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About J.Jefferson

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  1. 5/5/5 Fun late night event with some tech rp
  2. 5/5/5 Fun late night event
  3. +1 You up held the legacy of Egg and made the battalion better without completely destroy it. 10/10 would recommend.
  4. I’d like to speak up against Cloud and call him out. He’s a RDMer and he needs to be stopped.
  5. That's always been a thing with Jedi. I mean that's how a real job works, if you get good with your managers you probably will get promoted.
  6. +1 arc wipe 3,000 incoming lol jk, good luck
  7. For the couple weeks I’ve known Cloud he has shown that he cares for the battalion very much and puts in all the effort he can no matter the rank he’s at. From what I’ve seen he can handle situations very maturely, which is good. I think Cloud would be the best fit for the new face of the battalion. Massive +1
  8. +1 never interacted with you personally but from what I've heard you know what you are doing.
  9. I used the 3D Pro Joystick, it's good for what I used it for and very cheap. I wouldn't buy a HOTAS unless you got a disposable income you can waste on items like that.
  10. @Daytona211I'm glad someone said it This is my only response. If you have any thing you would like to say please message me Honestly, as a community we need to respect each others opinions but if you are gonna say something think before you post. Doesn't matter if it's a +1 or -1 don't nit pick on the smallest thing. Just because someone +1'd or -1'd doesn't mean you should respond and go off on them. It's childish and immature something I learned back in 2017 and has made me change for the better. @Xeight @Grief @Trig I'm gonna be 100% with you stop being retard. Most of you guys are older than me and you guys like act you are 12 years old. Since I rejoined Synergy Egg, Cloud, Unkindled, and I literally had to treat you guys like children so Wren could actually have a good term since we heard he didn't have a good start. I really don't know what your intentions are but I came back to help the battalion and not throw it back under the bus like we did in 2017. I might disagree with most of the stuff Wren does but that does not give you the right a outright asshole in discord or on the forums. Leave your -1 or whatever and get over with it. The people like Unkindled, Egg, Casual, Cloud, I are some of the few guys who came back who care about the battalion and spoke with Wren about issues. All I am gonna say it's funny how all legacies get arranged with the ones being stupid. Well that's the world we live in so. @Logicless For the love of god stop trying to act as some kind of saint when it comes to your responses. I know I am gonna get a lot of hate from both sides, but c'mon on just play the game and respect each others opinions. (EDIT) Forgot to add I'm pretty sure the higher officers and ncos went Cronis and nothing came out of it. I don't know what for sure he said to them but I wanted to stay out of that mess (Edit) Wren all I want is that you work with us, I appreciate what you do for the battalion but please
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