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Everything posted by Butter

  1. Dennis I appreciate the feedback and honestly the 21st Changed me to be a better leader if it is true then so far it has changed you as well. I Appreciate you being there for the battalion and I respect the fact that you rebuilt it. You and I may have gotten off on the wrong foot but I think you are a capable leader and there was a reason why high command chose the people it chose to lead the battalion. You have my +1
  2. +1 miss you bro. you dont remember me but I think your a G so yeah
  3. @DennisI am just going to start out by saying when I first encountered you dennis I looked up to you and wanted to be able to strive and be successful inside a battalion such as you had with DU or at least I saw from the outside but after a long time and arguments and drama that had arose to the breaking point of a battalion civil war between NCO's and High Commanding officers those scares dont heal sadly. Now Who am i to say that you cant change. Hell most people said I would never make it past commander but the shoes you fill now were mine before the 21st Rank Purge. I held that battalion together strong and dont you think it isnt justa coincidence as soon as i had to resign (aka get kicked out of my house) that bigboss took control and fucked the battalion. Any who different story. Dennis I think that with the right mindset that you have the ability to be a great leader but dont let your personal views with people set aside others for "ranking privlage". I struggled with this in the 21st as a commander. Who to promote and who to not promote to fast even though they are doing amazing work. I have seen the way to cheese people up ranks in the past and hold people at ranks even though they should have already been an officer "cough cough" I havent decided my +1 or -1 yet but I would really apprecaite for you to explain to me how you have changed and what is to be overcame if you are to become bacara. -Butters Out
  4. It was alright other than the fact i got droids spawned on me and caused my only deaths but other than That Ill rate it a 5
  5. Man Build Good Furniture +1 Monke
  6. bruh threw away the rank. Hows pizza suppost to get a job now :(
  7. Gotta say I think that this man is up for the challenge as yoda and I truly think that he can do right by the jedi order. Very determined and dedicated person! +1 GL Man
  8. I Have to say I Love Helping with the Litch Story ARC Being The Chosen Prophet as an Event Character. It is probably the most effort I have put into for helping with Events. From An Inside Looking Out Prespective I will give it another 10/10 I love seeing the interworkings of the plot and using my own talent to help sway the story the GM wants it to go.
  9. All I have To Say Is That This Event Was Absoloutly Amazing! I was so glad I was Chosen to become The Chosen Prophet. I would have to rate This a 10/10 Event! Amazing Work From The GM Working Alone!
  10. o7 You took care of everything that we needed. GL with everything Brotha!
  11. Battalion: 21st Nova Corps RP Name: Spec Ops Commander Blackout Date: 12/27/2020 Reason: Some of you may take this by surprise but sadly life has other things planned for me in it for me to continue to be a commander anymore. This is going to pain me to say that I am going to have to leave the Blackout Role Behind Me. I have genuinely Cared About SO since I joined this battalion 5 months ago. To Speak to all who have supported me and seen me grow I recognize you all as friends of synergy. For all the people in the 21st that I am unfortunately having to leave behind. I am encouraging you all to not grief the loss of myself inside the 21st but prosper and enjoy the good memories that we have had. For whoever becomes the next Bacara I hope you do right by SO and remember the work that I have done to help make it a better place. I love you all dearly Spec Ops. You guys have been my family for the past 5 months and I cant thank you enough or forget that. I hope my name becomes a topic to try to beat what I did. You guys can be better than I was and look at the mistakes I made and learn from them so you do not make the same decision. There are to many people inside the battalion that I know on a personal level to give out names but for @Mav I wish you the best of luck inside the battalion. Your a great guy but do me a favor keep the battalion at its best for me okay bud. The last thing I am going to say is that I know the past week we have all lost a lot inside the battalion, but do not fear. Make something positive out of the negative predicament you are in. I believe in you guys as a whole battalion and I know you are capable of finding a way to compromise and do right by the battalion. Forever and always -Butters Out Goodbyes: @Cubix-Keep learning how to be a leader and try your best with the ARC branch @PaladinPlague- You have great potential. Use it to its fullest extent @Canno_n-I love your comedy and you always have a great attitude when it comes to having fun :) @OxenI want to thank you for the opportunity at showing my true colors and earning my stripes as Commander Blackout. Thank you Oxen. @Jerry2121IDK if your the jerry inside the battalion but if you are you have been a big supporter of me since you met me and I am grateful to have someone like you in my time as a commander. @BigBossYou have great work ethic and amazing skill at documentation. Also a hell of a shot. I see you as a Keller one day. Prove me right ;) And to anyone I missed just know that I am going to miss you all. Its been a hell of a run in the 21st and I enjoyed my stay. Stay safe -Butters "On the 1st day Light was created but the shadows that existed in between the fractures of light lurked into the weary night. For to run into them on a pleasant day will leave you dead in disarray" -Butters A Poem Called Shadows (Created In Memory of His Term as Blackout)
  12. may I just say that the 21st have long specialized in EOD on this server and long before I even joined the 21st. Adding the defuse kits was like a slap in the face to the 21st and were added without even consulting the 21st or asking how this would affect us as a whole. A lot of our requirements are based around trainings and hosting them to people. The 21st has many things one of them I have always stood under is that we Specialize in EOD so I believe that GM's at least should have the Honor of receiving the defusal kits.
  13. Name: Spec Ops Commander Blackout | Butters RP Rank: CMD Suggestion: All 21st GM and KU Members Should Spawn in With Defuse Kits including all LORE EOD Characters as well inside SO BDE. 21st SO will take priority in Tech and KU specializing in both EOD and Tech and other applicable candidates inside of SO BDE Implementation: Just give All EOD Specialized Members including SO BDE, and All 21st GM / KU Members The Defuse Kit Lore: All The Lore For This https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/21st_Nova_Corps Weapons: Defuse Kit Other:
  14. Because The Specialized Battalion means We Need To Specialize in or With Somthing.... You Take our specialization away what are we.....
  15. Took off the UT-AT Portion. Mechanized will deal with it but I still think that a battalion that specializes in EOD Should Have The Defuse Kit by Default
  16. +1 loved it absoloutly amazing just try not to spawn things on us xD
  17. :) I liked shooting things at another base. Wish I knew why I did it though NGL could really hear the GM at the end but yeah Ima give it a 7
  18. 7/10 Good Concept but Male priest are called Priest and he hurt my hearing holes
  19. I've known this guy from the old Dooms unit Days. he is definitely qualified for this positions and worked his ass off to get where he is now. You got this Deku make 104th Great again. +1
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