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About Rasheed


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  1. Hello again! How is everyone doing? It's been a long while... I see you guys took my retired staff tag (big sad) If you remember me then that is poggers.
  2. Yes ;) See you guys around in-game
  3. So uh. I made a 'possible return' post last year back in October. I really miss the CWRP server and I've decided I will be coming back for a bit to catch up with everyone. See you ingame <3 - Rasheed
  4. Henlo it is i Rasheed It has been a veri long time since I was last here properly and I will be trying to make a return to catch with you all. - Rasheed
  5. Hey guys, It's definitely been a while O.O Just wanted to see how everyone is, and I do have a few health updates, I've recovered from my operations and may try and return, how has the ship been held up while I've been gone? #ImissyouMRP
  6. +1 He flew so high that, that.... THAT he flew
  7. From what I see you were an influential member of this community. I do not agree with the way you acted around people. If the statements @Bobonater3 made are true. Then I'd suggest taking a little more time out to think about what you've done in the past. Despite this I believe people deserve a chance, I hope this isn't a mistake I'm making. But I'm willing to give you that chance, prove the community wrong and It'll show that you have changed. But if you one day come on and continue the way you've behaved previously then perhaps you'll not be given a third chance. +1
  8. I'm hoping that I will be given a chance to iron out the entire Russian side. I've noticed a lot of complaints during my LOA (which I tried to void) It does make me sad to see the server come down to this point. I've been trying my best to enforce RP when it is needed. Some of you will know that I've organised quite a few HC meetings within the actual server but I guess some people who are in power positions aren't dedicated enough to their branch and server. I really hope we all can work together because the staff in general can't do all of this on their own. Much love to everyone.
  9. Sad to see you go, goodluck on your endevours. ❤️
  10. +1 YoU wErE mEaNt To DeStRoY tHe SiTh NoT jOiN tHeM! All jokes aside you have been a pleasure to work with and I have no doubt you'll be able to run ship for the sith. Much love and goodluck.
  11. Locking this for now and denying the ban appeal due to arguements within this post. DENIED
  12. Rasheed Swanson https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198836307397/ Game: Sims 3 Reason: I wish to put children through psychological tests and create monsters.
  13. +1 I really enjoyed being the bounty hunter lead! Can't wait to help out with more events!
  14. Henlo fren's I am heckin' here much love to everyone! - Rasheed
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