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About Polik

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Forum Sheep

Forum Sheep (2/6)



  1. +1 would make sense since we have mando armor
  2. 5/5/5 Roleplay was fun, enjoyed the CG-SOBDE collab
  3. Polik

    Coruscant v1

    5/5/5 Very realistic simulation droids. Very challenging fighting through the streets for crescent wrench.
  4. Polik


    5/5/5 Enjoyed some collab with CG, was an interesting sim not too hard but still challenging.
  5. Polik

    Illum Headhunt

    5/5/5 Very epic patrol and I loved destroying the CIS outpost! #allmyhomieshatecommandodroids.
  6. 5/5/5 so maul dalorianeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  7. 5/5/5 Most epic patrol to ever exist in the history of ever. Was so action packed
  8. 5/5/5 pretty goated, was an intense encounter!
  9. 5/5/5. Very good, was late but I enjoyed being able to do something on the server instead of just sitting. Thank you for hosting!
  10. I could not agree with Bacta more. A good strong promotional video to get started+someone making content consistantly after that video would drive people to the community. But even if it does bring people, if more than half of the playerbase is AFK all the time, then they will leave.
  11. +1, Void thus far has been respectable and approachable about issues and gone out of his way to look for input from other battalion members.
  12. Doesnt adress the second part of my comment, and other previous RCMD's have previously been BCMD's.
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