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Posts posted by Metro

  1. 24 minutes ago, Feds said:

    We have new faces that are use to Woeny and Jackson.

    And I am not saying that they aren't as qualified by any means. This is by far one of the best candidates going for 1 Position. Fiend, Woeny or Jackson I believe will do great. I wasn't necessarily calling you out or saying you are wrong I was just stating Fiend has indeed done more in the past before you were in the battalion.

  2. 2 hours ago, Feds said:

    -1 The battalion needs a familiar face and you barely come into the channel and when you do you aren't in events with us just there for a few seconds and gone the next. Woeny and Jackson have been working their way up in the battalion and helping it for a long time and they deserve it.

    In his defense, he has ran more sims and events before your time in the battalion. I will attest to that as I was around when he was doing them.

  3. +1, Woeny has been a rather helpful Commander. Whenever I needed anything he was always there to answer or do what was needed to be done. I feel like he would make a good Battalion Commander.

  4. This can be voided. I talked with @Zyner it was a simple misunderstanding between Zyner and I. As @Billiam Clinton said, I do believe I could also have taken a better approach. I think the rules do need to be looked over for any other mishaps like this one. I do wish I received a bit more respect from other members, obviously there was no need for flaming on either side. @Jayarr to explain on that last little bit, this is obviously something that has been changed since you have been here, I just disliked the fact you came in and disrespected me before you even really knew what was going on. I just wanted to end this whole thing before it got further out of hand.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

    if only you were an older member. tristans a god. gotta love him

    Honestly, it's whatever. I was only asking due to the fact I have never seen him and I believe if you don't even play on the server no need to come on here and try and make decisions. I ain't mad I am just curious to why you felt the need to come on here to flame me lmao.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Zyner said:

    I understand that the way it was handled was not perfect but I was trying to keep him in the Event by just moving him away, had I brought him to an Admin Sit room it would have completely taken him out of the Event - regardless of that the actions resulted in the same result.

    I agree, including the update of the Rules & Regulations as they are highly important documents that need to be correct day-to-day.

    I can't disagree with the last part, might not be a bad idea to update the rules. I don't mean anything personal by this I just would love if you would have said/typed or told me exactly why the hell I was being moved. I don't hold any grudges.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Tristan said:


    im in no mood to be nice and im sure neither will medic

    being ontop of the ATC is BLATANT failrp, and i would hope medic and @Rush Cat would make it as such. 

    This staff report is literally you being salty because you got one event ruined for you. ONE. more will come, dont cry over spilled milk dammit. use common sense people holy fuck

    Do you even play here? I have no clue who you are no offense. I would just refer to Billiam's Post. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Square said:

    This entire post is ridiculous. You had to get pulled down 5 times and you continued to ignore a vet admin's request. Obviously this rule stayed in for a reason otherwise it would have been taken off. Go to the suggestions page if you want to change something.

    Maybe it would be a good idea to USE WORDS, instead of just physgunning the player? No? I was told I was okay to be up there by other players and even staff members. Hell I have been up there with staff members. No one has EVER consistently physgunned me down and not say a word about it.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Jayarr said:

    btw "here on venator". boi wtf are you dumb. where the fuck else would the ATC be. stop it. get some help.

    There was an ATC on Rishi Moon. Don't need you coming here and talking shit.


    2 minutes ago, Bobonater3 said:

    You were brought down 5 times, dont you think that after the 1st or even the 2nd time being brought down to not go up there.

    Use common sense, if someone higher up moves you off of something that means dont go back up there

    I was in the right to be there of course I would continue going up, as I said. I am the Marksman for my squad I was getting a vantage point to shoot down on the enemies as any good marksman would.

  10. That's a shit excuse and you know it. (Its Common Knowledge that the rule doesn't apply here on Venator. I have seen many people go up there and I am sure you have even used it yourself. I was told I was fine to be there.) I recommend that you do not lie on this as well, you never said shit to me and just consistently moved me off. I am not one to get upset at the damn game but I do not like being patronized.

  11. RP Name: Null 10 Jaing Skirata

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:155561484

    Staff member you are reporting: Zyner

    Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): No Clue.

    Staff Members Wrong-Doing: Abusing Physgun, Spawning in a Baton to attempt and arrest me. 

    Explain the situation: I was taking a vantage point on top of the ATC to shoot down on the enemies, I am the Squads marksman so this was the best position for me to be in. After about 5 times of me being phsygunned down, he decided to spawn in a baton and hit me with it trying to arrest me. I luckily was able to move before being arrested. This literally ruined the event for me. (I know about the supposed rule but that was back on Rishi Moon, however, I was told it was VOID on the Venator and that I could use it!)

    Evidence (If applicable): http://prntscr.com/ghld3b

    • Dumb 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, Nyx said:

    Um, okay look. Kain's name may have been brought up, but he really didn't do anything bad. In fact, as far as I can see,AND REAPER, who is inside our TS right now has literally said that he has no problems with Kain at all, he's cool with him, there is no drama between those two.

    But there was major beef in the past, yeah it maybe over now but it is being brought up due to this being a full report on his actions.

  13. Honestly, I can say there is one thing I absolutely despise in this world and it is hypocrisy! The fact Kain demoted/removed Stout from his positions as Fives and ARC Lead is completely and utterly hypocritical. Kain has struggled with his activity and instead of telling the truth he left out the part were he has been playing SWTOR with Me and Stout throughout the week. Stout is usually on the server when he can excluding work, he was the one who actually told Kain he didn't want to play SWTOR somedays to play on the SERVER. Recently, I have made the decision to leave the battalion and try for new ventures. He has set a limit on each and every commander/officer, stopping us from actually doing anything without him watching over our shoulder. I'm sorry Kain but after talking with both parties I am not cool with what has been going down especially with Ginyu and Stouts situations. +1, After this I won't be allowed into any meetings lmao but its okay :)

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