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VIP - Slak
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Posts posted by Slak

  1. Gameplay: Was just really annoying to RP with scientists who were extremely ignorant. 1/5

    Care and Effort: Does seem like there was effort but no effort to have good event jobs. 2/5

    Server Performance: Laggy when there was droids.... on main server. 2/5

    • Agree 1
  2. On 3/24/2023 at 1:53 PM, Zeros said:

    +1 why was it ever lowered? legit just sit on your phone for 15 minutes. The five minutes just encourages a 4x offense NITRP speedrun.

    Quicker the arrest time, the quicker they get banned. -1

    • Dumb 2
  3. 5 minutes ago, Valakyth said:

    o7 my 187th brother goes back home, dude man it’s been a fucking ride. We kind of drifted apart since the 187th and DU days and it sucked but it is what it is. Man I saw you as a mentor in the 187th and you taught me so much man so thank you so much. It’s gonna suck to not see you here anymore but keep in contact.

    You know, this time back, I have been told I was a mentor to several others, not just you. I am really happy I had helped you. I am really happy I was able to teach you. It inspires that i had made an impact. Thank you for those words. I really appreciate, always here if you need it brother.

  4. You know I have been on LOA for a couple days now, and last night I thought to myself what important responsbilities I had and what order I placed them, and playing video games and just sitting around all day should not be so high up on that list. I really want to make a change in my current life style right now and just want to start moving forward in life instead of being in this stand still right now. I have built amazing memories on this server and such amazing friendships that I could never forget, but in reality, I am missing out on what is most dear to me; Love, Family, Friends, and Myself. 

    I want to thank everyone of my supporters that allowed me to skyrise in ranks and become who I am on this community. I also want you to forgive me for letting you down, I was put into the position of Regimental Commander for a reason, but I just can't do it anymore. 

    I have a lot more personal reasons in which led to this decision, but this is my final goodbye, I will not comeback, trust me this time, I will not. You will see me in Teamspeak once in a while, discord chatting, but not in-game. 

    A few people that had really meant a lot to me this time around on Synergy. 

    First off, @Turtle I hate you for bringing me back. But at the same time, you helped me wake up and realize my mistakes. Thank you. 

    @Xaze You had been the person that has stress balled the life of the server for me dog. Thank you for being my consular. Love you big dog you mean a lot to me.

    @BlueBeetle Thank you for being there for my terms, you are the definitley the person who helped me the most through out this journey. 

    @Diplo @JuiceBox @Frostyyy The dumbass gang, you are all dumb. But also some real homies love you three.

    @Mazen You are a real one and really helped me carry fluent ideas through. You always were a good friend of mine especially through out this time around.

    @Hanz I miss you sm already and hope you have fun at college. 


    For the rest, I missed a lot, but didn't feel like writing too much. I just want to let everyone know, thank you for giving me the chances, and thank you for the oppurtunities. If I let you down, then I am sorry, but life comes first. 

    Also can't forget my go to resignation song!

    One quote I have read about five times in my head these past couple days:

    "Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself"

    Thank you.........love you all.......


    • Agree 1
    • Friendly 1
    • Pay Respect 5
    • Confused 2
    • Dumb 1
  5. Name: Slak

    RP Rank: RCMD

    Suggestion: Change the in-game name of the rank "Regimental Commander" to "Sector Commander" 


    Implementation: Change the names of the job and the rank

    Add or Change: Changing the name of the job / the mcs rank


    I know it was a controversial change, but since we are changing the names on the discords and the name behind the scenes, might as well just change the name in-game as well to fit.

    • Dumb 2
  6. On 8/4/2022 at 6:26 AM, Xaze said:

    Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED.

    Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @.

    If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.

    Extending till the 10th, if I end on the 8th it will just be 2 days of inactivity

  7. Steam ID: I am on my phone right now

    RP Name: Slak

    Battalion: 3rd Sector

    Who is in command until you return?: @Xaze

    Length of Absence: 4 Days (8/4-8/8)


    I have no extra time on my hands right now and if I do it’s either very early in the morning or very late at night

  8. Name: Slak

    Who helped (If applicable): Zeros

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): None

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Inspection droids that were hacked by the CIS on there way to the base. They did what the CIS asked and planned their attack for them. Ventilation systems were ambushed!

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Yep

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

  9. Gameplay: Was really fun RP and was nice to actually engage with the Event Jobs. Definitely one of the best Commando events i have been in. 4.

    Care and Effort: I can tell you put some serious efforts into this especially being a newer GM and having the solid RP. 4.

    Performance: Very big lag spikes towards the end there with all the droids spawning in. Mix in the new droids with the old ones and be gentle with the newer ones! 2.

    • Friendly 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Opa said:


    I honestly feel like that 3 month BCMD terms are way too short time for a BCMD to make a meaningful change that lasts.


    If someone was a good BCMD / REG / Marshal / Yoda / etc, they should have no problem succeeding the process of reapplying. Also it is up to that person to ensure that their battalion’s leadership is on the same page with documentation, systems, and changes they made during their term to ensure things don’t just change after they leave. Its all about communication.

    • Agree 2
    • Dumb 4
  11. My main concerns for the server is a list of things. Starting with the GM team. Not an issue the Development team can fix but rather the community. Events have been really repetitive and boring, and no one is honestly rating them and instead giving everyone 5s and 4s for spawning droids. THERE IS NO RP! There needs to be RP on a RP server, as a member of the server High Command I can tell you that we will try our best to get RP rolling as much as we can, but the GM team needs to retaliate. In order for us to even provide RP the community needs to accept it and use it.

    When there ever is RP on the server people just fuck around and just absolutely disrupt it and destroy the spark of enjoyment for others. The server is clearly not serious enough and IMO, stepping forward to more serious engagement would bring new ideas, play style, RP, entertainments, etc. 

    In my eyes, the dev team has done great work but the server just lags too much for the events or trainings to be fun. You guys mentioned this update “cleaning” everything in the server box but it still seems almost the same. Furthermore , adding on the dev team portion, the map is good, it has things for us to do just new things overall. But really it limited things like SIM rooms which is what people used when the server was down and the GM team not doing anything, outposts the map has one over excessive sized village that is barely used and a very small outpost, the map is just a huge forest and has a repetitive setting, so many issues with the map and going through rocks, every room or area in the base and even the base itself is just a one way entrance and exit, there is no vent system to spice things up or back door exit or secret things to really spice up the base, in my opinion its just a bunker version of anaxes and just 3x smaller. 

    Those are really all the main concerns I had and that I see.

    • Agree 2
    • Informative 3
    • Confused 1
  12. Name: Slak

    Who helped (If applicable): Beetle

    Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A

    Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The 3rd Sector Army "Steel Blade" split up and attacked two different points at once and then collided into one group to take on the CIS forces.

    Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Nope

    Please rate using this scale


    Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)


    Care and Effort:

    Server Performance:

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