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Posts posted by Omalic

  1. Name: Omalic

    Who helped (If applicable): Snadvich , Bro

    Event Name: The Treasonous Lord

    Summary of the story: A lord sick of the Emperors rule attempted to assassinate him and failed. He hastily escaped the temple being hunted down by the dark honor guard looking to punish the lord for his treasonous ways. 

    What was the result of the event?: The lord was saved by the republic but the dark honor guard eventually killed him after a mass attack on the base by a sith necromancer and his sith spawn.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

  2. 12 hours ago, Blueberry Juice said:

    I want to see you in this position, I do. You're a great Commander and a very respectable guy. However, I have seen multiple issues with minging in the 501st. How do you plan to prevent the 501st from becoming a minge hell hole into a battalion that is attractive to serious members? For that matter, all of the Attack Battalions?

    In the 501st we've been working to stop to minginess. We did a wipe of some of the worst cases and we've updated our strike system so warnings can be more easily handed out and for our DC program to be more strict. If I manage to become the ATK REG then Cronis will be put in charge as the XO and hopefully soon the new Rex. Cronis has been working side by side with me and dealing with the cases when I'm not around so he will be able to continue the work with decreasing minginess. I will also be addressing the issue tomorrow in our meeting to try and find more/better ways to deal with this problem and no matter what is said in this meeting our officers and leaders in the 501st will clamp down on minginess with us being more strict and implementing new tools to decrease it. And with the other ATK Battalions, I would be working closely with the BCMDs giving advice and ideas on how to decrease minginess and if they're not able to solve the issues I would be forced to take a more hands-on route to stop the problem as it would have to be stopped. 

    Thank you for your concerns and hopefully this answered your questions :). 

  3. Steam Name:

    [SR] Omalic [SA]

    RP Name:

    Captain Rex

    Steam ID:


    Regiment you are applying for:

    Attack Regimental Commander


    The 501st.

    I joined the 501st as a PVT about 8 months ago when I first joined the server. I joined the HWS regiment and received my first real responsibility becoming the HWSL of the 501st. Shortly after this I was elected WO Appo by the officers and above of the 501st. My term as Appo was the time were I fully adapted to the officer role and gained much of my respect within the 501st by removing members and refining the non-officer core of the 501st. After my term as Appo ended I was assigned the rank of MAJ during a very shaky time of the legion because of the soon to come power struggle for the BCMD position as our Rex resigned. After a time I was left as the temp lead of the legion as a COL and REGL with the HC having left as the after match of the power struggle. I soon gained the rank of XO and started leading the 501st as the XO while being mentored by Quill to become the new Rex. Once I felt I was ready I applied and became Captain Rex the BCMD of the 501st. I served a full term as Rex during the battalion ups and downs. With us losing many members and gaining new with us having 3 different XOs and even a minor wipe. I stuck with the 501st through all of this and we came out as strong functioning legion because of it!

    I've also served as 501st CMD (same as BCMD on that server) on the former server I played on so I have at least 1 month of BCMD experience there as well.

    Senator Aang

    I played as Aang for about a month until I realized that my work as BCMD would have to be prioritised therefor I stopped playing on my senator. I believe that I had a good run as Aang with me interacting with people around the base and with me encouraging and starting RP. I was a part of a good amount of RP during my time as Aang and I am happy with what I managed to do.

    Grand Admiral

    On the server I used to play on before Synergy I was Grand Admiral for 6 months and apart of naval for a year. The rank I held Grand Admiral was the equivalent of Base Ops Commander but with the power of Palpatine on that server. The job put me in a position of supervising all battalions of the server and as being the highest authority on the server in RP. The servers name was Vision Roleplay if anyone was wondering.


    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

    I should become the ATK REG because of the connections and understanding I have with all 3 ATK Battalions. During my time in the 501st and as the BCMD of it I've gotten the chance to not only connect with my own battalion but with 327th an 212th as well. I believe it would be best for all ATK Battalions if we had a ATK REG that is well known with it all battalion and that has an up to date connection with the leaders and people of all the battalion in ATK. The ATK Regiment needs a REG that is used to work with all 3 battalions and especially understanding what state each battalion currently is in. I also believe that my vast experience would serve all ATK Battalions well with my past in HC and supervising many battalions on former servers I've played on.

    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

    I do understand the lore of all 3 battalions that are apart of the ATK Regiment.


    All weekday from 9 or 10 AM EST to around 17 PM EST.

    All weekends from around 5 AM EST to around 18 - 20 PM EST.

    I live in Sweden which is in Europe so my times are a bit different from others.

    If I'm not I then I can always be reached on discord. Just send a PM and I'll get back to you-.

    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:


    WO Appo




    Senator Aang

    BCMD of the 501st. Captain Rex.

    Do you have a microphone?:

    Yes I do.

    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

    I want the ATK regiment to be a feared yet respected regiment when my term ends.

    I wish for the combat skill of the ATK Regiment to increase with more trainings being hosted that will focusing on PvP as it gives much more to fight against actual players then droids.

     I want the ATK Regiment to be more open and for the members to feel like a group with all the battalion and not just there own, and with the ATK battalions now only being 3 I believe this would be a lot easier now. 

    I want the ATK Regiment to remain one of the most active Regiment with some of the most members.

    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    I plan to continue helping to make combined trainings/programs within the 3 ATK Battalions which we're already doing with the combined ARC training that's being spear headed by the 501st.

    I plan to keep combining forces for some events which has proven to be a good way for the ATK Battalions to get to know each other and improving the mood ingeneral between the battalions and to have the ATK Battalions communicate and work more with they're fellow ATK Battalions when they're in battle. What I've been doing with the 501st has been to go to SIMs/trainings hosted by my fellow ATK battalions and saying "Hey, want/can the 501st join in here?" and it has lead to some good trainings especially now with the BvB PvP trainings happening.

    I plan to continue the ATK BvB in a new way with the ATK Regiment only having 3 members now both to improve relations and to improve combat skills within the ATK Regiment. 

    We're already thinking of ways to involve the 327th and 212th more into the 501st by letting 212th and 327th join our discord to talk with us in our general chat and in our Sith posting chat "meme/joke chat". Hopefully we can implement this shorty and for the other ATK battalions to follow suit! I will be continuing working on ways/ideas like this if I become the ATK Regimental. 

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    Yes I understand.

    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

    Yes I understand.


    PS: I know that I am currently Rex and that I am currently serving my 2nd term. The reason I decided to continue as Rex and not go for ATK REG was because Qal was most likely gonna go for another term as ATK REG which I was happy with. It turned out Qal went for Marshall and ATK was left open and therefor I'm now applying for ATK REG.

    • Winner 1
  4. Name: Omalic

    Who helped (If applicable): Bruno, Carvis, BigZach.

    Event Name: The Traitor.

    Summary of the story: A 501st has defected to the sith and steals vitel intel from the base on the siths orders. The 501st also planted explosives as a last resort in the generator room.

    What was the result of the event?: The 501st was interigated and killed when he started flashing a detonator and the intel was retrieved. The bombs went of and the GEN room had to be repaired.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay.

  5. I've had very bad interactions with you in the past which led to you being removed and blacklisted from my battalion. This was the reason I haven't supported your prior applications. Since the last application, I've seen a new Josh on the server. You've changed for the better and I can't say that you're the same Josh that I had to remove. You've improved and impressed me in that and I believe you're ready to rejoin the staff team.


    Best of luck!

    • Friendly 1
  6. Gadget did well and his last term and even though he fucking left me and my ATK boys in the dust when GM switched to SPC (Still sad about that). I've always been able to talk to gadget and in turn, get to see how he is a BCMD and the leader of GM. There is no reason that this man shouldn't be allowed to serve another term.

    Huge +1 

    • Friendly 1
  7. Name: Omalic 

    Who helped (If applicable): Poe, Argon

    Event Name: The Drilling

    Summary of the story: Commando droids drill from the forest to the hangar bay entering the base and causing distractions with bombs to gather data from BO or from terminals.

    What was the result of the event?: Drills got destroyed and commandos were killed.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.

  8. Unfortunately I haven’t talked and worked as much as I’ve wanted to with you due to our time zone differences. I can’t state from my own POV if you’ve done a good job or not but I can however trust my fellow ATK BCMDs who believe you’ve done a good enough job to seek this position.

    +1 Best of luck Qal.

  9. You did great as my HWSO in the 501st and I miss you in the 501st. From all the  interactions I’ve had with you in Rancor you’ve been great and acted like a commander. I’m however concerned with your lack of time with SOBDE and with that fact that you aren’t even in Foxtrot. I do however know you’re fit to command so I believe you deserve a chance. Best of luck my HWS brother.


    • Friendly 1
  10. I haven’t personally really interacted with you as Mace but I have talked to as you in general and you seem like a nice guy. I can’t say that I’ve seen myself that you’re ready to be Yoda but with the overwhelming support from people who’s judgement I trust and from your own Jedi order I believe that you’re fit for the position. Best of luck.


  11. Even before his term I always went to Striker when I had anything regarding 212th. As a fellow BCMD and with 212th being our sister battalion Striker has only been helpful, professional and available when dealing with anything from combined trainings to disrespectful members. This man served a great first term so there should be no reason that 212th shoudn’t continue with him as their Cody.

    Huge +1

    • Friendly 1
  12. Last time I spoke with you you told me you were going for ATK REG. If you’re still going for that then i don’t believe you should serve as 212th BCMD as you would only serve a third if not less of your term.

    Are you still going for ATK REG? Direct question to Bro @Bro. If you are then I can’t support you here.

    Neutral until response.

    • Friendly 1
  13. Name: Omalic

    Staff Rank: SA

    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible):  2/22/19 - 2/28/19

    Reason: Celebrating my sister's and my step sister's birthdays and going away to Stockholm over the weekend. After that i'm going on a camping trip with friends due to it being sport break in Sweden.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes 

    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes

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