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Posts posted by Metro

  1. +1, knows when to take a stand against bullshit happening within his Regiment, which in my opinion was a major change. He has the ability to lead and that is very clear by Omega's current status. You don't force your squad mates into things they don't agree to and understand that this is more of Squad effort than a Dictatorship. I'd love to work with Baxter as Regimental as he is always honest and a hard worker.

    • Agree 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Ryx said:

    We're in your regiment, you could at least respect me and my guys enough to work with them. You're a clone, same as every other clone as the ship. Just because you're RC doesn't make you special in my opinion. Yeah, maybe I'm a bit upset that we had an SOBDE event and the only contact that you guys had with us was to tell us not to do something, which I decided to do anyways and I succeeded in it, which you guys didn't even acknowledge. I'm not even asking to be buddy buddy, I was just annoying that you all basically ignored my guys like they weren't even there.

    "Respect Me"

    Image result for question mark meme

    For one respect is earned not given. Earn my respect and stop bitching at me for doing my own thing. While we may be clones we are literally the definition of elite within our lore. I am going to quote Joah for this one, "RC are not meant to be friends with other Battalions, they would never do that in lore". Now for one, one of my goals since getting Climber was establishing a difference in OOC and IC behavior and my squad has done that to the letter. We are definitely approachable in any OOC standpoint but IC we still try to maintain a somewhat lore friendly attitude. If I had a dime for every time you asked me for "communications" I'd be richer than Pablo Escobar in his prime. The fact you think I need to respect and reward you is a fucking joke. Stay in your lane, mind your business and for the love of god stop complaining about Ion Team and Omega Squad for not wanting to completely ruin the point of being in an Elite Squad not a large Battalion. From this point on I am not even going to stoop to respond to this shit.

    • Agree 6
  3. "Vanhorn": All I said if Washington thinks he can do a better job then lets see him do an event at 3 AM CST.

    Plus a shit ton more. -1, Didn't even need to be at this event to know how horrible it was. My boys told me all about it... Don't blame people that weren't at fault for your mistakes.


    Tries to flame someone. Doesn't expect retaliation! 


    • Agree 4
    • Disagree 2
  4. 9 hours ago, Ares said:

    So my question is, are Null/RC/Ion team TOLD how to be when they join or does each select how to represent their character?

    Woeny is correct. My philosophy after getting Climber has to be slightly more mellow in interactions with the rest of the GAR. I let my men decide to run themselves in the manner the choose to so long that it isn't causing issues with the rest of the server. I would not force a play style or attitude on any of my squad members. So far we have had no issues regarding this and have been very successful in our efforts on the server. I hope this answers your question in full, @Ares.

    Secondly, I was Null for a long time and my personal goal was to act like the character of Jaing. From what I've seen and experienced that's how majority of Null operates and it is not forced on you. Understanding the Lore from each character is important when it comes to Null because you have polar opposites in people like "Jaing" and "Prudii". I personally understood a lot of the hate being Jaing and slightly twisted in a majority of my actions. I said a lot of unpopular things and that caused some issues, however, on a whole as long as you separate your IC relations with your OOC relations you could do what I did without ruining your reputation. That's all I have to say about that subject.

    • Agree 2
  5. I really wish I could support this in good faith. Stout homie, you are a great dude and clearly have the experience to the run the order. But with everything you got going on IRL do you really have time for this? Many of the people here are skeptical about that. If you have time to dedicate, I'd +1 this in a heartbeat. For now I am neutral. 

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