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Posts posted by Metro

  1. 7 minutes ago, Forseen said:

    A captured enemy is lore valuable than a dead one. Having a captive Sith allows us to have leverage over the Sith from a roleplay aspect in gaining intelligence.

    There is nothing stating anywhere that we would treat them as allies? Detain means strip them of weapons and comms, bind them with force-shackles, take them to brig/IR. As stated above, intelligence in a war would be far more superior than a dead acolyte...

    Also, the rule of two, as I had to explain to others. States there may only be two Sith LORDS at one time. A master and an apprentice. It does not state there can not be others under them? Savage and Maul we’re trying to overthrow Sidious to become the new Two lords. He didn’t care about their existence until they plotted against him.

    So their order would still break that by your own definition. Considering they have many lords and even ANOTHER EMPEROR (Dark Lord of the Sith or whatever same thing different title.).....
    The Sith are enemies to the Republic. We shouldn't be forced to attempt and detain a group of people who are known enemies and have the ability to decimate Clones up close with force abilities. This whole new RoE undercuts the rule put in place, they have the opportunity to strike first and hurt the Republic severely. Not to mention the fact of the matter is most clones would die before being able to detain a Sith or the Sith could just leap away.

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  2. Neutral.

    As a Marshal Commander to the Republic you have failed on one major ground. You align yourself with the enemy and consistently let Sith take advantage of the Republic. The new RoE shows this clearly. You went and undercut a server rule to try and assist the Sith. The constant meetings with Sith in base and lack of actual RP involving supporting the Republic over its enemies is the only reason I am skeptical of your return.

    Overall, Qal you have good intentions but you need to take a look at what you are doing RP wise.

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  3. Name: Metro | A'den Skirata

    Suggestion: Two Things:
    1) Officially announce the KoS on Sith on Robes as a Rule. (Put in in Writing)
    2) Fix the Rules of Engagement to follow this CURRENT rule.

    Add the following rule in Writing as it has already been stated as a rule by Joah.
    "Sith in their Sith Robes are able to be Killed on Sight."

    This rule conflicts heavily with the new RoE which needs to also be reverted to follow server rules. This new set undermines the rule put in place by high staff. The citizen bodygrouper was added for a reason. Plus the Sith would be known enemies of the Republic. Palpatine would wipe these "Sith" off the face off Endor. My proof, look at what he did to Savage and Maul with their break of the rule of two.

    I understand this was added to promote roleplay but this literally BREAKS any form of character that most clones would have. Especially when we have the Marshal Commander regularly TALKING AND ASSISTING THE SITH. If they want to be treated as Citizens fine, use the bodygrouper. But don't ask me to go around "detaining" Sith who are known enemies to the Republic that's just an insult. If they are going to be sticking around, they are the BAD GUYS and the Republic should NOT be aligning themselves with them. Overall, all I am asking for here is to not be forced to treat Sith as allies or anything among the sort. They are enemies and treating them as such should be the norm on this RP server.

    If there was any lore involved there wouldn't be any Sith. Hell I couldn't even call this Clone Wars anymore it's just jumbled up ERA with no real intent for it to be Clone Wars.

  4. 3 hours ago, Fours said:

    I'll be honest, 1 month is very generous.. considering its a story built up over 10 years for this final installment which was one of the most hyped up movies of the decade. If it were up to me the ban would have been longer. Sorry not sorry.



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