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Posts posted by Metro

  1. RP Name: Torrent Company Colonel Fives | Master Guccimus | Metro

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155561484

    VIP (Y/N): Yes

    Age: 22

    Timezone: EST

    Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): 
    I've decided to apply for Staff after being encouraged to give it a shot by multiple previous and current staff members. Originally I wanted nothing to do with it as I feared it would make my time on the server a chore rather than having fun but recently my perspective has changed a little bit. I mainly want to become staff to help out the gamemaster program. After zeusing for Arma Operations, I think that I would like to try my hand at what I could do in GMOD for events. My plans are to try and provide unique events that relate to the lore and overall provide an atmosphere for people to roleplay as their character whether it is canon, non canon or just themselves. Overall I chose to apply to try something new in the server and try and give back a little bit! Whether its by providing events, sims or just overall assisting when I can.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I have played here on and off for 4 years now and I have held a plethora of different positions. I feel like I'm fairly easy to get along with and I am very direct with how I feel about situations. I'm just here to have fun and promote roleplay where I can.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: N/A

    How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 1906

    • Friendly 1
    • Pay Respect 1
  2. 0/10 - This was the worst event I have seen in quite some time. Multiple GM rules were broken, Event Jobs were literally kill happy and did nothing to drive a story (Maul spamming lightning, Asajj abusing force choke constantly!), No Story/RP and good god I just can't say how much this made me want to jump off a cliff by the time it was over (finally). I think you need to sit down and re-evaulate how you go about events and control your event jobs. I'm at a loss for words, I feel like I just tried to fight Legends Luke Skywalker, or was one of the clones caught in Mauls rampage....


    • Funny 3
  3. Battalion: SOBDE

    RP Name: Captain Climber

    Date: 7/8/2021

    Reason: This has not panned out in the way I thought it would. I was told going into this I would have creative freedom to do what is necessary to promote success in SOBDE. A lot of what I wanted to do has been heavily compromised or met with strong opposition. I do not feel like the BCMD of this battalion. I feel like unglorified High Command with none of the perks, which is something I always refused to do for a reason. I am resigning from SOBDE BCMD and moving on playing different things on the server. I just want to stop myself from getting to the point I have been at previously of being burned out and not wanting to be apart of the community. I wish the best of the luck to the next BCMD and if anyone from SOBDE needs anything they know they can reach out.

    • Informative 1
    • Friendly 2
    • Pay Respect 16
    • Confused 1
  4. 9/10 - As an event job and 501st PVT Stubbs. I had a great time and got to add some unique RP!

    - RP from the Clones & Anakin with the EJ was great.
    - Good amount of difficulty and was generally fun!
    - Great tense moments, especially in the caves.

    - Not enough Captain America. (jk jk)

  5. 7/10 - It was a great event for a setup event and allowed for a lot of free RP in the second half

    Sets up an amazing Campaign.
    As always free RP storylines
    Great help from the GH's some of the better work from helpers.

    A little bit confusing after the 1st part ended. But it made more sense in the final part of action.

  6. 9/10 - Great time with all the participants and story line. Overall so much fun.

    Accurate battle of Geonosis RP. 
    Great RP from the GM and the Other Participants.
    Liked the freeness of how RP goes.

    I felt a lack of direction at first but this is mostly my fault for missing the first parts!

  7. 8/10 - I always enjoy your events because of the free flow RP and the things that can take place. I will say this one caused me a bit of trouble with the ending due to confusion on what was going on with the LAAT and Delta but once that was sorted it was fun.

    Free Flow RP
    Unique Mission
    Unique Gameplay Elements (Mix of PVE/PVP and RP)

    Some confusion on mission objective near the end for SOBDE.

    Great job thanks!

  8. +1, Give this to ARF and for the love of god don't add more document RP or restrict it to one battalion. Leave the training up to BCMD discretion, I'm sure they can do the right thing. Marvel's plan of sending the RPS-6 to Heavies and having this in the ARF kit makes the most sense logistically. 

    • Agree 1
  9. 7/10 - Great event! I had a great time playing Hunter and working with the Bad Batch in this style event.

    - Free player choice
    - Great RP for the Players
    - Unique story per usual

    - Optimization and lack of direction in some areas. I think this one was the biggest con as it hurt my experience crashing twice during the first part.

    Overall, thanks for the event!

  10. 9/10 - Great event, unique mechanics and I really enjoyed the free spirit RP with not a lot of rules.

    - Walon Vau + Kal Skirata
    - Allowed us to RP as needed/as our characters would do.
    - Great map choice
    - Fenn Rau saving the day

    - Confusion with when we could fire on the other party,

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