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Everything posted by jacobfyfe

  1. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Levii, Xiao Event Name: What really happened on HMS blackout
  2. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Omalic, Shockpoint Event Name: The raid on Boreas nuclear base
  3. +1 man is in the position to help the server and wants to also great guy overall
  4. Ya know Crawn you definently are one of the best medics I have seen and its sad to see you go but hey we all gotta move on eventually. As one of my first squad members back when I really didn't know what my position meant very well I could not have asked for a better member then you o7 Right Twix my friend may life treat you well.
  5. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Mitchel, Crimson, Cronis, Jhonathon, Mav, Gret, John Event Name: Retaking the snow town of Dro
  6. Name: JAKE Who helped (If applicable): Jack, Cronism, Killer, Stormzy Summary: They had to retake planet Dro and over run all the bases
  7. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Pog, Shockpoint, Buurg, Crawn Event Name: Sneaking into anaxes base
  8. +1 Wants to create events that are memorable and good
  9. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Shockpoint, Crimson, Fyi Event Name: Just like the simulations.
  10. 8/10 Great event only thing I can say is try to not leave the top side group alone with nothing for long
  11. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Zen, FYI, Conrad, Dinaric, Crimson, John Event Name: The Unkown artifact
  12. +1 Another takes the mantle, for all Mason has for the battalion already he definitely is fit and deserves the position he wants to make the battalion a better place overall.
  13. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Bud, Wheezy, Nova, Conrad Event Name: The dread following the BH
  14. Massive +1 I honestly did not think he would have been a great cody but guess what he has proved me wrong multiple times he had a pretty great term and I fully believe he will be a great ATK Reg
  15. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Trofi, Flytape, Cubby Event Name: Reinforcements on rishimoon
  16. o7 Bruise you did good glad I could have the interactions I did with you they have all been great Its sad to see you go sense you were one of my main buds on the server but I wish you luck with life its sounds like its gonna go great!
  17. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Shockpoint, Mason, Skyron Event Name: Finding out what really happened to the 21st
  18. +1 He is a someone who has helped myself with a handful of events and has been trying to get better in staff to produce good events I think he will make a great GM
  19. 8/10 Good event all it could have used really was more RP
  20. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Shockpoint, Lix, Darkk, Owen, Codified Event Name: Starweird's taken venator Link to lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Starweird
  21. Name: Jake Who helped (If applicable): Shockpoint, Skyron, Zen, Teaa Event Name: Removing hostile Rebellion in coruscant Link to Event Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13mAQ_eVZvuw8pE0aNp6NN6cfYdgIt4mWjo3cuVuSstQ/edit?usp=sharing
  22. +1 Seems like hes got the drive and ideas to pull off great stuff
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