest event Carvis (R2-D2) was acting extremely inappropriate, for example when he was standing up in high command when told not to, he gave himself PTS by going up to the stand and playing R2-D2 sounds without permission nor the hosting Naval's consent, he pulled out a Cycler Rifle multiple times, and eventually shot someone on Defcon 5 after debrief with said Cycler Rifle. After conversing with the person whom gave Carvis permission to go on the R2-D2 whitelist, it was deemed he was to be removed from said whitelist, which I did as a Staff member, later on he switched back to the whitelist (Since he was VIP and could go on jobs without having the whitelist) He made a staff ticket asking to have his named changed to "R2-D2" I went to him and explained the situation that since he was acting inappropriately as R2-D2 he was to be to removed from the whitelist and he had to return to his other job, to which he said he wasn't informed, and then finally he said to me "Ohhh so youre the snitch got it" Then he proceeded to disconnect from the server. My main issue is that he insulted me despite him previously being a staff member on the server even though he was the one who was acting immaturely and broke several server and 501st rules because of these actions, I'm annoyed if nothing else that someone who was a retired staff could act so immaturely and crude. Evidence (If applicable): I highlighted the text where evidence is.
  14. Name: Kortnul Who helped (If applicable): Conrad Summary of encounter: A sith apprentice stole 2 holocrons from the temple then fled to Ilum where hundreds of zombies were, the apprentice was killed which spawned even more zombies to the point where the sith master came and was hiding inside of the Sage temple with the stolen holocrones, she gave the troopers tea which was poisoned, the antidote was on Dagobah. Link to encounter Document (optional): N/A N
  15. I wasn't there for half of the event, but for the half I was there it was pretty fun. 7/10
  16. 9/10 I really really like how it was shrouded in mystery a lot, it was nice to not know what's exactly going on it sets in a nice paranoia, it nice to lose, it felt really emotional.
  17. Name: Kortnul Who helped (If applicable): John Event Name: Recovery Mission: Nuklearwaffe Link to Event Document: An LAAT carrying a nuke was shot down and crashed on Ilum, all Republic forces that were available were sent on a recovery mission for the nuke which was heavily guarded by separatist forces.
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