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Everything posted by silvers

  1. Yo put some videos of synergy in here I want to see them cuz I like watching them sometimes. idc if it’s mrp, CWRP, or ducking scp rp just I want 2 see the memes edit: holy fucking shit guys wtf
  2. Uh +1 but honestly we should try and find a good room out of medbay for now
  3. silvers

    Add ewoks

    It’s in development I’m pretty sure but +1 I guess
  4. +1 duck yes dood you’re a dedicated ARCL and I think you’d be a dedicated staff member as well!
  5. you bitch you copied me unoriginal bitch looking bitch
  6. I’m just gonna say this; Base Ops had a meeting today, and they are trying to change. First of all, they are cracking down on the stuck job NCOs and enlisted. They are also wanting to try and make a whole overhaul with their system
  7. 9/10, it was one of the best deployments this week. Your preperation was well worth the wait. Also, regarding to some battalions, you guys completely ignored the EJ pilot. He volunteered to help and Prophet didn't want him to go to waste. I've seen his document for pre-planning. He just wanted Nick to have a fun time as an EJ. You took his LAAT, and just flew around going "whoop de doo." You even flew to another fucking planet which wasn't even a part of the event. You guys had no fun doing jack shit because you chose to do jack shit when we took away the LAAT from you guys. Be happy that you were actually deployed instead of Recon.
  8. -1, I feel like the problem with Base Ops is that they don’t have their own commander rn. Also, adding on to that there are some new leads in BO that are slowly making it grow. Give it time, if not, it’s gonna be a neutral
  9. +1 would it be a buff tho? Idrk Jedi metas
  10. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Prophet, Techno, Jumes Event Name: Everyone hates the CIS Summary of the story: The CIS recently got intel about this new sith empire bullshit, and they don't want to deal with it AT ALL. They send in Greivous and many droids to attack both the Sith and the Jedi. Many pods will be around bravo and some around the base, which is near mostly every settlement. It will bring the sith and the jedi to both fight the droids and maybe even eachother. Oh yeah clones gotta fight too. Yeah you know you're fucked when sith also hate you. Can we get a FUCK THE CIS in the chat? What was the result of the event?: It was beautiful for Jedi and sith, you guys fought together! That was pretty epic if I say so myself Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up. yeet
  11. Congratulations! Your GM App has been accepted for an interview! You have until 1/9/2019 to contact a GMO+ for your interview. Failure to do so will result in a DENIAL. // Moved to Pending. (hopefully)
  12. silvers

    Holo's GM App

    YOU PASSED Welcome to the Team, make us proud! // Moved to Accepted. @Jags
  13. silvers

    Holo's GM App

    Congratulations! Your GM App has been accepted for an interview! You have until 1/8/2019 to contact a GMO+ for your interview. Failure to do so will result in a DENIAL. // Moved to Pending. @Dragon
  14. +1 no negative interactions with you and I always see you on! Good luck!
  15. All of my names come from one piece characters; Silvers - Silvers Rayleigh Corazon - Doflamingo’s oof’d brother Zoro - Fucking Roronoa Fucking Zoro who is a slapper man.
  16. +1 I remember when you shook your head with disappointment at me so u r good for staff
  17. silvers

    Silvers - FOB

    Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Timmy Event Name: FOB Summary of the story: Many attacks were going on at the Jedi temple and the base, and also the outposts! This is normal for the base, but it was happening a lot more often. A lot of the clones were suspicious and decided to go around the map and look for the base, once they found the base, they can attack the base and kill/capture the CIS commanders / tactical droids. What was the result of the event?: Server was way too laggy for no reason, idk why. But I hope you guys had fun I guess. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up. yeah sorry about that lag, idfk what happened there.
  18. +1 I mean yea I guess cuz since he’s gonna be the 1st dark lord, he can show us how it’s gonna be like if yk what I mean
  19. +1 He is a good 327th, and he is also a good jedi, hittin' those gamers with that fat double wammy.
  20. +1 hey I actually put a message for you, yeah please be staff you're a good TRO
  21. +1 Yeah dooood ik you also want to help out the GM program with your event ideas so it's your time to joinnnnnnnnn
  22. 9.2/10, I really enjoyed the experience, but due to the staff and GM meeting, it made it waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than it should've been. A lot of my men left around the mid to the end or went afk until it was over. It was a nice use of plot twists and stuff like that. It was just really weird for everyone being a CT because it was hard to distinguish from one to another. If you got like a director to help you out with it, I feel like it could've been even better though. So overall, my score is from the beginning because it was a 10/10 from me for that. But, everything else with the delays messed me up, but I saw a lot of potential from it.
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