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Everything posted by Jorrdan

  1. Good points. Im open to making him a Senior Regimental CMD Body Grouper Maybe as they are lacking in models.
  2. Name: Jorrdan Suggestion: Add in Cards Implementation: Add in Cards to be a named Senior Commander kind of like Breaker of Regimental Commander. Or maybe a General IDK. Aswell if people are going to say that hes just a character from Star Wars Adventures, we have a Breaker skin soo.. Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Cards http://clonetrooper.wikia.com/wiki/Cards Workshop content if applicable: (Jayarr might have to make a full black Arc Trooper but thats not that hard) (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") @Ginyu
  3. I mean that makes a little more sense but not something stupid like 30 mins.
  4. Then make a post that says "Hey, don't get arrested" Not "Let's raise the bail prices so my battalion can get more money" This won't make people not want to minge. People are going to break rules and this isn't going to fix it bud.
  5. -1 gained more chromosomes. You post these posts all the time. You aren't helping yourself. You are making yourself look like a dumbass
  6. +1 2nd Buzz to get Gregor
  7. Metagaming. I understand you want to get him in trouble so bad but fuck, atleast be smart. Metagaming is When game information outside of what is available in a game is used to give a player an advantage in-game. Like what.
  8. Name: Jorrdan Suggestion: Add in Roron Corobb. A ithorian Jedi General / Jedi Master Implementation: Add him as another named General for Masters to run for. He would also be locked to Senate Commandos as their Jedi General as he was tasked to protect the Chancellor. Lore:http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Roron_Corobb Workshop content if applicable: Require Development, (Jayarr please if you could make one. We already have the Ithorian model just take the head and put it on a jedi model) (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Add Job: Roron Corobb Model: (When made) Weapons: lightsaber Other: N/A
  9. +1 Got cucked last time.
  10. Do a saucy DU Medic. with a Kilt and a pauldron aswell as a dope as visor up.
  11. His obsession with Ahsoka and Barriss is a little bit scary but +1 Pretty gay though.
  12. @Woody You should make Echo. Or a DU Medic. Echo would be cool though
  13. I mean, you are wanting a medic to have a jetpack. Like what? When are you going to use this?
  14. fuk. a udder won bites de dust TBH I look back at all my friends here at synergy and I think to myself "How the fuck did I become your friend" I honestly can't remember. Deuces my g
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