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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. HUGE +1 but don't pass it to pending then forget about it. This current map is a good one but is getting stale and boring.
  2. As long as you have that drive I have no problems giving you that juicy +1
  3. I will say I have spoken to Satan and he did voice his support of your application as BCMD so I will keep my vote. Thank you for answering!
  4. I am going to +1 this and here is why. I have seen Hades interact within Rancor and what I have seen his he knows when to be entirely serious and when to mess around. The mans had to tell all of Rancor (Including me while I was in the channel) to shut up because things were off the wall and he needed everyone serious. Now he's not perfect. No one is, he has made some mistakes and he can be childish (as am I) but I do believe he can overcome the mistakes he has made and put his childish tendencies to the side when it comes to BCMD. I just have 3 questions for you Hades. How do you plan to overcome any and all mistakes you have made in the past? How do you plan to take your childish tenancies and control them has the Rancor BCMD and make sure you aren't for lack of a better term "Making a fool of yourself" Do you have the support of Rancor as well as it's officers?
  5. Hey guy's, this is the Memorial Video I took of Shi's Memorial. I am sorry for the quality and some of the off things with it but hey, He will be remembered forever. All quotes anyone has of Shi that they would like Immortalized please send to me and I will add them to the description of the video on Youtube <3 Rest In Piece Rear Admiral Shi
  6. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Shi was an amazing guy. One of my favorite people and all I have with him are great memories. I wish you and your family nothing but the best, I can't speak for everyone in the server but I extend my love for the guy out to you. What an amazing guy, O7 Shi
  7. I listened to complaints from some members within the 21st, as well as watching people resign and even had a member of 21st come to 104th because of this and other issues. Edit: I am going to go neutral until I hear more from both sides.
  8. +1 The response was a perfect response and I believe you would make an excellent fit.
  9. Penguin


    I see only 1 goal. What other goals do you have and can you explain them in detail? How do you feel you can bring DU further along than the other applicant can?
  10. How do you plan to stay active with you day to day schedule and ensure that you are able to at least be active in game a few times a week? How do you plan to take DU and accustom it with the rest of the Battalions and the server as a whole? I feel like with DU being so isolated that is what tends to cause some of the rumor issues and negativity issues with you guys. A lot of us would like to see that change. What do you feel you can provide as Doom that the other applicant cannot?
  11. Definitely 10/10 for allowing us 104th to go along with the RP we enacted. Loved it.
  12. +1, I've seen you, good guy. PS You good? You need someone to talk to?
  13. -1 Always heals without consent Nah but FR +1, good guy and I think you can do really good as staff, Good Luck
  14. 6/10 Spawning was a bit hectic but other than that it was fine
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