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Posts posted by Omalic

  1. With the event having Kaminoans I was a bit sad that all of Null couldn't take part yet this was a brilliant event and your RP through out the entire event was pristine. Loved the voice and loved the event. Good job!

  2. 2 minutes ago, Gadget said:

     The lag was a bit annoying sometimes but thats cos of Ashoka trials.


    The story was good but I have kinda gotten bored of the old, I'm a CIS agent but I jist want the money.

    Its hard to be betrayed anymore after its become like a weekly event.


    Overall, like a 6.5/10

    I'm not quite sure were you got the CIS agent part from, the deal with the 2 civis was that the one that survived that attempted to take a bigger cut which enraged the one that got shot. 

    Thanks for the feedback overall

  3. Name: Omalic

    Who helped (If applicable): Life, Maverick, Alec

    Summary of encounter: Treasure hunters requested the republics help to secure a treasure guarded by the CIS on Mustafar, they managed to do so despite the act of treason from one of the treasure hunters.

    Link to encounter Document (optional): 


  4. This encouter is getting a 5/10 due to reasons mentioned below.

    Here some tips to improve on.
    If you find yourself in a position were your doing an encounter alone then plan your encouter for that. This encounter was over in what feels like 10-15 min due to you having to be in 2 places at the same time. If you had a helper it would have been different but in this case you didn't so in the future either try to get helpers or plan so that you wont need them for what you wish to do. It's good that you host encouters and I hope you continue so hopefully this input will help you in the future :).

  5. Name: Omalic

    Who helped (If applicable): None.

    Summary of encounter: A Jawa went a bt balistic inside base causing the base to find his cousin at his camp. The cusin being a pathelogical liar told em all kinds of differnt things end ended up detained and sent away.

    Link to encounter Document (optional): None.


  6. Name:


    Staff Rank:




    Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 

    7/15/20 - 7/18/20


    Personal reason. HA may ask privately if it's needed.

    Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position:


    Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?:


  7. Steam Name: 

    Synr.gg | Omalic

    RP Name:

    Null-11 Ordo Skirata

    RP Rank:

    Executive Officer

    Steam ID:


    Battalion or squad you are applying for:



    501st (2 Term Rex)

    I joined 501st back in August of 2018 when I first joined the server. I loved it there and It's the place were I started learning about the server and getting to know most of the people that actively play. I had many roles seeing that I have been in 501st several times so to summerise it I'll just list em. Appo, Fives, HWSL, JTL, 2 time REGL, 2 time XO, Rex for 2 terms. I've been in the 501st for most of my time on the server and it was hard to move on and try something new with joining Null but I felt it was due time and even tho I miss The Legion I am thus far loving it in Null.

    High Command (ATK REG, Marshal, Palpatine ish)

    I joined High Command as the Attack Regimental. During my tenure as ATK REG I worked alongside my fellow Regimentals to better integrate our regiments but also within the ATK Reg the form stronger bonds. I got along great with the other Regimentals and that in turn had a positive effect on our regiments. When my term came to an end I didn't wish to leave thinking I had more to offer and that I really enjoyed it so I reapplied and begun my 2nd term as ATK Reg. After having served half my 2nd term the Marshal position opened up and I felt ready for it and applied and became Marshal Commander. I also loved my time as Marshal with me having a good relationship with the Regimentals the BCMDS and the Directors Forseen and Trad at the time were we really found a good balance with the 3 of us each bringing something different to the table which made it quite a productive HC at least in my opinion. I reapplied after my term ended and got halfway through my 2nd term when Palpatine and Marshal were reworked so that it would be one position so with that I was now also Palpatine. I finished my term having been in this weird combo position and with that having reached my term limit I left High command after about 7 months.

    Null (A'den, Ordo)

    I joined Null a bit over a month ago and it has been quite a different experience then what I've been used to in 501st. I've really gotten into the squad mentality with working with fewer numbers but with more reliable squad members. A'den was nice with his personality and of course the rocket launcher but after some time I became Ordo and since then I've been working on getting a new A'den to fill up the squad. I've hosted tryouts pretty much every day since and we're on like round 45 now, with someone hopefully passing soon. Getting a feel for how it is leading this squad as Ordo has been a good experience for me and although I haven't been Ordo for the longest time I believe that my past experience in leading combined with this experience here in Null now would serve me well as the potential Squad Lead.

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    I believe I should become the next Kal for several reasons. Currently, I feel like I'm in the best position to lead this Squad, I am the current XO who has been leading the Squad in Kals absence with our playtimes being quite different with timezones alongside with me continuously hosting the tryouts to fill up the squad once more. I have a lot of experience leading having been BCMD, Regimental, Marshal, and Palpatine and with that I've been leading people for the majority of my stay on the server and in many different ways that I believe will help me lead Null. This on top of what I've learned as Ordo to better lead Null which I at least already think is working with be doing so as Ordo. I believe my Squad is behind me and knowing that I believe that I am ready and able to be their Squad lead and continue leading them.

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

    I believe I do.


    I've recently started working during the Summer so I'm busy during weekday morning to afternoon but I usually play during the evening anyway due to the server pop being low on EU early times so not really a big change but wanted to mention it. Otherwise, I usually get on around 6-8 (GMT+1) and get off around midnight and on the weekends I'm around all day most the time. 

     Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

    I have played on Synergy since August of 2018 so almost for 2 years now and my current playtime is | 3420:55:47.

    Do you have a microphone?:

    I do indeed.

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    Firstly I obviously want a full squad but I also want it to be in a certain state. I believe that mingyness is a problem within SOBDE and I want the squad to be in a state where I am certain that the members are upholding the Null standard and that they, in turn, will live up to the image the squad should hold. This in turn with me finding an Ordo that I can fully believe and trust and to work alongside me leading the squad with that person also being someone that the squad can look up to and see as a leader.

    I want the members of Null to be more personal when it comes to outreach rather than just joining their outreach for deployments but actually leave the SOBDE channels and sit and talk with their outreach a lot more. I think the outreach program should be taken more seriously and that we as Null really should try and help and assist our outreaches rather than just deploying with em for fun. Of course we should still deploy with them but that can't be all it is.

    Lastly, I want the squad members to be in a state so that their ready and able to continue smoothly when my time as Kal is over. With how the people who have come after me have often having a hard time taking over and handling the position (referring to after my Rex and Marshal term, no harm intended) so I wish to ensure that this won't become the case here.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    I fully understand.

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

    I fully understand.

    • Agree 1
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  8. RP Name: Null-12 A'den Skirata


    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:93719402


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 3342 hours of playtime.


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: A solid 8.


    Why do you want to join the Intel Team. Well I re joined staff after learning that branch work was no longer required, I was a bit sick of GM and TR work so it sounded great. However with time and me now having been in staff for a while and becoming a VA I now find myself a bit restless and feel like I need something to do. Having heard about what Intel is about I think I'd fit it nicely with me being an experienced player on the server and knowing my lore. I've always loved to debate and discuss and I try to be deliberate whenever I comment and and my thought which I think would serve me well in Intel, I do miss being apart of debates and discussion since leaving HC so this would be a good place for me to discuss and debate for the improvement of the server when it comes to suggestions. I think I have a lot to bring to the table and that I can help the server more if im Intel rather then being a branchless staff member.


    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes I understand.

    P.S. Thanks to those who take the time to read and give their opinion :).

  9. This is hard one.

    When it comes to applicable positions and high staff or even high jedi for that matter I've always been apposed to someone having 2 such positions at the same time. H.O.A is indeed a high position in staff and I believe that someone who holds such a position should have that as their main focus. Same as I've said with in regards to HC, my belief remains that people with applicable positions should have that as their number one focus. And I also believe that high staff should have that as their number one focus so you can see where I'm coming from.

    In regard to the leadership of 501st I believe it is time we let some new people lead us. You've lead us before and so have I. Heck I considered going for Rex again as well but came to the conclusion that we can't just recycle old BCMDs, we need new people to come into these positions. This is not me saying that people like us can't serve again but rather saying that there is a time and place to let new people serve and a place for when we serve again. Rohan has worked hard and he's become our XO, the right hand man of the battalion and now the de facto leader with there being no Rex.

    I have no questions about your experience and your dedication to the 501st. You've helped the battalion, I personally know this and so does the 501st . But I can't say in confidence that your focus would solely be on 501st with your other commitment and responsibilities and that is something I want whomever becomes Rex.

    So with that being said,

    • Agree 3
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