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Everything posted by KillJoy

  1. +1 get rid of base ops and add this
  2. +1 he would do great and i wish i would not have resigned to be his XO but i believe in him. When was on much because he witnessed something I will never wished on anyone he tried to be on but he was dealing with heavy personal problems and people keep saying he was inactive but he worked hard doing everything he can
  3. +1 It is sad to not see you as Squad lead but i know you will do great dad
  4. I was R2 D2 and i pulled out a dl 19 behind a dark council member as they was force choking a jedi master. It was in tunnels and was filled with sith and jedi
  5. Me leaving the 501st, and not being there for @DaddyCro when he need his right hand man.
  6. Even tho you tried to get me to join and final daily salute mate
  7. Ok so I'm staying neutral on this but from what i seen is that no one else need to reply to this because with 60+ people saying their peace. It should be enough for the HAs or Directors to find a verdict for this individual with the responses from the community. Probably best to lock this before it gets anymore heated @Bananaberry sorry mate for this
  8. Ok so one i was going to make the suggestion to add them in place of TC if Echo got yeeted to bad batch right. Because one all of Tc is dead but kix, Jesse and Rex. But i even mentioned it to Joah and he said wait and see how the new season goes but i know I left the server but still you didn't talk to me or Cronis, Omalic that i know of but if this would happen needs to wait i know there are models on the workshop and had Gideon help on them and they look good but still wait mate for the new season to start so -1
  9. Well mates it has been a fun ride but i'm leaving the Server. I will be around on a ct or sith but this is a goodbye in my 4 months on the server i had a great time but i think it is time to leave,since i left staff i have no enjoyment of playing but i will miss making events if you need me, I will be around if you need me. This is my final z6 round shot off mates have fun and keep growing. I might come back one day
  10. Void this one and look above this one
  11. +1 mate you will be a great Kal
  12. KillJoy

    Admin Logs

    +1 now we can see everything
  13. +1 everyone should be able to dual weld dc 17
  14. +1 don't execute me doing a deployment with you sniper. No really you have lead really well when you did outreach with 501st and help lead when no officers was on
  15. +1 The fact that we both got ARC the same day and keep working our ways up to high command in our battalions. I want to make 501st and 91st to work more together like how we diid mate-he would make a great BCMD
  16. +1 this mate could do some great work as hunter
  17. +1 he is always active and would be squad leader
  18. +1 i heard geart things about your work as Kal and i hope to work under you as a null member one day
  19. Name:501st REGl Commander KillJoy Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:438030370 Staff Rank:SA Were you VIP:Yes and I'm staying one Date:May 11,2019 Reason for leaving:I don't have enough time to do branch work. Farewells: I will miss the staff team, I will plan on coming back during the summer but for now I have to leave
  20. +1 its a shame this was not a thing already
  21. +1 one and you make dupes for that DU uses you put alot of work into your battalion
  22. 10/10 Now lets get Sith Empire Trooper as Jobs
  23. My bad thought he was captured at that point so he would stay
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