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Posts posted by Satan

  1. 23 minutes ago, Guac said:

     and as I have been made aware you have not talked to SOBDE at all about applying for Reg. 

    He’s talked to multiple members of SOBDE about running. I’ve seen him and have even been in the channel for one or two of these talks. The one I remember explicitly being in with was @Srirachaand me. Not sure where you got your info from.


    Anyways, @Noodles I believe you would be a great leader that would prioritize both battalions equality and interact with them. What I do want to see is your promise to come help ARC trainings. Rancor has had struggles with previous RCMDs for a while now showing up late in the trainings or not attending at all. It’s always helpful even if the spots are filled to see our RCMD there supporting. So +1

    • Funny 1
    • Informative 1
    • Friendly 1
    • Confused 1
    • Dumb 3
  2. Just now, Vasco said:

    3/10 Forced BoxRp very linear event couldn't even search the boxes for RP was forced to just move boxes to random places. and was told we couldn't search the boxes.

    They were just boxes. You checking the boxes and rolling doesn't mean anything. As the GM I told you the boxes were 100% just supplies so that means they are just supplies.

  3. I think @Conradshould be made to do a sensitivity training.

    Why do I think this? He made fun of my dead grandma :(. 


    Satan: Got my mom to find me doctors now. Since my grandmother isn't here anymore.
    Conrad: Where did she go?
    Satan: Dead

    P.S. We chilling. Just need everyone to know how Conrad doesn't think before talking. Also yes I do want him to do Sensitivity training xD

    • Winner 1
  4. RP Name: Satan

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:60059784

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 21

    Timezone: EST

    What was your previous staff rank?: SA

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

    Why did you leave the staff team?: Had problems with keeping up time because of school.

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I want to be able to help more with getting events set up. I also want to help set up dupes for people that are in need. I have seen a lack of help lately so I thought I would try to come back and help! 

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I feel that it went well until the end when I was getting less active. I was always helpful when needed to be and kept up with my TRO quota and crushed it most of the weeks. I was also very active in not only helping but training NA and A when they needed help.

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: Yes

    If you are reapplying for the rank of SA, you are aware that applying will opt you in to becoming a Game Master? (Failure to opt in to GM will drop you down to the rank of Admin): Yes

  5. 1 hour ago, KeviTheOne said:


    To address both of these at once as they share similar points, I brought up changes to bird often and he said most times I can remember "You can put it in your BCMD app" or "Do it when you're BCMD". Bird often had a lazy attitude towards the end of his term, and I don't want to bad mouth him but I do want to clarify for people who are wondering. I have had these ideas in mind for a bit. Now I don't necessarily need BCMD to make most of these changes but it is the next progression step. I'm working 

    You're the XO right now. You are acting BCMD you can do whatever you want at the moment. The only thing that really will come with you being BCMD is a title and a little more respect on the server. Right now with this application the respect you had is fading away because you don't seem dedicated. If anything I agree with Finn with the thought that Rancor needs new Leadership. I don't have anyone in mind that is currently in Rancor that could be there but we need new leadership.

  6. 51 minutes ago, Mavelle said:

    -1 Oh boy. Where to start where to start...

    You have done a lackluster job at not only improving your attitude and maturity but your entire image on the server.  After reading what Brooklyn had said, You punching a LAAT?  Seriously? Why punch a LAAT in the first place hello? You're a fucking senior officer in the 501st and this is what you're doing? That is pathetic. Then also this other thing about Appo trying to PT you? You're refusing PT FROM THE DISCIPLINARY LEAD OF 501ST ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I figured out why you decided to run in the first place for Rex and honestly that's really fucking dumb. Every conversation I have had with you always ends poorly. I can't imagine if you got Rex and that's how you treat your men in the 501st. Your activity has been poor. I mean like, really poor. If I look in game right this second. You're AFK on the Job. While your hours in the past 2 weeks may prove otherwise. I can rest assure that all of those hours are AFK. I can't support a applicant if I know that you're not ready for it. When I read over your application. All of these plans... Honestly. I have been on this server for years, every time someone has this many plans. They normally do not execute a single one, And now that you're running for Rex with this many things that you have "In the works" I feel like all that you will do with the position if you get the position, Is just do what you're doing now. Sitting on a Job AFK. I propose that you wait it out see who becomes Rex and learn from them. Work your way up from LTC and make it to CMD or XO. This big jump from LTC and BCMD concerns me for 2 reasons, 1) To me it looks like a sign of Powerplay 2) You're unready for the big position that lies ahead if you get Rex, Becoming a BCMD is a very big responsibility and especially becoming the BCMD of 501st is a very big responsibility itself. Now, onto the Subunits and their current state. OH MY GOD. WHAT THE FUCK. The state of both 332nd and TC are terrible the worst I have ever seen from all my time from 2017-2021 I have NEVER EVER seen Torrent Company hit rock bottom this bad in all that time. Along with 332nd. When it was first created back with Enzyme and his Commanders (And myself as WO for a short time) The plans were very clear cut. Too my knowledge over the past few Vaughns (from the outside looking in) they seem to have thrown the plans out the window and put that bitch in Drive and didn't look back.  

    I usually don't write much on Commander Applications that don't really affect me but 501st is the one exception. When I see someone who isn't ready for the position I have to let it all out. 



    I can see that you have dumbed my little comment. That just proves my point with your Toxicity and Attitude. If I address problems that are relevant if you want to progress within the 501st and you dumb it? Also TCXO. Every time that I have been TCC and have had the thought of adding TCXO or TCM whatever. It's a terrible addition in my opinion.

    @Mavelle this is a staff app.......

    • Dumb 4
  7. Name: Satan 

    Staff Rank: Admin

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60059784

    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 9/10/2020-9/15/2020

    Reason: need to take a break. not in the right mind set

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: YEs

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes

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