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Slump last won the day on July 18 2023

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  1. Right then ladies and gents its time to say the final goodbye from the reformed 5 role challenger extraordinaire! WATCH THIS WHILE READING An amazing 2nd run of Synergy, it was fun and entertaining throughout but all good things come to an end and I can't find the time anymore to dedicate to the community. I would like to give huge appreciation to @Xaze and @Jad for helping me out when I returned <3 @Ollie_ To my little cutie pie keep on going your doing an amazing job @Brooklyn I'm gonna miss that dressing gown @Rohan @gohn You two are the same person @Pythin Just shut up @KaiserNeiner Massive W of a person your outstanding in everything your doing, keep it up and to all of Rancor massive love for you guys past and present especially my little @Sixta
  2. Brazy, was nice to work with you. Good luck in the future!
  3. Arma ain't that good bro trust me
  4. R.I.P my little cubby !
  5. Unfortunately your ban appeal has been DENIED. For more information on why you were denied, please contact me or any Director+. // LOCKED // MOVED TO BAN APPEALS - DENIED
  6. @KeeganI can confirm he spammed that "Synergy is shit go to Icefuse" lots of times.
  7. Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED! Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck! // LOCKED // MOVED TO COMMANDER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  8. A lot of the problems ride on the community itself to be completely transparent, in terms of us having the event server back up and don't get it twisted I would love for the event server to be up 100 percent, but in cases like the Rancor BOTM deployment where we did lose a lot of population and was left to 20 on main it comes down to the community itself to pick up the population (ping their battalions, create RP scenarios, host trainings, involved with events, go on patrols, explore what you can actually do on the server !) This needs to be a common thing with everyone so we have assurance that when people move to the event server we don't go down the rabbit hole like it was November last year where the highest pop was 25/35 which compared to the growth of the server right now is piss poor and I'm sure no one wants go back to that since the progress we have made is amazing so far. It is up to YOU a member of this community to do your part in boosting population and entertainment of the server whether its doing the small amount of points I quickly came up with above in brackets or further developing your ideas for events/encounters by joining the GM or staff team. Synergy itself has so much to give and be utilised that people are blind to see the paths they can take to help out, yet time and time again people complain of the higher ups not implementing this and that when there are other scenarios you should be improving with the duties they already have whether that be their battalions, subunits or whatever other valuable positions they hold. The main question you seriously need to be asking yourself is "What else can I do to help out the server", if you want the event server back so bad like everybody else including high staff and management team then can you do more yourself to reach the goal set out, and don't get me wrong its understandable that not everyone can take 3 positions and juggle their irl work but considering how many posts and negative comments are thrown out I know for a fact you could of been using that time making a small roleplay situation like hosting simple medical check ups for your battalion which follows up with creating an event/scene out of that. Going back to the topic off Coordinator+ they do insane amounts of work which people take granted for because they can't physically see any changes or improvements which to me is the dumbest thing I could hear. If you actually look on the community Discord (https://discord.gg/synrgg) in the channel #github you can see every change the development team make involving the server itself, although you can not see the detail to what they change, for every commit posted there is 200+ lines of code changed to improve the performance and quality of YOUR playtime so take that into consideration when negative comments are thrown about. But that's just my opinion on all this. (Baron you aren't allowed to read this post) This is actually the opposite of what's happening with the server, if you check battlemetrics we have been improving with every week which is amazing to see but it shouldn't stop there in fact everybody should be helping and improving more within the server.
  9. Although I do find Mazens choices odd and abrupt at some points I have a strong belief that he is leading the server and community in a good direction as shown in his actions especially regarding most of the battalions health in general - he has continuously supported behind the scenes of most battalions of what I have seen. I +1 this.
  10. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  11. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
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