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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. honestly thats a texture job rather then a model job more or less. i suck at texturing lol
  2. im pretty sure it'll be a bannable offense to spam post sooner rather than later, so chillax please
  3. you're gonna get banned, so i recommend you not
  4. please stop spam posting now
  5. -1 fucking dumb ass worst builder fucking xDDDDD i want to kill myself after that +1
  6. I'm shit a tutoring for modeling but I can attempt to lol Atleast i'm useful for something. And if it ain't lore, it ain't worth making
  7. Alright bois and gals Some of you know on icefuse i used to make models and post them on the forums cause i'm lit like that I'm making 104th two named characters rn and i need an opinion on one of them Reference: @Zander I know you used to be mortar, so you can back me up on this lad
  8. I find this whole post another sturdy area of drama. That's all ya'll fucking do. Communicate please. You just argue all the time. As for the report. I don't see her often, but I know what a BCMD can do from the inside when they aren't actually on, and that is a lot of things. It is expected to be that a commander is active, but does that specify where? No. It's a loophole. And damn, look at that, she's active on discord. I have no proof but I will take the word of a well trusted member and staff in this community. I feel as a BCMD you have the right to not be on all that much because you have options of a many officers. You trust them. You line them up to replace you. As she has said, her commanders and officers actively communicate with her, meaning she doesn't have to be on often, as long as she is still doing work with documents, overseeing officers, etc. Another fact. She's a fucking head admin. A head admin. And she's still doing her job just like any other. Sure, she isn't on the server often. Who actually fucking cares. We all know naavi, she's an all around nice person. Some of you claim it's favoritism in place just because she's a girl too. Fuck off, she does shit properly and some of ya'll are too blind to see it. Fat -1. Sorry, not sorry, for the hostilities.
  9. Jayarr


    Top quality events.
  10. i hope the fuck not, im cancer in myself
  11. that it is, its really addicting to say when i type
  12. the feels when I had you as a SFC in my battalion, then you leave, get XO in CT REALLY fast, then work up to marshal. cuck <3 love you though bb
  13. Nah dude you see the way kylo is clutching that trigger while he awkwardly stares at carrie via the force? I sense death
  14. (ignore this reply, I need a word with the directors before a final decision)
  15. Well shit I fucked up the math.
  16. Thats when I got put to MAJ, I was CPT before maj before that lmao check promo logs
  17. Sorry in that case. I could not tell.
  18. I was hound for long yes, like I said I made it to CPT. But I was removed under a false reason and it did get taken care of. It was a favoritism play, I didn't get removed for doing anything wrong. They said I was "inactive". Now with your little "correct me if i'm wrong" bit, I don't know if you thought I was sassing or not, but I was genuinely not sure if anything changed. I don't get why you had to include that. Thank you for informing me though.
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