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Posts posted by Omalic

  1. Steam Name:


    RP Name:

    Attack Regimental Commander Omalic

    Steam ID:


    Brigade you are applying for:

    The position of Marshal Commander



    On my first day on the server about 1 year and 3 months ago I joined the 501st legion. I started of in the HWS regiment working hard to climb up from HWS to HWSL. During that time I was elected for the WO Appo position and did 1 full term as Appo. I landed at the rank of MAJ and became the REGL, I also went for Fives and got it. After being bumped to COL and with the 501st experiencing a crisis with both our CMD and XO getting denied for Rex some old 501st rejoined and helped us back. I was made XO for my dedication and hard work and was trained by Quill for the Rex position. After about a month of XO work I was ready, Quill stepped down and I went for Rex and got it. I served a full term and went for a 2nd term when done and completet that term aswell.
    I took a break from the server after this but shortly came back to the 501st to help. I got back to XO quickly and found myself leading the battalion alot with the activity problems of the BCMD at the time. When I knew there was a good man for Rex in Stormzyyy I went back and applied for Attack Regimental Commander again but this time being accepted and that's when my time in the 501st came to an end. 

    Attack Regimental Commander

    After a bit more then a year of play on the server I landed the spot of Attack Regimental Commander and joined HC. During my time in HC I've been working with many things. Alot of it has been helping the 4 attack battalions but also alot of work within HC. To mention one there was me being apart of making the battlestations and after some tweeks and workings in HC my suggestion for battlestations was approved and is now in use.
    I've proven during my time as Attack Regimental Commander that I can oversee battalions and that I'm used to it by now. Being in this HC has taught me alot and also allowed me to polish my way of doing things. I believe my work as Attack Regimental Commander has left me in a better state then where I started and that it's more then prepered me for the next step in HC which is the Marshal Commander position.

    Grand Admiral

    Before I joined Synergy I was playing on a UK server for over a year. I was apart of Naval on the server and after half a year of work I was promoted to the position of Grand Admiral. The Grand Admiral position put me as the highest ranking personal on the ship. My job was to command the troopers but moastly the BCMDs on the ship to make sure everything was running smoothly both during events and downtime. Alongside this it also put me incharge of keeping track of the BCMDs and how their battalions were doing. I had officers who worked alongside me getting the facts and reports and in the end it was my job to know how they were doing and to tell the Owner if need be. I remained in this position for 6 months before stepping down and moving on. I believe that this experience has made me very qualified for the position of Marshal with the positions being very similar and with me being this experienced in this line of work. 


    Why should you become a Marshal Commander?:

    I Believe I should become the Marshal Commander because of my past experience. I've been a XO for 2 months, BCMD for 6 months, Attack Regimental for almost 3 months and in my past server Grand Admiral for 6 months. I've learnt so much in this time and I believe that all this experience would make me a fine Marshal Commander.
    I've been in HC for almost 3 months now and I'm very used to the workings. I know what I'm doing and I put effort into my work. I'm active and I'm the current longest member of the clone HC. I'm used to working with the BCMDs and REGs aswell as helping Palpatine, and I believe that me becoming Marshal would take a load of Palpatine and also activate the REGs with me planing to give them more to do to keep them working with eachother and with me.
    I've proven my dedication to HC and that I do good work, I'm well known and respected on the server and alongside this I have vast experience In this field. This is why I should become the Marshal Commander.

    Do you understand the lore of the Grand Army?:

    Yes I do.


    All weekday from around 11 AM EST to around 5 PM EST.
    All weekends from around 5 AM EST to around 5 - 8 PM EST.
    I live in Sweden which is in Europe so my times are a bit different from others.
    If I'm not online I then I can always be reached on discord. Just send a PM and I'll get back to you.

    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

    501st HWSL

    501st WO Appo

    501st REGL

    TC Fives

    501st XO x2

    501st BCMD | 2 full terms

    Game Master

    Senior Administrator

    Senator Aang

    Attack Regimental Commander | 2 terms

    Do you have a microphone?:

    Yes I do.

    Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term?:

    As per standard one would want the GAR to be in the best state as possible. There's alot that can be done to make the state of the GAR better and one can only do so much. One of the things that I'd like to specifically like to improve on is the coop between the regiments. I Think that most Regiments has that sense of companionship in their regeiment and even stronger in ther seperate battalion. I'd want the tone to go to an even bigger state and for everyone to really embrace the fact that all clones are Brothers, both in the way we approach other players and just how one would conduct their RP.
    So basically for the GAR and the battalions in it to be in a state where they can and will spread their wings more to be willing to work with battalions outside their Regiments and to teach eachother and learn from each others skill sets.

    I want to improve the overall dicipline and profesionalism in the GAR by continuing with drills trainings and PT to really make the GAR the strong army that it is, this in turn with trainings for the battalion to improve their combat sense and overall skill when it comes to fighting and leading.

    I want the tone to be set where one would respect and listen to all COs and people that lead. Even though it's not your own CO it's still a CO that one should respect and listen to, this all ties in to profesionalism and discipline really with being able to work with other COs and activly listen to them,


    How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:

    To have a good working relation between the battalions it needs to start and be the same at the higher levels. I believe that firstly the REGs needs to get closer and work more with eachother both to learn from eachother and to engage their BCMDs to work more closely to then make their battalions get together more and in turn improve relations between all the battlions in the GAR.

    Another plan is to try and mix the regiments when it comes to tasks and mission in and around events. To encourage the blending of different battalion members to best carry out the mission and as a bonus improve relations between them. For example if Rancor is being sent on a scouting mission other battalion ARCs could come along, both to learn from them and to get closer with them and their battalion.

    So in general cooperation is key and bringing our battalions together will improve the overall relations in the GAR.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

    Yes I do.

    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Marshal commander rank?:

    Yes I do.


  2. I constantly find myself doing RP with you because of me being in HC. Your RP is amazing and Shock is always in shape and working great when your in command. You've proven through your dedication and hard work in Shock that your ready for the BCMD position. I've considerd you one of if not the finest shock on this base for a while and I'd be more then happy to continue working alongside you but with you being Fox. 

    Big +1

    Best of luck!

  3. Dennis has done alot for DU and he truely cares for his battalion . However the mingyness and insubordination that Dennis has allowed trubbles me.
    The situation that ocoured today made this even clearer. I've had some great times with you Dennis and I consider you a nice guy that I like talking to but your behavior recently is not something that belongs in HC. The fact that I had to threaten to AOS all of Dooms Unit for insubordination and going AWOL today and end up AOSing you for this is a clear notice to me atleast that your leadership is flawed. Talking with staff and others it's clear that this isn't the first case that your behavior has been a problem for your battalion and events.
    If this is the way Dooms Unit is under your command and the way that you behave then I don't believe that you're fit to guide all of SPEC as the SPEC Regimental and a member of HC.


    • Agree 4
  4. Steam Name:


    RP Name:

    Attack Regimental Commander Omalic

    Steam ID:


    Regiment you are applying for:

    To keep the position of Attack Regimental Commander.

    How many terms have you held the position?:


    How do you feel your previous term went?:

    I feel like it went good but with some small things bothering me. I was able to quickly adapt to HC and get used to the workings of it. I spread my wings and worked with even more people on the server and in different battalions to best represent ATK. I managed to actively help in the HC work with me working to make the new Battlestations and just recently restart the citadel challenge. I believe that I got even closer to the ATK battalions then I was before and that I made it feel like the ATK Regimental was someone that would hop in from time to time and have a chat and play along rather than being seen as a higher-up that just dictates and decided things. A thing that I felt could have been done better would be my approach to the ATK Discords. I try reading chats and discussions in the ATK discords but I feel that I could've been more involved in them. This does not include me responding as I believe I've responded to all questions and @ either in TS or in Discord asap.
    A thing I felt bad about was the fact that I did not host a ATK BvB and the simple reason for it was because of the main BvB still going on and that It would be to much and to confusing to have 2 BvBs at once with it always having been at seperate times in the past.

    Why do you wish to remain a Regimental Commander?:

    I wish to remain as the ATK Regimental because I feel that my work isn't done yet. I wish to continue working on the new citadel challenge with HC and keep being the outside face of ATK. I feel that some ATK battalions still need my help and with me having become familiar to all of ATK I feel that I would be able to do that better then anyone else coming in as ATK Regimental. There is still much to do and I feel that I still have the knowledge and spirit to help and work to make ATK the best it can be and to make sure that the battalions run as they should.

    Current availability:

    All weekday from around 11 AM EST to around 5 PM EST.
    All weekends from around 5 AM EST to around 5 - 8 PM EST.
    I live in Sweden which is in Europe so my times are a bit different from others.
    If I'm not online I then I can always be reached on discord. Just send a PM and I'll get back to you.

    What have you achieved within your regiment during your past term?:

    To put it honestly most changes/additions that I've worked with have been with HC and in turn for the good of all regiments not just ATK. 
    I wrote the new Battlestations and after some minor tweaks and talks in HC, they were implemented.
    I worked to restart the citadel challenge with it being forgotten and It's just about ready with a doc in place just making sure that all of HC is on board with it.
    These things are both for the good of ATK and the rest of the regiments. But when it comes to strictly ATK I Believe that I've reshaped the way one looks to the REG CMD with it not being a position one goes to retire in and not a position that is high and Mighty but instead friendly and available with me putting a big effort to really be with the battalions in deployments and events with both leading them and working as helpful trooper.
    My main focus has been with 187th as it should be with them needing my help the most and I've worked to try and help the leaders of the battalion with both advice and criticism. And know I can safely say that the 187th is in good hands with a capable BCMD in Dreams and with me assisting them along the way.

    What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your regiment?:

    During my time in the 501st, I learned how useful battalion meetings can be. It goes a lot faster if you're able to discuss things in TS and make decisions then and there. You get as many people as possible and everyone has a say and that in turn makes the outcome the best for as many as possible. I know that not all of ATK has these meetings and It's something I'll be trying to convince the BCMDs to implement to those who haven't already as it's useful and effective.
    I plan to continue working with the citadel challenge which will be something good for both ATK and the other regiments trying to push them to their very best in PvE.
    I plan to continue working closely with the ATK battalions in events and focusing more on going with them then commanding the base. This having been a problem for me as I've had to prioritise the base with BO not Always being around but I feel that it drags me away from times where I could and should be with an ATK battalion.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


  5. Killjoy has proven himself to me both during his time in 501st and in BB.
    He served as my right hand man at many times and often did the work of the XO without holding the rank. He was a vital part of the 501st HC and his work helped the battalion forward.
    In BB he's become the SO BDE that in my opinion does the absolute most when it comes to outreach work. All from almost always being there for deployments to countless trainings, dupes and sims that he has built for the ATK Battalions. 

    Killjoy is the perfect candidate for Hunter with his combined work with the ATK REG and in BB.

    Masive +1

    Best of luck!

    • Friendly 1
  6. You're well experienced and seem able to handle a HC postion. The things that worry me however is firstly your pressence. From me talking to US players I get the impression of you just coming back and not being around to much and I myself have not seen you at all, Granted I'm EU timezone so that would make sense but from what other US players tells me it's still a worry. My biggest concern however is how you would fit in with the current HC. In HC we work closly together and I can say for a fact that I trust the judgement and skills of my fellow memebers of HC, however when it comes to you then I know little to nothing about you. What I do know is that you're considerd a SO BDE lad as others state aswell and that you recently came back. For HC it would be alot better if we had a Marshall that we're already used to working with, and in this aspect the other candidate has you dead to rights. Another thing is that if you're gonna be the Marshall CMD you're gonna be working with us REGs closely, and a thing that conserns me is that you never reached out to atleast 2 out of the 3 REG CMDs and talked about this bid for Marshall and picking our minds about It which is in my opinion should be considerd a standard.  You sound like a great guy and you're well experienced but it would be the best for HC if we have a Marshall CMD that we're used to working with and who we can trust with his past work in this current HC and that does not fit you in my opinon, but it does fit Black.





  7. 9/10, The event had about Everything, rp with a cannon, droid attack, rescue mission , overall a great event. Some critesizsm: Had hoped there would be some more rp to find out what happend to the crew rather then they're all dead as we tried to find the Petty officer and from what i was told we found nothing of him or his crew, and it was a bit to long which you admited. But overall a fantastic event which one greatly enjoyed!

    • Agree 1
  8. During my 2nd time as XO of the 501st I had the pleasure to work with you doing combined trainings with Recon and 501st or just RP with you being HC on base. I was saddened when I realized that our time as Regs together would be so short, however we managed to work nicely together and host an even bigger training with the Attack and Recon on base. Furthermore you're well acquainted with the current high command and we're already used to working with you already. 

    I'm used to working with you and I trust your judgment, and your experience speak for it self. I'd be happy to serve in a HC with you spearheading it.


    Big +1

    Best of luck!

    • Friendly 1
  9. You've been my right hand man in the 501st, I've always been able to count on you and you've been able to handle any CO task I threw at you. You're the best choice for Rex and you're already in charge of running the 501st with me leaving, you have my full backing and I know that the 501st back you fully aswell!

    Big +1

    Best of luck!

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