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Everything posted by Ginyu

  1. +1 he had to endure having a closet for a bunk while the senators had big nice rooms and he didn't complain.
  2. People handle depression very differently, and the fact that you are looking at this through your own narrow minded viewpoint Murdock is just downright wrong. Everyone deals with issues at their own pace and require different forms of treatment and care, and if Zap wants to publicly vent his frustrations to raise awareness than that takes a degree of courage.
  3. These problems exceed the server Murdock try to be supportive of the guy he is going through some rough times. Try to see things from his perspective and disconnect from the server issues hes mentioning here.
  4. I personally blame Chumbus, Weeaboo, and Dargon for their amazing performance during W&T
  5. While I do sympathize with your struggles some comments you made int his post are extremely alarming, for example your statements regarding the medication and the statement after that which I refuse to quote really strikes me as concerning. If you truly feel this passionate about something that has happened to you on the server and you feel staff aren't involving themselves in your struggles you have two simple options; 1. Consult the Owners/Directors, and 2. Leave the server entirely. While I have never had any direct conversations with you I get the impression that this is far beyond the server issues that you had a problem with. Don't do anything rash and honestly if you need to speak to someone about this don't bottle up this shit because it only gets worse. Best of Luck man.
  6. +1 up-jumped cutthroat
  7. I remember the days of having 25 fucking people on at one time during the old days. GOD THOSE WERE THE DAYS!
  8. Good lad, wish u the best of luck in whatever the future holds for you man.
  9. +1 Dargon is in my honest opinion the only person I can see in the position since Llama has resigned. Hes been an incredible Windu and is level headed enough to not make rash decisions and is not the kind of guy to abuse his position and disregard the council. Llama also stated he sees him as the only real choice which I wholeheartedly agree with given he has been his shown complete dedication to the order.
  10. +1 this man has suffered through the shit storm of the last two commanders and came out sane, good lad make it happen!
  11. The best Kit Fisto, the best Jocasta, the best Yoda. Id like a crippled robot to narrate boat sex over your stewardship of the order.
  12. I walk a lonely road, the only road that I have ever known...
  13. I stand with Ser Timmy of House Thicc 1st of his name, Rightful King of the Thicc, Lord of the 7 Thiccdoms and Protector of the Non Thicc.
  14. +1 got to fight Jaing with vibroblades good stuff would do it again!
  15. +1 Did a good job as 101st commander first time around good luck.
  16. Ginyu

    Baller's CIS Trap

    +1 good event well planned, only issue was who ever was Dooku was fucking clueless lol.
  17. +1 Hes the only real choice, legend.
  18. @Bazoo And now his watch has ended.
  19. +1 hes a good lad but hes not really around much at all, in an ideal situation activity increases but I really don't see that happening at all.
  20. Ginyu

    Woenys Rex App

    +1 Honestly this man is one of a kind, as Anakin I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Kain and all of his commanders and personally along with Kix/Jackson you have been the creme of the crop. Solid leadership skills, excellent dicision making, and manages to help me out with guardian matters along with Kix/Jackson. Either of you two would make an excellent BCMD and a worthy successor to Kain.
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