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Posts posted by Omalic

  1. Steam Name:


    RP Name:

    501st Executive Officer Omalic

    Steam ID:


    Regiment you are applying for:

    Attack Regimental Commander



    It's been a bit over a year since I joined the server and in turn, the 501st. I've stayed in the 501st since my first day here and have learned a lot during my time in the battalion. I began by working with the HWS regiment in the 501st where I swiftly climbed the ranks and ended as the HWSL and in charge of the HWS. After a long time as HWSL, I began my term as Appo and WO where I served the 2 full weeks and then moved on to the rank of MAJ. I got ARC trained and went for Fives. Kept getting promoted until I stopped as XO and as REGL put to oversee all the regiments of the 501st. After working under Quill for a month I felt ready and went for Rex. I became Rex and stayed as him and as the leader of the 501st for 6 months until I felt that I had done my part In the position and that I wanted to move on. I then decided to go for ATK Reg and unfortunately was denied. After chilling a bit in the 501st as an honorary CMD in limbo I decided to recommit myself and focusing on driving the 501st forward. I kept working hard and gained the XO position once more. With my BCMDs activity not being the best, I found myself in the leadership position once again and kept pushing for an even better 501st and it paid off. The 501st hasn't been this active and shown such a big presence in a long time and I believe that my work contributed a lot to that result and of course the work from the other officers in the 501st aswell.


    Grand Admiral

    Before joining Synergy I played on another server. I played there for a long time and after doing good work in Naval I was appointed Grand Admiral. The Grand Admiral was the highest rank you could gain on the server and only 1 person could be it. I served actively as Grand Admiral for 6 months and was in charge of overseeing the working of all battalions and their leaders. The job as Grand Admiral was considered the leader of HC so I believe that this position has made me very used to the workings of an HC and what is required of the members.

    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

    I think I should become the Attack Regimental because of my long time in the Attack Regiment with me gaining a deep understanding of the Regiment and getting to know many members of the battalion, what each battalion do and their current state. I also believe that my 6 months as a BCMD of an ATK battalion has made me more than ready for the position alongside my past experience in high command work with me having been the leading figure in an High Command in the past on a former server. I'm confident that my approach to the Attack Regimental position will benefit the ATK Regiment and that my work will make a positive change within the Regiment.

    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

    Yes I understand the lore of the ATK Battalions.


    All weekday from around 11 AM EST to around 17 PM EST.

    All weekends from around 5 AM EST to around 17 - 20 PM EST.

    I live in Sweden which is in Europe so my times are a bit different from others.

    If I'm not online I then I can always be reached on discord. Just send a PM and I'll get back to you.

    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

    HWSL of the 501st

    WO Appo

    REGL of the 501st

    Fives in Torrent Company

    2x Executive officer of the 501st (Once Before I became Rex and also now)

    BCMD / Captain Rex of the 501st for 6 months ( 2 full terms )

    Senator Aang

    Senior Administrator
    Game Master

    Do you have a microphone?:


    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

    By the end of my term, I want the ATK Battalions better trained and ready for PvP and PvE with the trainings I'll be hosting and with the encouragement for future trainings that I'll be providing. I want to see more combined trainings from the ATK Battalions as there has been a lack in joint trainings recently with either me hosting them or encouraging the leaders of the battalions to do so.


    With the new change to Serious RP, I want the overall seriousness to increase in all battalions and to do this I will advise and enforce more seriousness where it's needed. All of ATK should be at a level where they're considered to be serious and I'll be working hard to help them reach that level. Mingyness will be less tolerated and seriousness in RP will be the norm.

    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    When I first joined the 501st we were just starting with an ATK BvB that would be a standard BvB but for ATK only where we'd challenge each other and fight to be the best within ATK. This both increased trainings in the battalions and brought us closer together with friendly rivalries and spending time with each other. It's my intention to before the end of my term try and revive this event and host it for the ATK Reg.

    A thing that has been working great with improving relations recently has been being deployed together. Working with GMs and staff I would work to host/help with deployments for either all of ATK or with some battalions in ATK both to let them do something fun while forcing them together to work with each other more and in turn improve relations.

    With BvB being around the corner I have been training my men in the 501st on improving their combat skills which have been great for both them learning and for us spending time with each other training and teaching each other. I plan to continue hosting trainings either with all of ATK, some battalions of ATK or even individuals in ATK that wish to improve on their combat skills. In turn, this will both improve my relations with the men and their relations with each other.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

  2. During Lucky's term as Hunter we've seen the most active outreach program coming to the 501st and a full and active Bad Batch. Lucky's former ties to the 501st has also made it easier when working with him and for us to feel like Lucky and BB belong with us in deployments and such. I see Lucky as the best choice for Hunter and deem that he deserves another term as Hunter.


    Best of luck!

    • Friendly 1
  3. Marvel did a great job in 501st and has proved to be a solid SOBDE member that can keep his calm. I wasn't quite sure if Marvel would be able to make sure that the SOBDE behave and to punish them when needed but after talking with him I was convinsed that he would have the guts to do it. Marvel will be able to hold the SOBDE to the high standards they belong in and therefor he is a clear choice for SOBDE Reg.


    Good Luck!

    • Friendly 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Bro said:

    Tbh I just feel like we aren’t trusted and that fucking hurts. If you don’t trust me now or the actions I do then remove or don’t make me BCMD. There should be a trust between us and you should understand that my actions as a BCMD are for the better of the battalion. That includes what happens in the discord that I should own that comes with the position. We transfer everything when we switch over; docs, trainings, folders, and especially discord. If we can’t have a trust between us I’m not sure how you plan on having high command in the future. It’s a game and we try our best to bring order and fun and for this to keep happening we need to start trusting each other. 

    This ^ 

    Fully agree


  5. I consider Cutlaw as one of the best if not the best SNCO we have in the 501st, and the only reason he's not in a much higher rank is due to him not wanting it. He's a friendly dude that does good work. Would be great to have him back on the staff team.


    Best of luck!

    • Friendly 1
  6. I've lost alot of good officer over the months in 501st, one of these was Harte. Harte was a great officer dubbed the night owl due to him playing very late. Harte proved in the 501st that he knows how to lead and that he's good guy. He has quickly adapted to the SOBDE style and does good work. After talking to his fellow SOBDE and judging if he's kept this style since the 501st I was pleased to hear that he indeed is the same leader and good guy that I remember him as. I believe Harte would be a good fit for Squad lead and that it would do it well. The only thing he could improve on is talking more. 

    You have my support +1

    Best of luck!

  7. The 187th has not yet become the battalion it's supposed to be. These changes would make the 187th truly become the paratrooper battalion it should be. I trust in Suggas judgment and if he believes this then I would be inclined to believe him seeing that he actually is the BCMD of the 187th.


    Best of luck!

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