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Posts posted by CruorFlumine

  1. So, I've decided to address all the concerns here to the best of my ability rather than voiding and re-writing my app.


    On 5/2/2021 at 10:31 AM, Brooklyn said:

    -1. This is bad. Gonna be blunt

    Oh yeah, it absolutely is. I've always been awful at writing these and rushing myself far more than I should, not to mention never having been a big fan of writing apps as well. Im hoping I can help fix this with this post. Thank you for your bluntness on it. I was pretty nervous when writing this and definitely didn't get out all the information I wanted to and hope I can give a lot more on what I am wanting to do here and address any concerns that people have.


    On 5/2/2021 at 10:36 AM, TheCyan said:

    Ren, you know I love you a lot from my Jedi-main days but I do have a few professional questions, as well as withholding my vote (cause, you know).


    1. In the quote above, you take basically only about the “Grey RC” system that you believe is coming to Specialized. Without being informed on this topic (excluding whatever dumb rumors you’ve probably heard), how are you really planning on incorporating this system smoothly?


    2. Presuming that Grey RC does go under specialized, how involved are you planning to be with the “Grey RCs”? 

    3. I see you mention Grey RC a lot, however if this system goes how you see it going, you will be coming into a High Command position with 4 total battalions underneath you. What are your plans, if any, for the other 3 battalions in Specialized?

    Ill start my explanations by going off Cyans quote here. As of late, I have been discussing this upcoming change a lot with founders and would like to believe myself to be informed on the changes. After talking with him, I can agree that the new RC batt that will be coming in will need a more hands-off approach rather than me being there and babysitting them. I plan on much more of a guidance role in this situation. But, until a new Kal is selected, I want to do my best here and keep everyone interested and active. I have plans to do this by things such as sims, both alone and with the rest of the regiment, as well as more events and deployments to help everyone get settled and working well together.

    Now onto the other battalions. CG and Dooms Unit is doing really well as of late and I am very happy to see where they are and where they are going here, and I am hoping I can put myself to good use for Odric and Flip. 21st is doing well too, however I do wanna try to help get them more active numbers whether that be by promoting (In rep, not ranks) their battalion in RP, or by helping keep things interesting within the group itself. Again, for the most part, I do want to be more of an advisory role to these groups and let them run themselves rather than be super hands on with everything.

    One big thing ive noticed recently that needs worked on between all groups here though has to be communication and attitude towards each other. I see it a lot coming from within CG and its something I am actively trying to fix. 



    On 5/2/2021 at 2:07 PM, BlackPink said:

    You have no plan for DU. Your plans for CG and 21st are really lacking.

    With all that said, it's gonna be a -1 from me.

    Aight, I'm adding to my first point. I ask our Commander Doom and you didn't talk to him. You app is more of an history of your time on the server than of your plan.


    On 5/2/2021 at 3:48 PM, Guac said:

    Little to no explanation as to any actual plans. You haven't even spoken to all the BCMD's of your regiment as far as I am aware. I highly suggest you void, pick up activity, speak with commanders/BCMD's, and re-apply with an actual plan


    I have taken both of your suggestions into heavy considerations and was definitely wrong to not actually talk to anyone. I have since tried to fix that issue. I have sat with Odric, Agent, and Flip and talked with them about what they'd like to see out of my term and what I can actually do to help them. I also sat with Cyan and discussed what SOBDE would need to flourish here as well. All of these individuals have given me some pretty good insight on what I should be doing more of here.


    On 5/2/2021 at 10:48 AM, Piff said:

    -1 at this point in the server you seem to just be holding onto positions just to hold onto them and I don’t think spec reg needs someone who’s going to be semi active, as well, like Conrad said this app is lacking of basically any info that most of us would like to hear about.


    On 5/2/2021 at 2:12 PM, Cuzzo said:

    This app is lacking big time on how it could benefit specialized battalions. It seems a lot like you wanna hold the position just to have it. 

    I hate to do it 



    On 5/2/2021 at 3:45 PM, Metro said:

    -1 - It doesn't seem that you have any plans or thought into this decision. Seems to be power based rather than the drive to make changes/better the regiment.

    I'm sorry you three think I'm making a power grab here and I really don't want it to seem that way. I really do want to be here and help out everyone I can in this position. I don't blame you for thinking that due to my trashy application writing. Hopefully I can remedy that here as well.

    On 5/2/2021 at 6:44 PM, Tinovious said:

    In all honesty, The points made before this one are pretty much spot on. 

    When I was actively playing on the server, I would barely see you on and if you were you were AFK. In fairness, you are as you said a married man and work full time. I don't think your IRL standing would run smoothly with the constant attention needed by a Regimental Commander. On top of that, your app is basically scraping the bottom of the barrel. It seems more of a huge power grab for the "what if" SO BDE is merged into Specialised and to handle the Grey RC. SO BDE, from my time as Prudii, Niner, and Kal to Reg, and the many other positions that followed it was always a constant flux, people not meeting standards, getting burnt out, kicked and so on. It's always in a constant state of change, and right now it's being met with even bigger change; to the point where I don't believe you would be a good fit to oversee it. As Marvel said, the transition should be handled by the founders and the appropriate chain of Command. Furthermore, you've failed to even list what you plan to do with the other battalions within the Specialised Regiment. It just seems like a huge power move to wrangle the positions of SO BDE and be the first dude to be in charge of the grey RC. This position should be with someone who won't hold it for the sake of it.


    I know a lot of people think me inactive and I can't really blame them for it. My schedule is pretty weird and puts me at a late night time-zone, however I do my best to put in day hours as well before work. Really wish I could be on during prime time a lot more, but sadly my night shift job prevents me from doing so. 


    On 5/2/2021 at 5:25 PM, Dennis said:

    -1 all most all of my interactions with you haven’t been good. Also grey RC cringe 

    I know me and you have never seen eye to eye and I am really sorry about that. I would've liked to try to fix that before you left. I know in the past ive always been one to get upset over small things and that's a big part of me that I'm trying to fix. Honestly, if I had just done more discussing and not bitching I feel like things would've gone better between us and I really want to apologize for those actions. Hope you're doing well man.



    With that being said, I will happily address any other concerns people bring to me, and If I missed your post here, just lemme know and I'll try my best to explain myself better. Hope this does a far better job at getting my ideas across than my initial application did. Also, if I misworded anything the BCMDs here have said, please let me know.


    Edit: Again, If i mis-speak here again, or if there are any more concerns, please talk to me, Im not good at doing a lot of my explanations in text, much more of a talking guy myself.

    • Winner 2
  2. Steam Name: [SR] Lie Ren

    RP Name: Executive Officer Thorn | Jedi Overseer A’Sharad Hett

    RP Rank: XO | Branch Overseer 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45142583

    Regiment you are applying for: Specialized

    Experience: (Only gonna keep the paragraphs to the Spec Reg batts)

    Senior Jedi General and Branch Overseer

    Omega Squad Atin

    Shadow Company | Spec Ops| 21st-

    This was my starting battalion here when the server first began. Came in from IFN when the split happened and stuck with it for a good deal of time. I've been in and out throughout my time here as my priorities change, but I can confidently say that this is where I have the most experience. I was here from Baron’s term to Kurts, followed by a move to CG for a good deal of time. I did return to SO a good few months and rose my way back up to COL. Then, the merge with GM happened and I did my best to help the two groups bond more. I spent a bit of time as a 2ndLT Jet before, once again, moving to CG.

    This pattern continued for a while so I’ll cut back up to the recent times i've spent there. When I rejoined 21st, I did under my 2ndLT legacy. I worked hard with the battalion, doing whatever I could to help out the Bacaras during my time. I worked with Matra, Oxen, and Mav. Due to some issues I had with a few individuals and not wanting to incite more conflict, I decided that it was the final time I parted ways with 21st. I enjoyed my time in 21st and I can confidently say it's a good place to be and has a lot of uniqueness to it.

    Coruscant Guard:

    I first joined CG during a rough time. When I joined, the battalion was having issues with an inactive BCMD. Soon after, Puck would be my first actual Fox. I served under him and rose to the rank of COL. I spent a lot of time in this position as I felt my time on the server growing stagnant. As I tended to do with 21st, I would also be in and out of this battalion (Usually swapping between this and 21st). 

    My most recent time has found me moving further than I had before in CG, up to XO. I started this time as a CSM within the battalion under Gret’s term with the same goal in mind as I usually took: to help in whatever way I could.. I took on the role of Mack and our PLTL for a good while, rising to the rank of CPT during my time as a Pilot. Soon after, I would be promoted to Commander and our Head of Affairs (Basically HR), by Gret. I watched Odric grow into the position of Fox, and unkept the role of Commander and HoA until I, as of recent, achieved XO. This, however, does not excuse my from my duties as the HR man of CG.


    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

    I beleive I am the best candidate due to my large amount of experience within the regiment as a whole. While the battalions above are where I’ve spent time, I still have worked with the other Specialized battalions during my time. In addition, I want to push myself here, and to help out everywhere with whatever I can. 

    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

    Absolutely. I would be happy to give examples upon request. I will even have lore prepped for SODBE when they do get merged.

    Availability: Im a married man and I work a full time job. I hope this is understandable. That being said, my schedule is as follows.
    Monday- Friday: I usually get on around 1 or 2 and play until 3:30 PM EST. I’m off to work from then to anywhere between 1 and 3 AM EST. After work I spend time on the server and just vibe with anyone late nights.

    Saturday & Sunday: I am usually spending time with my wife these days as I don't get to see her a lot during the week. I will usually pop on saturday for a bit to do whatever meetings I need to before giving her the rest of my time.

    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

    Senior Jedi General

    Branch Overseer

    CG XO 

    CG Head of Affairs

    21st COL

    Naval CFO

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes

    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: I want to see the new Grey RC efficiently ran and incorporated into the Spec Regiment and I want to see a general uprise in morale and numbers. 

    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    The easiest way i have as of this moment would be to run sims with them, get events out for the spec regiment, and I’ll even go as far as to get some fun activities set up outside the server to help everyone become more friendly towards each other . 

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I would rather not hold an important position and let it go to waste

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Absolutely

    P.S: I like to keep my applications to the point and find it wasteful to include a bunch of extra info. So if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or even suggestions on how I can improve myself or the regiment, don't be afraid to say something, I try to be as approachable as I can.

  3. Im being 100% honest here. Always thought Ground Crew was mega dumb and pointless. But, if someone can find a way to guide the pilots in a super easy to see manner, that doesnt require us following a tiny light and someone running around in CY whilr im trying not to hit them or anything else, then im down. 


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