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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. 3/10, already gave you all my feedback in the channel
  2. Your application has been ACCEPTED for interview. Contact a GMO by 9/18/2019 or be DENIED Good luck on your interview ! 😋 @Nade Jones
  3. Your application has been ACCEPTED for interview. Contact a GMO by 9/18/2019 or be DENIED. Good luck on your interview ! 😋 @Nade Jones @Poe
  4. Honestly thought this was a minecraft related post, I am big dumb. +1
  5. Daaannnggg, I wanted to do more McFactories... B ( oh well. o7 hmu with minecraft bb
  6. +1, give me honorary TC PVT Rohan bro
  7. Ye, big -1 after Xander's explanation. This is just big dumb, also @Nade Jones it's been 24h
  8. I'd like Xander's input on this aswell before I cast a vote like Kronos said. So if @Xander can elaborate on his reasons?
  9. +1, new additions to the team as always nice and gives for a more unique experience.
  10. You have been ACCEPTED as a GM ! Welcome to the team. 😋
  11. Your application has been ACCEPTED for interview. Report to a GMO by 9/13/2019 or be DENIED Good luck on your interview ! 😋 @Nade Jones @Poe @Joe
  12. Your application has been ACCEPTED for interview. Report to a GMO by 9/13/2019 or be DENIED Good luck on your interview ! 😋 @Nade Jones @Poe @Joe
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