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Posts posted by Metro

  1. Dennis put it best. I'd rather people earn their Jedi levels in a FFA then have to meditate AFK all night for a week and half. +1 Who cares, it's much different than Scribbles spawning in almost enough droids to crash the server and killing them like a shit head.

    • Agree 2
    • Funny 1
  2. 2/4
    Would have been higher if it wasn't for the constant respawn of the same 3 B2's doing the same things.
    Here is my feedback:
    - B2's constantly coming back spamming Rockets after being slaughtered by the AT-TE countless times.
    - No end in sight, we destroyed over a battalion of droids and vultures but they kept coming back.
    - It seemed doom to fail. Regardless of anything we did.

    - Enemy Forces appearing out of thin air was another thing, I really didn't see much MTT/Droid Dropship deploying them, just kinda POOF 20+ B1s or B2 Event Job runs in and jumps over gate. (Which is new I have never seen B2's jump and crouch to maneuver)

    Finally, I will say the story line and stuff was pretty fun and I always like a 1 Life. Just keep in mind not to spam Vultures and Event Jobs that spam OP Rockets. Thanks for the invite.

  3. 4/4 - One of my favorite events that I have participated in. Here is some feedback!
    - Great Storyline and use of the Terminals!
    - Very Creative use of the Map
    - Interesting on both parts.

    Thanks again man! You did great with this!

  4. -1 , Ultimately, I do not think you are a good candidate for Kal for multiple reasons. My first point is how you deal with conflict. Anytime people disagree with you, you make it into a personal issue. I have saw this first hand and had to deal with the issues that arose from it in my term as Kal (Ultimately resulting in Prince's removal and Blacklist from Null). Secondly, I don't believe you would be putting Null in the direction it needs to go. What I mean by that is that you have always had an isolation mindset when it comes to Null. While I don't mind that to a degree, I believe that in todays server climate it needs to be something that all of SOBDE can work together on improving relations. Null is in a stage where it needs someone who is more open minded and able to progress the squad. It's sad what happened with Harsh as I felt he was the best person to do this. I fear your term as Kal would do nothing but circle around to the old toxicity of Null that has been worked on so hard by many to fix. My final point, is just overall behavior. I'm concerned that Prince's old ways will reappear and cause more drama then necessary. I am not one to gripe on issues of the past as I am an avid believer of giving people chances. Unfortunately, this has bit me in the ass multiple times. Prince, I want to stress this is not a personal attack on you, however, I wouldn't feel right not speaking my mind about this situation. 

    • Agree 3
    • Winner 1
    • Informative 6
  5. HELL YES! +1, Give Heavies something other than "HAHA Z6 GOES BRRRRRRRRT" This would give us something that helps us on those frontlines. Also gives Heavies a support role to help others. 10/10.

    • Funny 1
  6. 2/4 - Not quite your normal standards for events but I understand with the time constraints. Here is some feedback
    - Turrets = OP
    - Lack of Direction near the End.

    - Short but I understand why


    But still good work and thanks for the deployment!

    • Informative 1
  7. Bug Type (Server:): Event Server - Weapons don't have updated damage.

    Severity level (1-3): 2

    Evidence (if you can): Can provide if necessary

    Description of the bug: In the new update changes in damage and other attributes has happened to some weapons. It seems to not have been applied to the event server.

    How can we recreate it: Check the Weapons out on the Event Server :)

  8. 4/4 - Great work on this event. Continue supporting the Mechanized in your events please!
    Great Storyline
    Great Implementation, very unique idea to have the "Trap" set up with the zombies and the elevators!
    Overall, great shit man.

    • Friendly 1
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