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  1. I am voiding my governor application. Reasons: We dont really need a Governor right now, Just an active Guild Lead and Mas, We have a mas. Super is constantly active so i dont see why cant still take an interest in things. Id much rather go for guild lead and give it my all. Also im not voiding my app because of the above responses, i dont agree with any of them(Except with Edgar, i agree with him) and i have other comments i could say but im not here to start drama, im here get results and waiting for a governor app to be accepted or denied seems counter productive. See yall on the field. @Gohn @Ollie_
  2. By hosting more frequent senate selections, making sure people know what the pros and cons are of being a senator or attached to senate whether by guards or naval diplomats(which could make a comeback but who knows). The important thing on the senate side is making sure im there constantly or at least when i can to assist the senate in their hosts, constantly engaging them in roleplay and bringing others into the rp scenarios ill start(which i have been doing recently). I want to make it abundantly clear, No i am not forgetting about senate. Recently their activity has been on the rise and I want to keep it that way, in terms of who is doing better, Senate definitely is. Im trying my hardest to include everyone in these rp scenarios too between hunters and senators. I hope that gives you a better understanding that I am not forgetting or leaving senate out.
  3. My immediate concern and big agenda is fixing the civilian faction as a whole, referencing the walking back of policies and ensuring a comprehensive leadership team is in place. I dont have any GRAND changes planned at the moment but would like to establish a command team and work with them to do big changes. I gather ill have my hands full with my currently set objectives as is. Im not aware of all the details, nor was i aware it was specifically that individual who did it. Under normal circumstances, any marshal hosting raids without permission will be subject to immediate demotion/removal pending the circumstances. I wasn't told if this marshal had gotten permission from others or not. I can assure you moving forward, any marshal doing this will face immediate removal. Rule breakers in general will receive strikes/temp bans from the faction which can of course be appealed. I thank you for that, balancing the workload between the 2 of them is not an issue, i have a very comprehensive command team in naval, specifically the captains who keep me constantly informed and they are constantly doing their work. I trust them implicitly. That frees me up to deal with civilian. Although it may not be needed, I think its time to give others the opportunity to rise to vice admiral and allow them to take the reigns. They can message me anytime for advice. I plan to raise the prices of all whitelists by double but make discounts much more frequent. Its important to fix the renown issue but its also important to consider the new hunters who are starting out. We could if we really wanted to apply discounts to new hunters based on time of how long they have been a hunter for and set eligible status for discount but i feel that would be unfair to the rest of the hunters so itll take a bit to figure out the most fair item. I want to say that clans in first month or twice will not be a primary focus in terms of making changes to how they operate and their structure. This really is more of a "id like to see what i can do about this but i need to look a lot more closer before i can fully do anything" Its only ever been my opinion that clans need to feel more repercussions for their recent actions especially from a hostile nature towards the GAR, that includes losing the clan itself either by clan lead of 33% loss of members.(this is already a thing mind you, but i think it could be expanded on more) I cant really say more beyond that at this time. Walking back policies, Changing a few rules to include the economy stuff and finding a balance for purchases between new and old hunters, leadership changes within senate and guild as whole, revamping all the rewards for the currently active cabinet bounties(Especially if im raising the prices of the whitelists) Enforcing, encouraging and leading by example in the engagement of the roleplay currently happening on the server. Hunters are barely ever roleplaying except when it comes to raids or doing bounties. Once again the incentive to roleplay doesn't typically bear any reward. I cant give players credits for roleplaying. I feel like the contracts will HELP this along Point 2 from my side notes ties in with the last question of the application. The only thing i can think of to better relations from all the factions to work in symmetry is to change the negative aspects of the guild itself and somehow find a positive. I will do everyone in my power to work with all of high command to find better alternatives to the system we have now. As far as i know, none of the current RCMDs+(palpatine excluded) make any effort to establish relationships with the hunters. BCMDs, i think i saw 1 contract. Again i cant force the contracts on people, I can only give the incentives. I hope these answers are good enough, I cant expand better than i have here. I really cant give you a better answer than what i have given. Its important to establish incentives and i have clearly done so. The only other generic response is constantly ping the discord, offer up constant impromptu bounties*which i already do*, and do periodic raids which people do enjoy doing. What am i looking for? More guild and hunter representation on the battlefield, whether its a reliance on them or engaging in combat with them, and im talking about giving them bonuses for what they do out there. Clones get promoted for being out of the field and leading and fighting. whats the reward for hunters getting out there and doing the same? aside from contracts, nothing. So bonuses to make it worth the effort. Contract system is in place yes, but no actual incentives to use it, its just there. Backup plan not needed, its just an added bonus what i am thinking of doing. These plans may seem limited but they will undoubtedly take time to implement and the more important thing to me is fixing the faction. You are right i don't have much for senate because senate doesn't really need more than what i am saying here already.
  4. This is always going to be a hard question to answer. I dont want to give generic answers but it all comes down to incentives. More money? More Access? More control? Im not sure what is the RIGHT answer to give, but I think senators need a NEW benefit this time that is better than what they have been given in the past "This could be acheived within the gamemaster program and something ill want to discuss with the GM leadership, but essentially any hunter that partakes in events, deployments or encounters can be called on to join them for any attacks or diplomatic situations. The hunters that are named, logged or mentioned will receive bonuses from the guild ranging from 10k renown to 50k renown depending on the encounter/event/deployment. " I genuinely don't think I can explain better than this. It will always end up being up to the gamemaster in question as to how they want to utilize the hunters. The hunters themselves can choose too engage or not, i cannot force them to do something they may or may not want to do. Its up to me to provide them additional Avenues, Its up to them to explore those avenues. I actually think the best STARTING course of action will be contracts. If you read the section about contracts, it gives huge incentive to hunters to make a lot of money. It also gives people an opportunity to gain trust with each other after working with them. So on the one hand, you get hunters making a fuck ton of money for WORKING with the jedi/senators/naval/clones, and on the other hand, the hunters get small access to data or information they normally wouldn't have that they can CHOOSE to give to guild if they so wish. I want to say that this is a last resort option. I don't want the guild to turn into CIS 2.0. Also hunters being constantly KOS after being around for 2+ years seems a bit much, but nothing is off the table.
  5. I think it would be absolutely fair to do so but I still don't want to leave naval in a bad state, I have a current plan for this but im afraid i cant share it at this time. I will be moving down from vice admiral tho.
  6. +1 still havent made me a major yet...what am i gonna do with you.
  7. Steam Name: Maverick | Syns.gg RP Name: Guild Lieutenant Loki Laufeyson RP Rank: Guild Lieutenant Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65644683 Why should you become Governor?: We need executive leadership at the helm to help out both in bounty hunters and senate for the entirety of civilian faction. We need high command representation in the event we ever want to implement anything that could be of use to the civilian faction. I want to establish a comprehensive leadership for the guild, people i think will help with the activity and get more bounties going and assist the senate in finding more senators to stay for the long run. Availability: Anytime not sleeping Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server: Former: Jedi: Grand Master Yoda for 2 months of the 3 month term. Cin Drallig for 1 month as big 4(back then Jedi high command was big 4 which is Yoda>Windu>Shaak Ti>Cin Drallig. In my time of Cin Drallig, I was the branch overseer. Arligan Zey(1 month as a Jedi General) Etain(1 month) During my time as Yoda I set out to accomplish a number of goals which at the time of my resignation I had felt that I accomplished all that I needed too and I had found a worthy successor(Stormzy) My first month I needed a comprehensive Mace Windu and I chose former founder Forseen for the position because I didn’t think anyone at the time deserved the title and i needed someone i could wholeheartedly trust. We worked on fixing documentation, fixing automation, fixing the discord and hard refining the merit system itself. Foreseen was invaluable to this and I admit he did better than I did in the system. (I was not tech savvy at all back then.) Transparency. Transparency was a fundamental core issue in the jedi order back then and we had problems with a severe lack of communication between masters and padawans/knights/younglings and i set my eyes to fix that by talking to them directly, hosting meetings and attempting to release more information on knight watches and so on. This was more or less fixed without public bi-weekly meetings and public postings on the forums which helped out tremendously. I'm forgetting some of the other stuff I did, but after the first month, I asked Forseen to step down so I could name Stormzy to be the next Mace Windu to carry with me for the remainder of my term. Stormzy and I kept working on the transparency issues, talked to the knights/padawans and found capable people for the council. We also held multiple meetings to give people a platform to make suggestions and voice concerns. Back then all masters were council members. I felt the drive to push forward with the jedi order from stormzy and it was around the end of the second month that i felt real burnout and dread and decided to resign. I heavily encouraged stormzy to go for yoda as I was absolutely positive he would get the position and he did. I was the first Regimental Yoda…Sad. HA, VA, GMM, GMO for staff side of things everyones favorite teamspeak manager... Current: Vice Admiral Tarkin and XO of the navy Guild LT What do you feel the role of the Governor is?: 1. Act as a leader and step in with Guild/Senate when and if necessary to handle any disputes they can't themselves. 2. Engagement of Roleplay standard and upholds the standard for both factions. 3. A bridge for communication between high command and the rest of the faction, a voice for the people so to speak. 4. Ensuring that operations are running as they should, offering advice or help where needed and keeps leadership in check or assigns new leaders when necessary. 5. Should also act in the best interests of establishing common ground between Naval, Civilian, and Jedi. Can do this in conjuction with said faction leaders and Palpatine. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes How do you plan to improve relations between the citizen faction and the server?: Make contracts more atractive for bounty huntes which means more money for them taking the contract and more access. Currently the system runs on a tier system and whatever money offered by the contractor. Well this could be changed to, any hunter that receives a contract from naval or BCMD will have its contract reward amount doubled up to a specified number. For example, If you get a 30 day contract for 100k renown, We will double the renown as a reward for engaging in a positive direction with the GAR from the guild. Any contracts over 100k renown as a reward/fee will instead be set to 50%. Any contract under 100k will be doubled in amount. So if you get a 200k contract, you'll receive 100k in bonuses. As for Senate, In my current opinion on the operation of Senate and hows it being run by Blaze and Island as of current, I think it is doing fine, especially with the recent revitalisation of the senate guard by bro and who knows, maybe itll continue. I plan to work with Blaze very closely and help him out however I can. the only immediate changes that would need to be made is in relation to activity for some of the senators but it seems in my opinion to be clearing up. Hunters participating in events overall are practically nonexistent or when you do see hunters, you typically get pmed "hop on your clone theres nothing for yall" and truthfully this is pretty sad. I think the next best thing to do in this case is shift the attention of the hunters in question. This could be acheived within the gamemaster program and something ill want to discuss with the GM leadership, but essentially any hunter that partakes in events, deployments or encounters can be called on to join them for any attacks or diplomatic situations. The hunters that are named, logged or mentioned will receive bonuses from the guild ranging from 10k renown to 50k renown depending on the encounter/event/deployment. Again its something i have in mind, and I want to try talking to the GM leadership to include a detail or 2 for that. Do you understand that your position has a three month term?: Yes Side Notes: For my governor term I plan to do the following in addition to what i have written above: 1. This will undoubtedly start out as a fixing term, meaning walking back certain policies like the one limiting the amount of renown being traded by players hard capped at 500k a week or something. These kinds of changes are clearly not a popular as it was resoundedly ignored in it's entirety. 2. Repair any current issues or relations between civilian, jedi and GAR. 3. Potentially rework Clan structure(this is not a for sure yet, some complaints have arisen in relation to death of clans due to leaders and such and needs further investigation into.) 4. Those that are curious about the KOS perms, No I have no intention of ever abusing them, I doubt very much that I would even use em at all. I await your questions and am excited for the future of civilian faction.
  8. As far as im concerned, we are already making enormous strides(I think you know what im referencing.) Massive fucking +1 and Ill always be willing to work with you in naval and even civilian.
  9. God you're actually seriously staying. +1
  10. +1 very easy to make changes too and it would make easier for communications.
  11. Bug Type (Server:): Animation of model and model selection for Naval commander job Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: All the lore characters are not on Naval commander whitelist and tarkin is missing from naval officer. Can you please transfer all models to Naval commander and include tarkin and fix the animation. How can we recreate it: had to manually set myself to Tarkin model using !setmodel tarkin models/navy/gnavytarkin.mdl
  12. Bug Type (Server:): Model issue, could be animation too. Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: models and animations are bugged ^ How can we recreate it: just set yourself to it and itll show.
  13. Who helped (If applicable):Maverick, Warmaster Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): N/A Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): base attacked by cis in hit and run styles ending with a massive armory ambush Did any Bounty Hunters Participate:N/A Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  14. 5/5/5 Kaiser said i was worthless unless i rated this event. very epic and cool.
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