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Everything posted by CruorFlumine

  1. Like @Sanchez said, I have pretty thick skin. If something bothers me, it wont show. Of course I expect to get yelled at, argued with, etc, etc. Its just a part of the job. My "thick skin" is something I've grown over the years (Especially since I work in a factory). If I am able to keep a calm composure, and be reasonable, then I highly doubt there is any situation that I cannot solve with my resources. And as to your example, I would still attempt to calm you down to have a reasonable discussion about the situation. However, as that is most likely not the case, I would, again, use my resources and mute you before explaining what punishment would be received.
  2. +1 Holy fuck, gimme some actual ground at last. And an actual vault and library, i hate this cave i gotta watch over -Jocasta
  3. RP Name: TR Operator FTL ARC CPT Ren/ Madame Jocasta Nu Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45142583 VIP (Y/N): Y Age:20 Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):` To start off with, I have been in this community for...a long ass time to put it bluntly. Now, I feel that its about time to actually do something other than walk around and talk. I was here back before Medic gained Master, before Freck was staff, and when Synergy first booted up. I have plenty of experience here and it could be put to much better use than just doing nothing. I know the rules like the back of my hand, and I have the command experience as well to help others as needed. I do hope that you will consider and accept me for staff (Finally). Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I play both Clone and jedi, a SO CPT and as Gramma Nu herself. I am a kind individual, but am not afraid to get more stern if needed. I tend to let insults towards me go, and most hostile interactions towards me not worth my own time. Do you have any previous staff experience?: Once upon a time I was a co-owner on a semi-popular DarkRP server and I have staffed on a few SWCWRP servers. How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) 1169:31:42 Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: Nope
  4. Already approved by SO command Name: SO 2ndLT Alexz/SO 2ndLT Angel Suggestion: Add the Devil Dogs as a subgroup for Special Operations. This is so we have some more lore behind us and have the ability to have elite Stealth Operatives. The models may be somewhat difficult to make, but we have no rush for this. We have one of the smallest selections of branches for a battalion and by adding this we will have a lot more to offer and be able to do our jobs more. This also give us a better model of rank structure of lore characters and helps us diversify SO. We also have an in depth breakdown of each character so you can do your own researching without all the googling. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YgXOD1zN7U38d6fZ9Wy0GHBe1QRrqsUMTnLffkGpQRk/edit Implementation add in the group like Torrent Company and have 5 named troopers and 2 other DD classes. Workshop content if applicable: Requires development, but we have our snowsuit class made already. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1190785090 When developing these models, these could be used as template. These classes could be gray phase 2 troopers with the decals they have from lore. https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/3a/DevilDogsCaptain.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180412132422 Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Devil_Dogs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bLqra23Hc4 If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or change: Devil Dog Captain Sharp Job: Devil Dog Captain Sharp Model: snowtrooper model is there, but other needs development. Weapons: Dual DC-17, DC-15A Shadow, cloaking device, DC-15, Other: He would be in charge of DD and handle leading them. Add or change: Devil Dog Lt Jark Job: Devil Dog Jark (ARC) Model:Needs development,is ARC so needs ARC model Weapons:Westar,Chaingun,Cloaking Device,RPS-6,(Standard ARC layout),etc Other: 2nd in command of DD and head of SO ARC. Add or change: Devil Dog Heavy Sten Job: Devil Dog Heavy Sten Model: Needs development, but can be like regular model just with exclusive heavy body group. Weapons:DC-17,DC-15S,DC-15A Shadow, Cloaking Device,Z-6 Other:Standard trooper layout, Only heavy in battalion Add or change: Devil Dog Blunt Job: Devil Dog Blunt Model:Needs development Weapons:Dc-17,Dc-15S,DC-15A Shadow,Cloaking Device Other: Standard trooper layout, Add or change: Devil Dog Lt Deadeye Job: Devil Dog Lt Deadeye Model:Needs development, but can be like rest of classes except for certain bodygroups that make it stand out as a Sharpshooter or if possible Weapons: Dc-17,Dc-15S,Dc-15A Shadow, Cloaking Device,Republic Sniper, Other:SharpShooter lead for SO, Add or change: Devil Dog Medic Job: Devil Dog Medic Model:Needs development, can be same as rest except for Medic backpack and maybe a few small red crosses on arms and side of helmet. Weapons:Dc-17,Dc-15S,Dc-15A Shadow,Cloaking Device,Med kit, Add or change: Devil Dog ARF Job: Devil Dog Arf Model:Needs development, but can just be old Rancor ARF from back before traumas unit with an updated look to it. That ARF model is already kind of like it, but can be custom if need be. Weapons:Cloaking Device,RPS-6,Republic Sniper,Dc-17,Dc-15s,Dc-15A Shadow, Note: We know this will take awhile, but we feel this will help diversify RP and make it so our battalion has a little more to offer. This is something we have talked about for a while, but now we feel we have the lore and research to make this possible. If you all when reading this, could at least look at lore and our battalion choices. We have the tryout documents made already and have a proper setup structure made to be ready to bring Devil Dogs in the battalion. We also compiled more than 5 pages of lore so we can use that for tryouts and model designs.
  5. Was planning on that to begin with, but I was told that I would need to make a suggestion for it.
  6. I do and there are multiple people saving up. I suppose it would make more sense to allow anyone with a flamethrower to use it as well
  7. Then we allow everyone, the reason I put it up for SO is due to the specific mention of SO and the flames troopers under Commadner jets command. If anyone with a flamethrower wants to use a snowsuit, then im cool with that. The more the merrier really
  8. Then remove flamethrowers from the store?
  9. It...Wouldnt affect events? How would allowing people who purchased a flamethrower to wear a snowsuit like in lore ruin more events?
  10. Name: SO ARC 2ndLT Angel Suggestion: Allow the SO Flame Troopers to use the EVO suit. Flame Troopers will be a Jobless group within SO and managed within. No server space will be taken up by this. Implementation: Allow SO Flame Troopers to use the EVO/Snowsuit. (This only allows us to use a bodygrouper) Lore: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ioXlHTgfqFa9s80jh7KW-jF7SHgmmuYNaS9XRF3K53k/edit?usp=sharing Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  11. im gonna give this a huge -1 First things first, Greivous. He was tortured, electrocuted, waterboarded, and had his arms and legs hacked off, and had his masked removed. What happened? "I am General Greicous and I wont ever tell you a thing!" And he preoceeds to get up and use his lightsaber while trying to escape. Next, Dooku. He came back 3? 4 times? dont do that. An event job is dead, leave it. Next, the massive mind trick of 11 jedi, half of which were masters. He still somehow resisted it. The rp was absolutely trash in the end. Ive seen good things from your events before. Dont fuck this shit up again.
  12. +1 finally got to use my lightsaber rifle
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