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Everything posted by GGS

  1. 5/4/5 shot bugs, was attacked by a bug, earfquakes, and there was a bug man with a magic stick
  2. 5/4/5 good bug killing and very fun well done
  3. 5/5/5 good job improvising on the fly, very cool and fun
  4. 5/5/5 Learned jedi things, stabbed zombies, freed a spirit
  5. 5/5/5 had fun, well done, saw some jedi get cut up
  6. 5/5/4 Shot bugs and gave bacta around. Very fun and thank you.
  7. GGS


    I'll look into it, thanks for the advice chief!
  8. GGS


    Sub doesn't show up on Paypal (guess I was using it as a guest?) and I wanted to turn off autorenewal, how do I cancel the sub so I can resub and actually use my paypal this time.
  9. 4/5/5 Lotta people needed meds, very fun.
  10. 4/5 got to shoot stuff and heal people
  11. 8/10 enjoyed some medrp and the basewide infection that happened. Very fun and thank you!
  12. 9/10 Really fun, enjoyed the hostage rescue, got lost a lot but it went well. Well done!
  13. GGS

    The Colab

    8/10 Shot droids and healed clones. Very cool!
  14. GGS

    Force Extraction

    8/10 Good roleplay idea for the jedi and some good fun for the clones as well. Keep it up.
  15. 8/10 Was confused on what was going on but I think that might have been the whole point, followed orders to a point but it sparked debate on the server so I thought that was entertaining.
  16. Awesome! Thanks a lot that fixed it and it's great! Thanks again chief.
  17. I got this floating error sign above my weapon. The gun model is fine and everything but not sure what that error sign is, can't see it in 3rd person only in 1st. I've noticed it on the Dual-DC 17 pistols, ARC wrist blaster (B), and the Wester-M5. All ARC guns so not sure if that means anything. Default weapons and my perm. weapon are fine. Not sure what to do so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks for any help and advice. https://imgur.com/a/ka04P6I - Image of what the error sign looks like.
  18. 8/10 got to shoot shit thank you VERY COOL!
  19. 9/10 never played an event like that before, was really fun. Enjoyed the horror of it. Well done!
  20. 8/10 Got to board a ship and then get rammed by a LAAT as the ship blew up, very cool!
  21. 8/10 pretty damn fun and got sliced in half by grievous
  22. GGS

    Rando Trando

    8/10 blew ships up, got prisoners blaster, saved lives, good time.
  23. GGS

    Umbara Siege pt2

    8/10 shot grievous
  24. GGS

    Planet Killers

    8/10 I spent most of my time healing others but I had fun nonetheless, nice work!
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