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Everything posted by silvers

  1. +1 VA Reg duo hopefully w/ qal?
  2. 10/10 best way to do a short shoot em up with a big ship ad a twist
  3. I understand what you guys mean, but to answer sixta; you placed a tact next to a place where the dispenser of the droids were at. And to answer scribbles if you mean the amount of droids while climbing up the base, it was trying to give the clones a challenge and "give them the high ground."
  4. wrong title OOF and event name
  5. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Merril, Synyster Event Name: REEEEE Summary of the story: A large quake occurs at the sector of the base, and droid drills start to appear around the rooms, such as the generator, ATC, and medbay. The clones kill those droids and investigate outside and find a large CIS base that is camo'd. They head in and fight all the droids, destroy the drills, and figure out that it's the work of a CIS general. They also captured some jedi padawans and younglings, and a hostage situation occurs. The structure begins a self destruct and everything explodes. What was the result of the event?: It went well! I had to go at the end, but I hope you guys enjoyed! (Also to the guy who placed a tac near the drill with the droids, sorry man, but that's where the droids were supposed to spawn, it was like a pod but bigger). Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up. (sorry to the batts that couldn't make it to the CIS base, I really wanted you all to see it.)
  6. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Jumes Event Name: REEEEE Summary of the story: A Jedi Archaeologist comes to the base in terror, trying to find a sith holocron that accidentally made it to the hands of that base, without them knowing it. Once they find the holocron, they take it to them temple, and some sith lords and acolytes come to get the holocron. Once they all fail, the jedi starts to act weird, and goes crazy because he was in contact with the holocron before he went there. He got the sith to come with him to attack the base in order to get the holocron. The dark jedi then went on a rampage across the base and created a lot of havoc and deaths. He was then captured and sent to be "fixed the fuck up" What was the result of the event?: Eh alright, it was kinda slow for clones, sorry doods. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP at first, then shoot 'em up.
  7. ................ FAT FUCKING PLUS 1 from me, he is here to help the server, some of cwrp’s higher end events come from ideas
  8. +1 maaaan u hated rancor so much that you had to apply for grand master just to get away from us... jk ily gl
  9. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Bean the EJ hoorah Event Name: Wookie Bean Summary of the story: A wookie runs away from a villiage because he has valuable CIS info. He is found in the ewok villiage surrounded by Droids. He has been saved by the republic but then the CIS attacks, trying to get him. The CIS loses in the republic wins! Who knew?! Oh yeah an Acclamator does a bombing run on it and picks him up! Yay! What was the result of the event?: Hopefully alright, wanted a good ol' event to the people who weren't in the deployment. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP at first, then shoot 'em up.
  10. 9/10 from just the ducking buildup, it was so nice going in a whole march to the LAATs. Also @Stern ITS 1-10 REEEE
  11. clone wars adventures if it’s still a thing
  12. 9.3/10, I loved this twist with the tunnels!
  13. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Heart, Elijah, and Ken Event Name: CIS Jingles Summary of the story: Greivous and another general wish for a cease fire due to it being life day. They have a feast, but little did the republic know, the food in that feast had a special serum that spread an infection across the base. Zombies started to come out and attack everyone! So I guess it really wasn't a cease fire... huh.... What was the result of the event?: You guys did it hooray good ol' comedy as well!!! nice!!! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Mostly RP, but a shoot em up at the end.
  14. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: Magnitudes Summary of the story: Commando Droids were doing recon around the base to see the best points to attack, and then suddenly an earthquake occurs! They get stuck in a tunnel with rubble. When the rubble is cleared by the clones, they are in their CT armor and are questioned. Once caught, they attack and then call for reinforcements. The CIS attacks the base, and while attacking, an aftershock occurs and a landslide destroys the west gate. There is a final push by the CIS and then they eventually lose. What was the result of the event?: I feel like it went fairly well. It looked like people were enjoying it! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: First RP, then shoot the fuck em up!
  15. hi, i thought it would be cool to do this even though I joined on August. hi
  16. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Jags Event Name: Chef Baroque Christmas Summary of the story: Chef Baroque comes back to the base to make everyone food for a good time! He also has a bartender now! Wow! What was the result of the event?: It went well, everyone enjoyed the food! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP! CHEF RP!
  17. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Jags and Jumes Event Name: Pay for your Cins (I just fucking came up with that, fuck yeah dude) Summary of the story: The Sheran Family, a small Cell of dark sider users attack the jedi temple. The head of the Family, Darth _____, was actually a rising sith acolyte in the times before the clone wars. He was thought to be slain by Cin Drallig, but ended up fleeing to a planet in the outer rim. This time, he has a full group of Sith coming with him to destroy the order. Not only that, but he also gained the influence of many followers who aren't strong with the force to attack the clones. What was the result of the event?: You guys did it! Hooray! Good job! Keep it up! Great moves! Proud of you! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up but with some role play because we love roleplay
  18. LOA over, fucking tilted there was barely any snow @Quill Khan
  19. -1, was there, saw you switch your jobs and names.
  20. silvers

    The BOE report!

    Oh I think I was in this so it’s already getting an Oscar nomination
  21. +1 wtf u were in rancor when I was in rancor? Also it feels like 2 weeks ago when u got bypass omegalul
  22. Name: Silvers /Randwack Staff Rank: VA Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 12/19/2018-12/23/2018 Reason: finals and a vacation to Tahoe (you already know yuh yuh) Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: uh yeah I don’t wanna say byebye to maze Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yup im sorry I’m on mobile rn and idk how to fix the black text
  23. silvers

    501st Pilot Job

    I’m -1, I’m pretty sure all pilot jobs are gonna get shelved after RAF. Also for the other people’s reasons as well
  24. FUck I wish I saw this earlier yeah no I wasn’t even thinking of doing that, my whole phone ducking crashed when I got on the app last time. Then the LTE 🅱️ROKE. But the only supreme thing I’m trying to get is probs a supreme beanie
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