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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. KillJoy


    +1 Hopefully yall get K Company Models soon
  2. KillJoy

    Captured Cody

    1 sorry mate it was just a Shoot em up in the tunnel which felt like a SIM. Then a Lore Character got their legs cut off
  3. It's a truly a sad day for a great Legion with no Ceaser
  4. 10/10 a great event with a major RP and lore friendly event. One of the top tier events
  5. 5/10 But lets have DU has the Banzi Charge Battalion
  6. 10/10 he is the only reason why i would come back for his events they are the best by far, all ways well thought out and everyone gets a piece of the action
  7. Let's start having boxing matches in the free time. This could be used as an one day . By have Boxing Matches between battalions best in a 1v1 Tourns just +1 or -1 there will be no crazy prize but to have fun and not to stress over doing it maybe a like a 1 or 2 mil prize
  8. +1 they did Cronis dirty ass fuck i'm about to Deus Vult in the name of the 501st holy land. Butt he is the best candidate in the long run
  9. +1 next will be a 187th to be it
  10. +1 the reason is as new admin you can't even do a lot which will show if he change. But you have to remember not everyone is taught responsibility at a young age. Yes he has lied but he needs to own up to it and admit he was wrong and say his actual age. As staff he could learn Responsibility and how to become not a short fussed person, I mean what kid was not short fussed when people said stuff to them. Yes his actions are childish but that's because he is a child so remember that but i believe with staff work might make him more calm and teach him to be a better person. Or it could go down hill when a grown man or woman talks shit to a kid which would be sad, then he goes off but he would be a new admin which legit can't do shit. Whitelist, and small stuff is all they can do and if he shows he can't handle it then he would be removed. Disclaimer i wrote this in 2 mins so there are spelling errors but send it
  11. Already did that for 4 months
  12. If your read this i'm coming back to the server. I know i PKed Killjoy so i will be Tennessee.just need to know what battalion to join. I'm willing to join Shock as a heavy defecate killer, 501st as XO, 104th as a PVT , Rancor as what ever i can get, and most of all any battalion that pays me one credit
  13. I love server suggestions back and forward
  14. Why don't yall make Basic RC jobs that is not in a squad and have the ability to have 30 people as SOBDE plus the squads now to have over 50 people in with you. By the way this is a joke
  15. +1 if you only where the blue to rep 5th fleet
  16. KillJoy

    I like Climbing

    Ok so give it to every job is a minge fest but if you allow game master to spawn it in for event server events. Like have them climb up a mountain to break into a base or do like the MW2 cliff hanger mission. But only spawn it in for groups that would most likely use it i.e recon or ARCs yes they probably have to be train in it but they have it spawned in instead of a job this way you can control who has it and less the effect on minges. So i will +1 it even tho i'm not on the server anymore but the effect this swep can have to help GameMaster make more unique events and have you find more interesting ways to get the job done is the biggest reason to agree with this
  17. +1 because you want it so bad to do 4 post on but have fun with it mate and good luck on Hunter
  18. I was most active tho before leaving I could had put an app up for Rex but i didn't want it But i'm going to name of some EU members Cutlaw, Warmac, Black, a bunch of NCOs and bellow so i mean i even said we are a EU battalion because it is true
  19. Have fun mate with retirement
  20. 10/10 got to PK myself so it was fun
  21. Ok have fun with it lil brother +1 hope you will do better then i did at it
  22. Love when people say battalions are struggling thats not the community thats the BCMD fault but what do i know for being retried
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