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Posts posted by Metro

  1. Straight Up, I don't got words for why I am leaving. It just ain't the same coming on the server anymore. I'm out going back to the Studio.

    @woeny23 Take it easy bro, thanks for being a good Ras & someone that ain't a snake......

    @Vires Straight up I ain't got shit to say to you, you still going to be in contact.

    @Forge Appreciate all your help w/ Jedi. Take it easy homie.

    @Washington We beefed about stupid shit in Null but we became pretty chill. Take it easy bro.

    @Cmo What a ride in the Sentinel Branch, continue doing you.

    @Tybo Temple is Gucci, but Gucci ain't in the Temple.

    @Ginyu I'm going home, out of Iraq. I didn't lose my Kevlar! BUT POLICE THAT MOUSTACHE!

    @Thexan Appreciate ya, take it easy.

    @Llama/Yoda Thanks for being the voice of reason. Appreciate ya bro.

    @Medic Lowkey Miss playing PUBG. 

    • Agree 2
  2. Name: Metro (Climber)

    Reason: Well, I didn’t think I would be in this position as soon as I am but I am burned out with my clone. Not only is it a chore to get on my RC anymore, I just don't ever have fun doing it. I have accomplished everything I set forward to do with my time as Climber. As promised. I believe I raised the public's opinion on my squad and RC as a whole which was my main mission on my application. I had assembled a great Team consisting of @Ginyu @woeny23 @Vires and it was great while everyone was around we got numerous compliments and shoutouts due to our actions. I dedicated a lot of my time to this Team and I am proud to have led these men. I won’t talk much about tryouts other than I changed them for the better by adding a new step into becoming RC. This step proved to be effective in picking the best candidates as seen above. I have a lot of hope for the future of RC now that the leadership is being shaken up from its old ways. @Mupiov and @Rush Cat will do a great job with their squads as long as they don’t fall to the ways of the Taskmaster. @Cipher and I have had our differences at times but overall once his hunting season is over he will continue to be a leader we can all respect for his actions and willingness to attempt and better the GAR. (Even though he thinks I am too hood at points….) @Duck what can I say, It was a pleasure working and learning from you as a CO. You always had my back in confrontations and was never afraid to tell me when I was wrong. I appreciate ya. @Baxter even though are personalities clash at times you are a good Regimental Commander. You care for your battalion/squads and I can respect that. SOBDE is in good hands.

    Recommendations: @Vires , @woeny23 and @Runs with Apache. These 3 guys have the potential to be great Squad Leads. Vires I have seen you lead before on past experience. If you want to step up and take the reins from me I would fully support you. Woeny, I know you may not want the position but you still are a great candidate. But only go for the position if you want to go, it’s never good to force something on yourself. And last but not least Apache. What the fuck can I even say, does anyone see this man as Ordo. By far best Ordo on the Server and this is not even mentioning his time as BCMD of 38th. If you want to lead again, I’d support you on this endeavor.

    No Farewells, I’ll still be playing my Jedi when I am not playing other shit. And probably will still hang out with the people above regardless of being in RC/Null. (ESO Dungeons and Golf w/ Friends etc.)





    • Agree 1
  3. -1, You're a ghost. At the end of your term you tried to give the illusion of being active so you can just maintain a high rank. I honestly believe there are other candidates that blow you away with their activity and qualities as a CO. You haven't done much with your role and honestly, I don't see that ever changing. The Attack and Defense battalions deserve someone who is going to be there for them and I don't think you are the man who can do that with your activity. Don't take this personal it's just that I am being 100% honest with this, you seem like a good guy from what I have seen from you but I just don't believe this position is for you.

  4. December 16th, the year of our lord 2017. After battle defeating the taskmaster and demolishing the normies everywhere Ion Team went. Our luck finally caught up with us. This will forever be known as the darkest of days in Ion Team legacy. Operation False Prophet and chewing out people who lose their kevlar (because it wasn't theirs to lose) must continue to remember Ginyu's legacy. Dark times are upon us......

    • Agree 3
  5. 14 hours ago, Runs with Apache said:

    You posted this in application.


    I think this belongs in resignation.



    Eh whatever. Take my plus 1 i guess. You wont be the worst weve had. 

    /me looks to metro

    +1, Rush will do a great job.


    Where the 38th though?

    /me looks back at Apache


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