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Posts posted by Metro


    Steam Name: Metro


    RP Name: RC22 Omega Squad TECH Atin/TGM Knight II Serra Keto


    Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:155561484


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: Ion Team



    501st Legion

    My first battalion. I was in this battalion for the first few months of my stay on the server. While working within the 501st I quickly ranked up to the upper echelon of the NCO ranks and eventually Sergeant Major of the Battalion. I spent majority of my time as that position as well as TC Jesse. My final rank within the Battalion was 2nd Lieutenant. Within this battalion I gained my ARC Training, unfortunately due to disagreement with the BCMD I decided to move on to Null.

    Null 10 Jaing Skirata

    This was my favorite position to date. While with Null I not only gained more influence on RP Situations, I also was able to learn a lot about how to handle them. As my RP skills increased so did the amount of fun I was having on my character. I helped with the writing of Docs like the EOD, Combat Medical and a lesser extent Tech. I ran the trainings with Kal and Ordo (Duck & Cipher) and I was enjoying just the overall feel of doing so. Within Null I became proficient with the majority of roleplay available on the server and is what really boosted my confidence within myself to even apply for positions such as this. But as much as I loved being Jaing, all good things come to an end. Due to disagreements and political drama within the squad, I chose to resign shortly before the infamous wipe of Null. (Which turned out will for the battalion props to Cipher)

    104th MAB

    I joined the 104th after leaving Null as a Captain. The Officers within the battalion were kind enough to allow me in even though I did not have an intent of maining my clone as much anymore due to my jedi’s status. I did not accomplish much, simple things like trainings and helping during events within the battalion and eventually left for other adventures.


    During my time as Null I had acquired VIP and began a Jedi character, by the point of the Null fallout I had became a Temple Guard and a Knight. Around the same week I left Null I became one of the Temple Guard Managers. I have since then continued the position and provided trials, and insight to the Temple Guards below me when needed. I have never had a complaint about my performance and assume I have done my job up to the standards of my branch leader and gatekeeper. 

    Omega Squad

    My current clone character is Atin. I chose to return to the SOBDE for the RP style. I missed a lot of the aspects of Null and found myself a spot under Baxter who has been doing an excellent job as Niner. So far everything's been great in Omega Squad but I decided I wanted to move on to my ultimate goal ever since joining the server and that is a being able to run a Squad.


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I should be chosen for the position as Battalion Commander for a multitude of reasons. My first point is I have a fresh point of view of running a battalion. I ran battalions on other servers and have a fine blend of a leadership style which will make the battalion not only successful but unique. Secondly, I am very loyal to the position I receive. I usually spend a long amount of time within a position once I reach it until something either tragic or in real life gets in the way of that. I spend a lot of my time on this server not only in the betterment of myself but others within my squad. Another thing I bring to the table is my ability to get along with pretty much every group of people on the server, I haven’t had many issues with anyone on the server that wouldn’t be solved. Finally, my overall ability to lead. I know the difference between being a boss and a leader and I believe I can lead a battalion to greatness. Being part of these RC Squads or Null is completely different animal and I believe I can run this squad and continue it’s path to greatness.


    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes, I do.



    Everyday excluding days I am out of state.

    Monday-Tuesday (All Day Essentially)

    Wednesday-Sunday (Varies with baseball schedule but usually on for 3+ Hours)


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Around 4 Months.


    Do you have a microphone?: Yes


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: In a stable situation and held in a prestigious light when talked about.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

  2. 1 hour ago, Dadd said:

    I was demoted from MAJ to CSM in the 91st when Zander was neyo.  He never had a meeting about it, he never told me in advance, he just came into the channel and hes like "Dadd your CSM now".  If the director of the fucking server thinks its okay to do it, then kal skirata should not be exempt.

    *Cough* At least he talked to you in person, he literally only made a forums post which I found pretty shitty.

    • Agree 1
  3. Ya'll motherfuckers woke me up at 5AM on Gameday, I should kick ya'lls asses. BUT since I am up I am going to make a half awake response. Honestly this is rather confusing to me, I left due to conflicts within the squad about 12 HOURS prior to the wipe (Kinda blessed since I was one of the ones to get a rank transfer due to the other guys having no warning). After reading over the report, I can agree the points Duck brought up are valid. I felt really bad for the guys who got wiped without any warning, it is his right to wipe the squad but I personally feel like it would have been nice to at least tell it to them in person or give them a chance to rank transfer. Cipher told me right before he put his post up that he was going to wipe the squad and I was hoping it would be handled a different way. The whole post as nicely worded as it was, was still a slap in the face to the Null Squad members I served with. As for the situation with the "video", it could have been handled a lot better, I did agree with part of what he did but the fact of the matter is he did not tell us the truth. Nevertheless after that situation arose another. With me personally, I felt like I was being pushed away from the squad after I put in a 3 day ROA to play other games and relax. Threats of removal I perceived as serious when I said I don't feel like hopping on, the exception was tryouts I always got on as I was responsible for part of them. (This came from both Dragon and to a lesser extent Cipher.) Now from what I was told was apparently Dragon was trying to "save" me from demotion by Cipher? I am not entirely sure on how that works but Dragon, Creator and I had a few conversations before I left about Cipher considering wiping the squad before this actually happened. Cipher didn't warn anyone about his thought process then, and the only reason I knew it was even happening was due to Dragon. Overall, the handling of the squad has deteriorated without Duck holding it in place as before. There was many things I enjoyed about being "Jaing" that I had to cast away due to drama and overall bullshit that I think could have been handled better. I was hyped at first for Cipher to get a shot at Kal but after what has happened under his watch it kind of makes me regret that Duck got moved up to SOBDE Regimental simply due to the fact as him being a great Kal. Before I wrap this completely up, I supported Cipher going for Kal, I openly supported the wipe of null IF IT would have been handled better. (WHEN I WAKE UP TOMORROW ILL PROBABLY ADD MORE TO THIS, FOR NOW I AM STAYING NEUTRAL BUT LEANING TOWARDS SUPPORTING THIS. UNTIL I CAN TALK WITH DRAGON, DUCK and CIPHER. I WON'T PUT A FULL +1/-1)

  4. Bug Type (server/forum): Server

    Severity level (1-3): I am assuming 1 is the lowest. 1

    Evidence (if you can): None Needed.

    Description of the bug: Serra Keto spawns in the CC room where she should spawn in the Temple Guard Bunks. She also does not have her Arrest Baton.

    How can we recreate it: Take a look at the Job.

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