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Kyle Vanhorn

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Everything posted by Kyle Vanhorn

  1. I have known you for a while. Even though you may not have typed as much as the usual people who apply I will do +1
  2. -1. There were a lot of people who were not allowed. If you are going to make an event and take up time to where a Game Maker can make an event for the whole server then think about the post and comments you will get.
  3. Lets me correct @Fido™ I am a veteran x2. Jayarr you are not a minge here so far. +Support
  4. Jayaar some stuff though you don't realize. SC is being reborn. New rules will be made but it takes time and effort. His timezone is going to help him in this case compared to others who apply.
  5. A lot of people do not know a lot about SC. This is a perfect time to learn. A unit is only week as its lowest ranking member.
  6. I disagree with a lot of people here but this is my opinion. Joseph I have seen your leadership and it is very very very good. I love your app and you went into a lot of detail. I talk to you a lot in teamspeak and I notice some good things you say that if you get this spot on what you would do. All because you were not Shadow Company it does not mean that you can not make it better. The benefit of you applying as the SC and if you get this job, then you have a fresh pair of eyes. You can see stuff that can work. Its not very often that I support someone who was not in that unit you are applying for, but I see some great stuff in you. We all have to start some where. +SUPPORT
  7. +1 You doing a good job Rping... Why not?
  8. Name: Vanhorn Event Name: Jar Jars Love PArt 2 Summary of the story: After the hutt lover was killed by clones her father decided to try to get Jar Jar Binks back. He was stripped which angered his sister which started an invasion. What was the result of the event?: The hutt was killed by the Null squad after they took information. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: It was a shooting style of event.
  9. I enjoyed it. It gave the medics something to do.
  10. You are a dickhead. Perfect for CG BN Commander +Support
  11. You have great leadership and you are not a dick. I feel that the 501st would love to have you. After talking to you about ideas for changes you made it seem like to me that you are the best choice HANDS DOWN!!!! +SUPPORT
  12. Great attitude even though he bugs me for naval tryouts. +Support
  13. A lot better. Thank you for tagging me. +Support
  14. Only 2 post on the forums? I guess since you got married today on the server.... +1
  15. lol Bagel. Sorry to see you go man.. Stay on and be active as well. Shadow Company Major Vanhorn
  16. I think you are just trying to be like me. ehhhhhhhh +! @Thunder he has edited his post.
  17. Its ok.. Naval will make sure your ship is ok Sir.
  18. Ok time for me to have some fun. Jagger I served in the United States Marine Corps for 2 years before I got shot in 2006. I have seen more people die in my two years in the military than your whole life. I am not trying to brag bc that sucks seeing anyone die. I did Firefighting and EMS work for over 7 years. I am a 100% Disabled veteran right now who has a hard time walking and can't even bend over to pick up stuff off the floor. If you ever get depressed and I am on the server feel free to talk to me. I have went through that shit and even worse due to PTSD. The fucked up shit that I've seen in the military I hope no one ever sees in their own life. @Medic lets swap some stories lol.
  19. Why are you giving a minus 1. I would like to know. +1. Willing to give you a shot.
  20. As long as my popcorn machine stays alive +Support
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