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Kyle Vanhorn

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Everything posted by Kyle Vanhorn

  1. I was told that you were also removed from CG not even 30 minutes before this. Do you have a problem with the CG bc you were removed? @Tomas I was told was watching you and your friend both minging.
  2. @Kip fromw hat can read on there he admits arresting someone.
  3. I think the reason you are applying actually is dumb.. I am applying bc no one else is why not. To me not a good reason to apply for an important character. -Support
  4. Do you have any proof of Stahl doing the cloaking and cloaking and no clipping? I just see a console.
  5. Kyle Vanhorn


    I don't mind giving people a chance but I want to know more about you personally. If you change your post at all fell free to do @ then Vanhorn. Neutral
  6. I have to agree with @Kip and @Mike. Please post some more so we can get to know you that way. If you edit this post and notice what we are saying feel free to tag me. Neutral
  7. I have to agree with @Ryx but.. I would like to see your name a little more often. Neutral
  8. I got to RP with you early this morning. You have a great attitude and were fun to chill with. +1
  9. He can actually join the TR program after hes staff. It is not a pre-req. I know you a little bit. +1 bc... why not?
  10. You have done the things I asked. Looks 1000x Better +Support
  11. I thought it looked pretty where it was.
  12. Dude you are a very good trainer and respectful. You show a lot of good things that makes me think you WILL be a great staff member. +1
  13. I have decided to come back early. OFF OF LOA!!!
  14. This topic needs to be closed. @Zander @Jek @IndoX
  15. Zap you are a battalion hopper. You left the SC for what ever reason then joined a new unit and tried to get the SC in trouble. You then left that unit and joined the CG within 3 days. We call that Battalion hopping. If you get removed for Baton abuse then you must of abused. They would not just remove you because they feel like it.
  16. Kyle Vanhorn


    Grats on your promotion first of all.. 2nd of all +1 Super active, respectful, and good RPer
  17. Some times you are good. Some times you are bad. Neutral
  18. +1. Super active and very respetful
  19. So I'm not even going to read your app. You need to get paid finally!! +1
  20. +1 to CSM Corey from the 501st making this event to start before you took it over and made it official.
  21. Name: Kyle Vanhorn / Mereel Skirata Length of LOA: 1 week hopefully less 9/26/2017 - 10/3/2017 Reason: Pulled Muscle in left foot (have to walk up stairs to my computer). There is a possibility my foot can heal before then and no bacta tank will help me. I will try to be on the server to help but not as much seeing as I have to walk up stairs to get to my computer using crutches. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes I do Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
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