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VIP - Slak
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Posts posted by Slak

  1. 21 minutes ago, TyR said:

    At the time being nothing has been brought up about something needing to be changed from within the rancor battalion

    I am very confused with this. Are you saying that Rancor is in perfect condition as a battalion? Or are you saying you see or hear no issues with Rancor as a Battalion? Because I for sure know no battalion right now is in a perfect state. There is an issue with every battalion whether it's internal or external. I might just be not understanding the wording here. Clarification and clearance on this is what I am looking for.

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  2. RP Name:


    Steam ID:


    VIP (Y/N):






    What was your previous staff rank?:


    Are you currently staff on a different server?:


    Why did you leave the staff team?:

    I had a lot on my plate and needed a long-term break from Staff. 

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum):

    It's been roughly 3-4 months since I left the Staff team, so joining back to get a nice refresher would be nice. I want to continue to benefit the server and my battalion by providing entertainment. I have also really wanted to be able to fill in the "I have nothing to do right now" and fill it with something to do for the server or a battalion.

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum):

    I felt like I did the most work within that time period of being staff. Every time that I see myself come back to the staff team I notice myself getting better as a staff member. I think re-joining after such a long break will only just make myself a better staff member. Also before leaving I did achieve VA after putting countless hours into the staff team and the GM team and always making every single action count.

    Do you understand by reapplying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?:


    If you are reapplying for the rank of SA, are you aware that applying will opt you in to becoming a Game Master? (Failure to opt in to GM will drop you to the rank of Admin):


    Link us to a document for a deployment (Event Server) that you will execute as a gamemaster:


    Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (optional):




  3. 3 hours ago, Drage said:

    @Slak By working with them during sims or drills that add passive RP and showing how to be a disciplined individual. I have shown that I'm serious most of the time and I deal with Issues that arise that I'm told about in calculated manner getting both sides if there are any and showing how to best handle said issues. Baring my one blunder that saw me review myself and having others do so to get their input on how I am doing. I want those under me or even above me that I will Listen and I will help if they need it and if i don't know something I'll go and try to learn it so that I can help then next time. Many times ive shown how to act when we need to pull it together, sometimes not, but I Do my best to be good leader to the boys. I hope that answered your question if not then I'll try to word it better.

    So, you say some of things going around doing trainings, passive Rp, and showing them a correct discipline manner. But as XO how come you haven't already attempted to do so? If you are doing your best right now what makes me think anything is going to change in the future? Especially after today and the past week roughly, I have seen a huge lack of maturity, discipline, and leadership. I think I am leaning more towards a -1 here, unless you can change my mind of course. 

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  4. After thinking about it and observing I came to the realization with 501sst that sometimes they need a very well-disciplined Commanding Officer. Based on what I've seen sometimes I have noticed 501st getting negligent or just going too far in terms of being out of hand.

    So, with that, how do you plan on being a correctly mannered leader for the 501st? What do you plan on demonstrating to the officers and NCOs to prove you're a competent leader after you state "Junior Offices: Working on being mentors to Wo's and teaching them."? How do you plan on making the future NCOs uphold those abilities?

    Will think about a vote after your response.


    • Friendly 1
  5. 3/5/2

    Spawning was pretty bad and spawned droids where we have already cleared and currently were clearing. The frames were really bad for others maybe not so much for me but others were receiving bad lag. Sometimes it was pretty confusing too and separating battalions is not so much of my favorite since 104th had a lot of numbers and planned on having a good time with them.

    • Informative 1
  6. 24 minutes ago, Cox said:

    Wish granted but you are banned 


    I wish bacta wasn’t the biggest meat rider known to man 

    Wish granted but now you're the biggest meat rider known to man.


    I wish Bacta was a founder

    • Dumb 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Gadget said:

    Nope that's right, I remembered it still. 


    Obvious it was a bit of the spur of the moment but that doesn't devoid you of punishment.

    Ther comment I made was on the 6th of Feb, meaning you were banned almost 4 months ago, that is longer than most so I am willing to give you a chance, just know that doing it again is likely to end the same way it has now.



    Everyone deserves another shot, I am hoping that if you get unbanned you actually use it to show us you it was not a waste. 


    • Agree 2
  8. Gameplay: I am shy towards giving a 2 but will give you a 3. The Negotiations RP was really bad and was never clear what was meant to be done. It was really pointless.

    Care and Effort: Good dupe 4

    Server Preformance: 3 Alot of lag

  9. Gameplay: 4: Was a better version of a shoot'em up because there was not just bugs or droids coming from nowhere.

    Care and Effort: 4: The props made it really come together and not just using the basic Geonosis. 

    Server Performance: 4: Felt no lag if I did it was nothing bad.

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