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Posts posted by Metro

  1. So this may surprise most but I am actually going to +1. Comics is the definition of loyalty. This man has been through thick and thin with the 212th for as long as I have seen him on the server. Through everything demotions, general bad states for 212th he has been there and never discouraged. He started off as someone I would get frustrated with when I first joined due to behavior and just general disagreements but one thing I have learned and seen is progress. Comics has progressed quite a bit and deserves a chance at an interview for the battalion he has worked with since the beginning. I have seen this first hand working with 212th and through conversations I have had with him. Best of luck @Comics, I think you could be a great leader within this battalion.

    • Friendly 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Daytona211 said:

    Thanks for the rating!!!
    Would you say this event had these qualities? 

    The Storyline was iffy at points but I missed part of the briefing. Overall the RP in-between everyone involved and the Gamemaster was great. I also felt you allowed quite a lot of adaptability into the event which is nice. Overall I had a great time so for the most part it had them both.

  3. 8/10 - My first experience with one of your events and I try to be insightful and give you feedback to work off. I believe that overall the event was fun and well organized. My only concerns come in the following forms
    - Lag (May not be your fault Map is like that ) 
    - Spawning (Was a little erratic but nothing too notable)

    Key notes of things I wish to see continued
    - Good Storyline and Great RP with those in the event
    - Fun and Adaptable Mission

    This event was a good time. Thanks Khufu!

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  4. -1 for a few reasons. In Wolfpack the last thing we need is another Pilot. We already have Tracer and Warthog which both have more lore supporting their existence within the 104th. Whereas, Jag could only be "Assumed" that he is part of the 104th as the only thing we know for sure he reported to was the Republic Star Fighter Corps. The Pilot model is not good either. Overall, not needed and will do nothing to help the battalion. 

    • Agree 2
  5. +1
    It doesn't make sense for a military base to leave a ladder up on the fortifying walls. And Bounty Hunters who come on base without permission should either be killed or detained for unauthorized entry. Remember people we are on a hostile planet, during a war. You really think a military presence would be OKAY with leaving up a security breach? For RP or not, it makes no fucking sense. I am all for increasing RP but in ways that support common sense and the lore. 

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