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Everything posted by Jayarr

  1. @Dargon @Ginyu @Max @Camilo Tiplar should have died, and so it is. I was teaching someone how to make a scene, and what a better way to do it than this (fingers n stuff are off but he is new, he posed the dudes in the back, I did doom and tiplar)
  2. great idea, will suggest when suggestions open in 3 years
  3. honestly we need to import battlefront 2 classic models and use those. that'd be sick as hell
  4. finally someone else who sees that CGI are shit. fucking playdough plastic lookin ass
  5. i fucking loved the HD models tbh
  6. still in love with big boi bacara?
  7. shit im sorry, didnt know you had thurn and theeire on your side
  8. no need to close it, you both just need to kiss so the rest of us can admire that DU is even being put in place <3
  9. lets all love each other and not slit throats on the forums like usual
  10. shouldnt you not be like every battalion and actually have a riot trooper like old ST? its literally a job rename with a shield
  11. that would most likely be true. from each pack on icefuse they had the models named COL MAJ and what not but that wasnt that actual job in the end. 104th for example, their heavy is the MAJ job (or something along those lines)
  12. Camilo, im comin over to help papa. Hope you remember me
  13. this...this is art. this cannot be beaten
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