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Posts posted by Metro

  1. Hey guys, so this is something I didn't think I'd do this time around but I guess that I have too. I have real life obligations to fulfill and cannot waste time here unfortunately. So this is my official resignation from Kal. I'd like to say that this came up quick and abrupt due to IRL shit but its for the best. I cannot waste the opportunities gifted to me and I have made commitments to fulfill that are leagues above virtual Star Wars. Best of luck to whoever goes for the position and can treat it with the time it deserves. 

    Image result for metro boomin gif

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Pythin said:

    I am saying that people could have helped the squad out. I saw a bunch of people who wanted to join and help Foxtrot, and you guys just let it die. I mean if you wanted it gone, then you should have waited for the suggestion to get put to pending at least? Like I just think that that is unfair to those people


    Why would we help the Squad out when we have our own issues?  Let's get serious here, join a different Squad. It promotes higher standards by having less spots making SOBDE have less competition for positions to fill. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Bro said:

    -1, Foxtrot has worked well within the 212th and always had. These men were the best of SOBDE for they worked the most with the designated battalion, I wouldn't replace them with anyone 

    That's the point not to replace them we have too many squads. Plus with the new Outreach system that isn't a thing really anymore. I respect your opinion but they literally have less lore that Ion Team.

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