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Everything posted by Leche

  1. Just a heads up, that wasnt me that turned off the engine
  2. Name: Leche Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: CIS Bombardment Link to Event Document (optional):
  3. 8/10 the rp was really fun wouldve been better if there was a bit more story behind it
  4. 8/10 The crashes were annoying but the event was really fun
  5. 7/10 Was like a 2 hour of waiting and wasnt a vibe, the idea and layout was cool and was executed pretty rad. Good job :)
  6. Name: Leche Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: Tourist Jawa Link to Event Document (optional): basically just CG and 212th did some passive rp with a jawa
  7. Leche


    holy shit 9/10 it was so good, from the rp mixed with the shooting to the shout casting coming from jad. Everything mixed well together, other than the staff ticket could have been responded to more as well as questions could have been answered more but its all good.
  8. Name: Leche Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: Adef Quant Link to Event Document (optional): Description: A fugitive escaped from prison and made his way to see shelter. Mistakes a republic base for a mining outpost and was detained. Convinced 212th to lead him to safety and were killed in an accident with a laat, the survivors ended up in critical condition because of the revenge from Adef from the republic recent disappearance on Ryloth
  9. Im not going to leave a -1 or a +1 on this because of how in between i am. As your time within the battalion, you were a constant center of problems and sometimes drama. You were given multiple warnings regarding your behavior and you never improved it all though you said you would. In any topic, when you give your opinion, its usually a bit toxic. If you don't agree or someone else disagrees with you, you tend to get a bit hostile and call them names proceeding with what you think is right. This stubborn attitude can lead to a bit of uproar within what ever group you may be in. You have a good character when not in game but other than that I cant say many things positive.
  10. Name: Leche Who helped (If applicable): Moose Event Name: Gosha extraction Link to Event Document (optional): Summary: A previous attack on Geonosis led to a master getting captured and his squad killed. 212th and DU needed to clear the area of hastiles and save the master
  11. 6/10 Had some really good ideas and overall was one of the most unique deployments ive been in. Unfortunately it was extremely linear. I understand wanting to restrict where we go but you were practically telling us EXACTLY what to do which doesn't allow room for player choice and makes it a bit boring if its very straight forward. Next time just maybe give the very slightest hint on what to do rather than telling us to do everything. Other than that it was a pretty good story
  12. Absolutely +1 this man is dedicated to his work and is an extremely hard worker
  13. Name: Leche Staff Rank: SA SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155881421 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 1/24/21-1/31/21 Reason: Mom came up for a visit so im spending the time i have with her and my dog Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  14. 3/10 was fun up until yall kept respawning and suicide bombing us. With no fail, we'd kill one of you and then you instantly respawn and continued to keep killing us
  15. 10/10 genuinely a really fun time and i look forward to more
  16. probably a 4/10 there wasnt anything to do other than walk around and shoot things. Only DU went into the bunker (which im assuming is the only cool part). Would love more rp and more variety for all players
  17. 1/10 maybe, In general it just felt like forced rp and in general there was some failure to rp on the EJ side which is not epic
  18. 6/10 Was good but there were some issues. With venator the navmech (path npc follow) is really good meaning they run around a lot, when droids run they cant be shot, and when they cant be shot they cant die leading to my whole squad getting messed up. You cant control this other than spawning less of them. On top of this there wasnt really any rp from what i saw which is a bit sad bc i love rp plus action
  19. All good, it happens. I know I do it plenty too. Take care and thank you for giving feedback to me
  20. By no means was I calling you out on anything, I was calling my own battalion out. By you I meant 104th not just you specifically. This was more of a problem with other battalions that tried to do joint trainings with 212th but they declined for next to no reason. I don’t believe anywhere in what I said was disrespectful towards you or anyone other than the 212th so I’m not too sure how that could have been bad to say on this forum. Again sorry for any miscommunication or misunderstanding and thank you for putting this on here so I can clear things up a bit
  21. First regarding the joint trainings. I was told that you’ve been trying to do them (when I’m not on) ans the 212th were seemingly hesitant which I’m not ok with at all. I believe when any joint training arrives that we take th opportunity to work together and learn how each other work. I’ve since then said that same thing in ts ans will be making an announcement later today about it. As far as messaging me goes, I’m terribly sorry about not responding to it. I typed it out and thought I sent it but I did not. Eclipse however did pm me ans I responded back to that regarding the trainings. I really don’t think it’s that difficult to get a hold of me, when I see a discord notification I look at it the second I receive it or notice it pretty much and when it comes to ts sometimes I don’t hear when people poke or message me because I’m completely not focusing on it at times which is my fault and sorry if you’ve suffered because of that. Finally, the support branch work was started the day I told you about it and from then it’s almost all complete. It takes time to make a regiment/reshape it and I appreciate your patience. If it helps you can get 501st trained up and getting it rolling then 212th will pick up soon after. I did warn you that it would take a bit considering I have to completely change it up and I’m the only one working on it at the moment. Again, sorry for any inconvenience or miscommunication along the way.
  22. I want to start this off by saying thank you for giving feedback and that ill try my best to comment on everything you put in this -1 as much as possible and in order. When it comes to previous Cody's getting HMAJ and the affects that come with it, It was recently brought to my attention by HC to lower the legacy rank due to formers coming back and shooting to higher ranks instantly which I will for sure fix. HC chat in the 212th was aids for the longest time due to the fact that we would try to have a serious conversation then previous Cody's would spam memes, after asking them to stop, there was no prevail. I then recommended to Mason that we made a "actual HC" channel that would eliminate this factor to ease communications. In regards to my absence, I had a huge problem with getting on due to the fact that it was the holidays and I worked at best buy. To explain further, I'm a student that's going to college as well as practically working full time (at the time of my absence), when I got home I was tired, I checked discord, watched a show, went to bed, and repeat.; hell, I even sat in TS while doing my homework and regardless of my physical absence I still managed to give feedback when needed as well as purposed ideas to mason relating to promotions and future endeavors. All of this had a huge impact on me mentally especially when I wasn't allowed to go home for the holidays which I explained multiple time to many 212th members. Again, I apologize for me disappearing but I don't work now so I have a lot of time on my hands. Now with the promotion side of things, we've sat in ts multiple times talking about this and agreeing on it. There have been multiple times where I've vouched for people deserving of promotions that were not given. When you promoted the person without asking we did talk to you, it was after it all happened as well as it took place during another conversation but I do remember confronting you about it. Like I told you right before you went to Echo, I was talking to mason about seriously promoting you to CMD as well as possibly one of two others, which is a discussion best left as a surprise. Although there may not be any written down proof that you can find or no word to be said about a specific action, when it came to promotions I'm on your side with this and I've agreed multiple times with you. I really hope that made since in the slightest Now finally, the "traditions" portion. There's one thing I never understand about HC which you talked about here. I agree with the "never having a full HC structure when you are easily one of the most active, full, and competent battalions with dozens of people putting in Commander Caliber hours and work, is an issue" 10000000%. What is the point of keeping empty chairs when in reality you can fill those chairs with competent people that can genuinely help. It's like the situation with XO, as of recently that promotion came at the end of Cody's term to signify that that's the next Cody which is absolutely retarded. Yeah sure, they likely have a bigger chance of going for Cody; however, doesn't mean they're the most capable. I've always believed and said that You (in a hc position within a squad or battalion) should build the people below you up stronger than what their role is in need of so that when they go into it they are more than prepared and expect more of themselves. At that point they can start working on their own and getting into their own groove because they know what's expected of them rather than them getting thrown into that rank and being told what to do 24/7 because they're not used to it or they don't know their responsibility or both. To finish this all up I want to say that as poor as the last month went in between us Shockpoint in regards to disagreements, the majority of the points you made in this we've talk about before and I think I was lazy and instead of doing it immediately by myself I thought I had to be on at the same time as mason just to talk to him about it without getting the work done. That obviously I wont let happen as my term as Cody. Any single bit of change that needs to be done I hope to build myself as well as my HC to get it done fast and effectively. Again, thank you for the different things to talk about and sorry that the application was baron I was under the impression that I had to do the majority over the forums or doing my interview. Love you man!
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