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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Rohan

  1. You've been ACCEPTED for an interview, please report to a GMO by 9/29/2019 or be DENIED Good luck on your interview ! 😋 //locked //moved to pending
  2. You were ACCEPTED in your interview ! Congratulations and welcome to the team. //locked //moved to accepted
  3. Can I even comment on these things btw @Nade Jones
  4. Aight so do you prefer !ban Neptune 2093470297450273506230567928635026359826 week or !perma Neptune @Neptune
  5. Bro, no ;-; actualy say sike right now please
  6. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: Pirate pew pew Summary of the story: Pirates attacked with A LOT of forces and making it hard for the 9 troops at base. The dropped 3 bombs which didn't go off but were still active. What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Pew Pew Pew
  7. You've been ACCEPTED for an interview, please report to a GMO by 9/27/2019 or be DENIED Good luck on your interview ! 😋 //locked //moved to pending
  8. iPhone 11: 3 cameras iPhone 20:
  9. Rohan

    Cubbys GM APP

    Your application has been ACCEPTED for interview. Contact a GMO by 25/9/2019 or be DENIED. Good luck with your interview ! //moved to pending
  10. You have been ACCEPTED for interview. Contact a HEAD ADMIN before 9/18/2019 or be DENIED. Good luck on your interview! 😋 //locked //Moved to pending
  11. +1, as I helped in one of the trainings he set up you can tell he really cares about whatever he does with the batts he was commanding. In this case the Recon Batts. Hope you are gonna do epic as MCMD. Honestly one of the only regs who does stuff with his regiment.
  12. +1, this man got me into GM and I love him ❤️
  13. I would say Tiplar, Tiplee and Etain should get some love
  14. Application ACCEPTED, welcome back to the staff team Elijah ! //Moved to accepted
  16. Bruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby dent baby
  17. You have been ACCEPTED for interview contact a HA by 9/16/2019 or be DENIED Good luck on your interview Elijah ! 😋
  18. @Nade Jones @Poe @Joe sorry for the late shit but uh You were accepted as a GM.
  19. Name: Rohan Who helped (If applicable): Elijah & Spoof Event Name: Horrifying Expirements Summary of the story: So the village on Anaxes has secretly been taken over by CIS Doctor Death and was experimenting on the civies for a few days. After the awareness of this the Republic commsed to Anaxes base "Village blablabla attack blablabla CIS". The CIS was prepared and hid their forces well. They had about a dozen tanks and a full battalion of droids ready to fight them off. The rayshield over the village was locked with a physical key which the clones found. Once they fought off the massive CIS army they entered the village only to found out the civies were turned into terrible monsters (fast zombies) and ended them all. There was a small group of 3 armed and 5-9 unarmed civies in a building hiding from them. Anderson - pretty cool - said it could've been an expiremen which is what it was. Once he tracked the comms tower to the lab they found out it is a major facility for the CIS. Commander Bob will retrieve the civies and help them out with everything (later down the line) and this will result in a deployment for battalions: 327th, idk yet & idk yet B) What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory in every way except the turned civies Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up and RP both
  20. Lmfao, but the ooga booga is fun sometimes.
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