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Everything posted by silvers

  1. silvers

    Void Please

    uh ok so this is a void
  2. silvers

    Resupply - Jags

    Jokes on you, you don’t need a back when you have the power of the force
  3. Neutral, you seem like you are a good leader but you apparently just came back to the battalion, which may leave a sour note with your troopers because you might’ve not made a bond with them yet.
  4. silvers

    Resupply - Jags

    +1 this was so fun to make the acclamator and it was also fun as an EJ as well, and it seemed like the players had fun as well!
  5. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Techno, Jags, Synyster, Piff, Ragen Event Name: Ghui Province Retold Summary of the story: A Senator from the Ghui province of Mandalore comes to discuss diplomacy with Jar Jar Binks in a secret meeting. He tells everyone about the secret allyship, hoping for this to spark influence in mandalore to finally be an ally with the republic. However, the deathwatch tracked his ship and injure the senator and attack the base. The senator lives, and they reschedule their diplomacy for another day, maybe in Mandalore, or maybe in Coruscant. What was the result of the event?: Uh yeah, so we tried to get a whole major attack but then the deathwatch got caught by RC so we were like fuck it, EJs only! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play Oriented. But we got some shoot em up at the end. This was a remake of an event I did like a month ago, with the same exact names, EJs, and story. This is gonna lead to a part 2 to a deployment. It turned out differently from the first one by a lot. It was quite interesting to see how you all reacted to it!
  6. thanks but waNNA FUCKING FIGHT
  7. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): No GHs. Event Name: Droid Drills Summary of the story: The CIS has a plan to breach into the actual corridors of the base, due to the fact that they can only reach into the courtyard and outposts. They devise a plan to have drills start from the lake and go into the base to cause havoc to the troopers and senators of endor. All of the troopers must try and stop the droids, droidekas, and commandos from destroying the base once and for all. As a last resort, the CIS sends in munificents to cause even more havoc! They send in all of their pods, and once they have no more pods, they do a full scale bombardment! What was the result of the event?: The clones eventually take care of all of the drills and droids infiltrating the base. They also destroy all of the frigates! Nice work! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up.
  8. -1, you’re a good guy but not staff material yet from what I’ve seen.
  9. +1 you know there is something called an LOA too lmao
  10. +1, Well written app and you are a good player!
  11. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Prophet and Jags (a bit) Event Name: Wookie Man Summary of the story: A Wookie comes with many bruises around his body. He makes it hard for 41st for them to translate him, and once they've translated him, they find out the CIS destroyed his village and killed his family. When he says that, many CIS ships appear and attack the base to kill the Wookie and attack the base. The CIS could either kill the Wookie or they don't. Also the wookie was a senator the whole time! Haha! Bet you didn't think that would happen! What was the result of the event?: Went fairly smooth, good job gamers! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up!
  12. -1, if you were a trial mod, I think you should just start off with the normal application since you were off from being staff for so long. Secondly, this application has many errors in grammar and spelling. It looks like it took you 30 seconds to make it.
  13. +1 this man is good for GM!
  14. silvers

    Silvers - Intel

    Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Heart, Killer/Ben, Alexz, Jags, Prince, AND PAPA! Event Name: Intel (IDEA IS ALL THANKS TO PAPA AND KILLER, I WORKED WITH THEM ON THE IDEA AND MECHANICS) Summary of the story: A Ship crashes into the base with a citizen. The citizen is trying to run away from the CIS because he has important Intel. Cad Bane and some Commandos breach into the base. Cad bane gathers intel from the base, one commando droid attacks clones, and the final commando droid destroys the generators and repair tools, causing defcon 1 because the generators cannot be repaired. The citizen dies without telling them the information. Everyone evacuates the base. The republic heads to a planet with their fleet to a droid outpost to figure out the intel. Maul and Greivous are there as their defenses. They attack the outpost, and fight the CIS. They capture Maul and Greivous, and they head back to the base. The base is still overrun, and they must fight their way into the base, and regain control. Once the CIS finds out Maul and Greivous are there in the base being interrogated, the CIS calls for more backup to attack the base. Maul and Greivous escape, but we got that intel. Mission accomplished, troopers. What was the result of the event?: IT WAS ACTUALLY AMAZING! EPIC GAMER MOMENTS EVERYWHEREE! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Story but shoot 'em up. Special Thanks to Papa!!!!!!!!! This was all his idea! Our team worked our asses off for this, so I hope you all enjoy it!! Also this event was first a main then defcon 1, so it’s a deployment to event. Finally a liberation on main. So basically a 3-In-1 I’m trying to do more events like this!! Please tell me how I can do it better! PM me on discord or ts for suggestions/questions! Also, if you have a suggestion for an event like papa, talk to a GM or make a suggestion in the forums! now im gonna play smash bye
  15. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Prophet Event Name: The Storm Summary of the story: A very bad storm ravaged throughout Endor, specifically the sector where the Base is located. The CIS thought this was the perfect time to fight and brought Cad Bane and Mr Crumble with them to attack the base. Mr Crumble and Cad Bane wanted Yularen's head, but they were unsuccessful. And it actually turns out that this was not the REAL Cad Bane! It was a bounty hunter of the same race as him. He just used a voice modifier to sound exactly like him. The CIS and the bounty hunters were both unsuccessful, and they either escape or all DIE. What was the result of the event?: Went buttery smooth! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with a story tho kind of. This event tested out our new Weather system! I hope you guys enjoyed it!
  16. Neutral, I'd just say make another ARC Training. And this is like the FIRST ARQ, people need to give it a try.
  17. I can address this, I made sure no other gamehelper would have spawned. It must have been droid NPCs moving around the corner or something. So sorry about that. I can also address this, I wasn't the one doing the PTS. But here is what I sent to him to say : "Both sides had our ups and downs, but yeah. Everything went downhill really quickly. The GM wanted to apologize for any negativity between the players and the GHers/Event Jobs."
  18. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: Captain Sparrow Summary of the story: Captian sparrow of the grand fleet has been captured by the CIS. He was in a remote island and must be saved. Dooku and ventress have him as a hostage and the clone must save him. He can either die or be saved. Player choice! What was the result of the event?: Yeah, it went bad. On behalf of the team working on the event I apologize. I hope you had a slight bit of fun at least.. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Deployment! Shoot 'em all up! Yeah, that did not go very well, so I'm really sorry for all of that. *EDIT* Talked with SO and we will also discuss about some cloaking rules for SO, because there were also some altercations during this event with that. S
  19. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Dolvek, Prophet, Kronos, and Alexz Event Name: Droidz Summary of the story: The Republic sent out droids to some battalions, but they were kind of defective and broken a little. Some of them were actually, good like the training droid! All troopers made a bond with these droids and when they left it was very tragic because they would all be turned into scrap metals in the factories of Kessel. What was the result of the event?: Uh some droid died because it was defective I guess. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive RP! S
  20. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Acid Event Name: Republic Reporters Summary of the story: Republic Reporters come to the base to evaluate the base and see if the grand army of the republic was actually capable of winning the war. Senator Lux Bonteri brings in 2 droids that were supposed to be high quality, but they got defective when they bonked their heads in hyperspace. The reporters went around and interviewed people and it was very interesting. They took a lot of pictures for the people of the republic to see! They left peacefully and we are banned from the base now, so that's great. What was the result of the event?: IT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL! THANK YOU BOUTINEER AND BRO FOR THAT EPIC PTE! Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Passive RP! S
  21. +1 one of the best 327th, good luck!
  22. Name: Silvers / Randwack Who helped (If applicable): Alexz and Prophet Event Name: CIS Representative Asylum Summary of the story: A CIS Representative was captured by the republic, and was originally ordered to be sent to a planet to be trialed. On their way, their venator was under attack by the CIS. The venator was destroyed and the survivors included the representative, who came on a LAAT to the base for help. A Commando Droid in CT armor and some normal Guards came with the representative. They were actually chased by the CIS, and the forces came to attack the base. The Commando droid could've either killed the representative or he could've survived to tell the tale. What was the result of the event?: Did not go as planned at all. Only in the beginning a little. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up S
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